Irresistible magic

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Should iresistible magic affect your own creatures?

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Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 21 Sep 2006, 13:35

You got to admit though it's an end game combo...
in h5, the only useful thing for armageddon seems to be hit-and-run tactics.

ideally using obsidian gargs, which take minimal damage from it.

I'm thinking that it must do some kind of secondary damage, or fire elementals, gargs, etc wouldn't be hurt by it at all.

if that's true, it might be an easy fix of the spells.xdb file.

still wouldn't help warlocks, but at least it would make a bit more sense.

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Unread postby AngelEyes » 21 Sep 2006, 14:27

Voted no...I miss my BD/Arm. combos!

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Unread postby Pol » 21 Sep 2006, 14:41

Gaidal Cain wrote: I don't know. But then again, how does the Black Dragon normally avoid the effects of the meteors?
Wisely flying betweens, that's comes with theirs superiority of wisdom :proud:
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Unread postby LordErtz » 21 Sep 2006, 14:47

Sir_Toejam wrote:that's quite the ridiculous argument.

think about that for a second:

spell shaping only affects friendlies, not enemy spellcasters, so why on earth would black dragons be useless?

they still have the same resistance to enemy spells.

Not true, the enemy can use your racial against your own units. So they are able to cast on your dragons based on your racial...basically any black dragon in your army immediately loses spell immunity.

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Unread postby Shauku » 21 Sep 2006, 16:08

LordErtz wrote:
Sir_Toejam wrote:that's quite the ridiculous argument.

think about that for a second:

spell shaping only affects friendlies, not enemy spellcasters, so why on earth would black dragons be useless?

they still have the same resistance to enemy spells.

Not true, the enemy can use your racial against your own units. So they are able to cast on your dragons based on your racial...basically any black dragon in your army immediately loses spell immunity.
No enemy can gain ANY use of your racial. Irresistable works only for
a) Warlocks
b) Destructive spells

LordErtz even that you dislike the game and obviously don't care enough to play to know how Irresistable magic works, could you please not spread information as if you knew how it works?

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 21 Sep 2006, 16:27

Shauku wrote: No enemy can gain ANY use of your racial. Irresistable works only for:
Actualy that's either a bug from previous versions or the Magic Fist spell, which is considered a normal attack. Don't recall which, but i remember it being talked about some time ago.
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Unread postby Shauku » 21 Sep 2006, 16:43

a) Magic Fist working on Blacks has got nothing to do with the racial

b) If it's a bug from version 1.0, then it probably shouldn't be on this conversation.

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Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 21 Sep 2006, 16:45

TT, pass that joint over here, would ya?


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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 21 Sep 2006, 17:22

Sir_Toejam wrote:TT, pass that joint over here, would ya?
NO, it's mine... you want to kill me for it don't you. :scared:

Yeah, but you accused him of not playing the game.
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Unread postby LordErtz » 22 Sep 2006, 00:33

ThunderTitan wrote:
Shauku wrote: No enemy can gain ANY use of your racial. Irresistable works only for:
Actualy that's either a bug from previous versions or the Magic Fist spell, which is considered a normal attack. Don't recall which, but i remember it being talked about some time ago.
Yeah, it was/is a bug.

I still have no confirmation that it was actually fixed, whether on the buglist or in any patch changelog

OH LOOK! ITS STILL ON THE BUGLIST AS NOT FIXED...but thanks for playing Shauku.


Necromancy seems to raise more than the description suggests (appears to be based on HP instead of numbers).

Irresistible magic per level increases Elemental Chains damage, but has no description for it in the tooltip.

Irresistible magic affects your own units.

The attack and defense skills are written in lower case

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 22 Sep 2006, 00:40

LordErtz wrote: OH LOOK! ITS STILL ON THE BUGLIST AS NOT FIXED...but thanks for playing Shauku.
I'm not sure anyone tested it for 1.3 though.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 22 Sep 2006, 00:58

LordErtz wrote: Irresistible magic affects your own units.
Umm...That means that you can hurt them with a spell,not your enemy,unless he has irresistable magic too.

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Unread postby cornellian » 22 Sep 2006, 01:44

And that is the reason why it should work on your creatures as well. It doesn't give your enemy an advantage, it merely, and partially I must add, takes away a very cheap way of winning that was in Heroes. Having 20+ black dragons (enough to last against the enemy attacks while you annihilate everything except blackkies) shouldn't mean that you win the game automatically, which was usually the case before..

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 22 Sep 2006, 01:51

cornellian wrote:And that is the reason why it should work on your creatures as well. It doesn't give your enemy an advantage, it merely, and partially I must add, takes away a very cheap way of winning that was in Heroes. Having 20+ black dragons (enough to last against the enemy attacks while you annihilate everything except blackkies) shouldn't mean that you win the game automatically, which was usually the case before..
Cheap?Sure,roughly 50000 gold and ~100 resources is very cheap.Besides,it just makes your racial special weaker then the others racial specials.

I wouldnt mind if DD spells were stronger,but having a 1000 something implosion,when your creatures deal 10000 damage is nothing special.

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Unread postby cornellian » 22 Sep 2006, 01:56

50000 gold and 100 resources is nothing after week 6, and especially if you have more than a castle.. Come on now, we all played Heroes, and should know how an easily done cookie cutter build, like the fireguards in Heroes IV, is like a pickle in a jelly jar, it ruins the whole thing..

Don't you remember the fireguards in H IV DL, pick stealth, pick destruction magic, build dragon spire, and survive for five weeks to win the game.. How is this a challenge of any kind?

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 22 Sep 2006, 01:59

Ah,but heroes in HIV were greatly ubalanced.Here,they are a bit less unbalanced.But then again,the game is heroes of might and magic,so focus should be on heroes.And I wouldnt mind irresistable magic hurting my dragons if my buffs would affect it as well,or if my spells were stronger.

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Unread postby Shauku » 22 Sep 2006, 06:10

"Irresistible magic affects your own units" is a completely different thing to what you claimed
LordErtz wrote:
Not true, the enemy can use your racial against your own units. So they are able to cast on your dragons based on your racial...basically any black dragon in your army immediately loses spell immunity.

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Unread postby mr.dna » 22 Sep 2006, 13:08

DaemianLucifer wrote:
cornellian wrote:And that is the reason why it should work on your creatures as well. It doesn't give your enemy an advantage, it merely, and partially I must add, takes away a very cheap way of winning that was in Heroes. Having 20+ black dragons (enough to last against the enemy attacks while you annihilate everything except blackkies) shouldn't mean that you win the game automatically, which was usually the case before..
Cheap?Sure,roughly 50000 gold and ~100 resources is very cheap.Besides,it just makes your racial special weaker then the others racial specials.

I wouldnt mind if DD spells were stronger,but having a 1000 something implosion,when your creatures deal 10000 damage is nothing special.
I've had implosion doing 4.3K damage (Impowered + Warlocks luck), so it can be quite powerfull. SAme with Armageddon (Although I dare not use it, ATM even though I both have resistance, protection). Does anyone know how these work in effect with Black Dragons?

how much would a 1000 hp armageddon harm a BD with these abilities? and would thw BD have a chance to avoid the spell?

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Unread postby Cyrox » 22 Sep 2006, 14:17

hey ive a question: does armagaeddon affect creatures with the light magic spell Magical Immunity on them? Anyone tested this yet?

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 22 Sep 2006, 15:02

I think it does,though I didnt test it.Irresistabe magic is a weird one.For example,when unicorns resistance triggers,or when due to artfact or skill a creature still receives some damage,and is affected by master of ice/storm/fire.As for blacks,expert irresistable magic would do them half damage,so 1000 damage armagedon would do 500 to blackies.Also,dont count warlocks luck because it triggers just half of the time,so the summed effect would be lower.I actually did 10k damage with creatures(not counting lucky shots)a few times.In those battles,casting even an empowered 2000+ implosion,or 1000+ empowered meteor shower wasnt that much.

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