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Unread postby CloudRiderX » 22 Sep 2006, 19:09

Just one question:
If I want to listen to the H5 music, what program or steps should I use to hear the songs? The OGG format is unrecognizable by Windows XP and therefore I am unable to listen to it. :(

Any ideas?

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Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 22 Sep 2006, 20:28

there is an ogg plugin for media player that works fine to play ogg files.

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Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 22 Sep 2006, 21:26

I started thinking about the tediousness involved with updating mod file date stamps as each patch came out, and it dawned on me that there should be dozens of freeware proggies that would auto-update timestamps, if not within a zip file, at least for standard directories.

...sure enough, there are.

it took me 5 minutes to find one, and I put it up in the mods section: ... estamp.exe

it's a tiny little program that simply allows you to change the timestamps on files inside of directories.

so all one has to do is extract a pak file, and run the timestamp updater on the extracted directories, then repack back into the pak file.


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