Patch 1.3 changelog, patch due September 13th.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 13 Sep 2006, 02:03

maltz wrote:- every casting of Raise Dead lowers HP of the affected stack by 20% until end of combat
- every casting of Ressurection lowers HP of the affected stack by 10% until end of combat

This sucks. Doesn't make any F*NG sense at all.
Of course it does.The spell is so powerfull that it consumes not just mana,but life force of the stack as well.
Sir Charles wrote:Well, I don't see the point in attempting to impose logic on a heroes game that includes STACKS. I'm sure there are some other possible solutions, but while not certainly looks to be a very practical solution.
Actually it does,because stacks are just models of armies.Its like saying that applying gravity to a paper plane is useless because it is made out of paper.

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Unread postby asandir » 13 Sep 2006, 02:09

yeah makes sense to me too, but then i have the benefit of having JJ explain it to me a few weeks ago .... that was fun :D
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Unread postby Sir Charles » 13 Sep 2006, 02:15

DaemianLucifer wrote:
Sir Charles wrote:Well, I don't see the point in attempting to impose logic on a heroes game that includes STACKS. I'm sure there are some other possible solutions, but while not certainly looks to be a very practical solution.
Actually it does,because stacks are just models of armies.Its like saying that applying gravity to a paper plane is useless because it is made out of paper.
I wasn't saying that it doesn't make sence. I understand the reasoning behind it. But it's still not logical. But that's simply because stacks aren't really logical either. If you've got an army of 50 units and you curse ONE of them, all 50 shouldn't be cursed. But with stacks, it's the only way to really make the system work. Illogical, but smart and effective.
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Unread postby asandir » 13 Sep 2006, 02:17

indeed .... and lets not place too much logic into a fantasy game, cause it just gets in the way of fun
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 13 Sep 2006, 02:26

Again,logic is a really stretched thing with models.Some rules of the real world are simply disregarded in order for the model to work out.

And that cursing thing is exactly why I think even curses/buffs should be affected by spellpower.A powerful mage can curse multiple units,thus decreasing the overal stacks usefulness more than a weak one that curses just one unit.

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Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 13 Sep 2006, 02:31

Illogical, but smart and effective
better phrased as "logical given the constraints of stacks".
And that cursing thing is exactly why I think even curses/buffs should be affected by spellpower.
curse/buffs are affected by the level of expertise of the caster, with the duration being affected by power.

are you saying that the level of buff should also be affected by power? cause if so, there seems little point for taking ANY magic school if you are a low power caster like haven.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 13 Sep 2006, 02:37

This is what I had in mind.

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Unread postby sylvanllewelyn » 13 Sep 2006, 04:02

Although the changes to resurrection and raise dead is weakened in most cases, it's not necessarily the case. If you reduce the hitpoints of a stack of damage dealers, your next resurrect will bring back more units, because the spell itself counts hit-points. If I keep raising my skeleton archers this way, it might actually make it more dangerous during the battle, as soon, one raise dead will bring back my whole stack as opposed to a quarter of it.

Of course, if they "remember" how many times the spells have been cast on that stack, and reduce the hitpoints raised, then yes, it is a real nerf.

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Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 13 Sep 2006, 04:08

I think the main imbalance with the necros was the quadrillion skelly archers, not so much raise dead. They have eternal servitude to help minimize loses along with raise dead.

And the academy is pretty much relaint on spells (knowledge, spellpower) and their main spell school took a big hit in Phantom Forces, their most powerful spell. I don't think that the change to arcane armor or the mine spell is going to offset that.

It remains to be seen if the building cost adjustment will put the academy in contention after taking the hit in their arcane abilities yet once again.

Edit: A better change in phantom forces would have been to make the abilities of the phantom contingent on the summoning skill, so those who invest in summoning magic have more powerful phantoms than anyone else. At expert level the phantom would have all the abilities and shots of the creature instead of making it more of a meat shield that can be destroyed by one point of damage.

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Unread postby Psychobabble » 13 Sep 2006, 04:26

Wow, that's a whole lotta changes. There's some strategy guides/walkthroughs gonna need some modifying, so many exploits gone :.

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Unread postby asandir » 13 Sep 2006, 04:28

sylvanllewelyn wrote:Although the changes to resurrection and raise dead is weakened in most cases, it's not necessarily the case. If you reduce the hitpoints of a stack of damage dealers, your next resurrect will bring back more units, because the spell itself counts hit-points. If I keep raising my skeleton archers this way, it might actually make it more dangerous during the battle, as soon, one raise dead will bring back my whole stack as opposed to a quarter of it.

Of course, if they "remember" how many times the spells have been cast on that stack, and reduce the hitpoints raised, then yes, it is a real nerf.
interesting, didn't think of that .... i wonder if nival did??

and GOW - i agree with that - academy requires help not the opposite, but the PF change doesn't seem too bad to me, i just think they needed to unnerf summon elementals a bit and hopefully they do fix some of the resource dependance that acaedmy has
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 13 Sep 2006, 04:33

Grumpy Old Wizard wrote: Edit: A better change in phantom forces would have been to make the abilities of the phantom contingent on the summoning skill, so those who invest in summoning magic have more powerful phantoms than anyone else. At expert level the phantom would have all the abilities and shots of the creature instead of making it more of a meat shield that can be destroyed by one point of damage.
Isnt it already mastery dependant?Arent you unable to PF high tier units without a mastery in summoning magic?And it is a good nerf,but removing etheral was unnecessary.They only shouldve made it PF a number of units depending on your SP(maybe 100*SP hitpoints,or 10*SP/tier level units).But at least mines became more usefull.Now all they have to do is improve firewall and wasp swarm to make the school a good one.

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Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 13 Sep 2006, 05:53

DaemianLucifer wrote:
Grumpy Old Wizard wrote: Edit: A better change in phantom forces would have been to make the abilities of the phantom contingent on the summoning skill, so those who invest in summoning magic have more powerful phantoms than anyone else. At expert level the phantom would have all the abilities and shots of the creature instead of making it more of a meat shield that can be destroyed by one point of damage.
Isnt it already mastery dependant?Arent you unable to PF high tier units without a mastery in summoning magic?And it is a good nerf,but removing etheral was unnecessary.They only shouldve made it PF a number of units depending on your SP(maybe 100*SP hitpoints,or 10*SP/tier level units).But at least mines became more usefull.Now all they have to do is improve firewall and wasp swarm to make the school a good one.
Being able to clone higher levels is mastery dependent, yes. But I meant that a clone should have all the abilities of the creature at expert level. Otherwise if you only intend to clone low level stacks (like 5 thousand skellies) there is no need to take summoning magic, just take insight instead.

The summoning school was already the weakest school and now it is even weaker. The summons direct damage spells (fist, swarm) are weak, and the summon elemental spell was nerfed to uselessness (for a level 4 spell;in patch 1.2) and now phantom forces has been nerfed too much. Firewall as you say needs to be improved and is useful only in very limited situations. It is good that firetrap was improved but it can only be useful against walkers. Arcane armor was improved, but relying on a damage reduction spell will not win battles. If it were a mass effect spell it might see some use, but as it is I have seldom ever cast it.

Like I said, I think there were some good changes, but there were some questionable changes too. We'll just have to see what tommorow brings us.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 13 Sep 2006, 06:16

Grumpy Old Wizard wrote:It is good that firetrap was improved but it can only be useful against walkers.
Unless the flyer lands on it.Its a nice spell to put in front of your archers.If it works as I think it does,walkers will surelly die when they try to attack,and flyers will be severly hurt.

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Unread postby J_C_Denton1 » 13 Sep 2006, 06:47

Tomorrow we will publish 1.3 as well as the map around approx. 18:00 Patch editor. Here already once the German Readme.


Heroes OF Might & Magic V
Patch version 1.3

August 2006

Table of contents

1. System requirements
2. Installation
3. Changes in Patch 1.3
4. Admitted problems
5. Problem recovery
7. Technical customer service
8. Legal information

1. System requirements


- operating system: Windows 2000/XP, SP2, DirectX 9.0C
- processor: Pentium 4/Athlon 1.5 Ghz
- RAM: 512 MT
- diagram map: 128 MT AGP GeForce4 Ti4200/Radeon 8500
- CD-/DVD-ROM: 32x
- sound: DirectX compatible PCI-16bit-Soundkarte


- operating system: Windows 2000/XP, SP2, DirectX 9.0C
- processor: Pentium 4/Athlon 2.4 Ghz
- RAM: 1024 MT
- diagram map: 256 MT AGP 8x GeForceFX 6600/Radeon x800
- CD-/DVD-ROM: 32x
- sound: Dolby Surround 5,1 sound processor

2. Installation

Please you guarantee that you install the correct Patch for your play version.

1. Close all programs before you the Heroes OF Might & install Magic V Patch 1,3.

2. Start the Patch file

3. Obey the instructions on the screen.

After the installation you can start the play with: > > Heroes OF Might and Magic V. Alternativ in addition you doubleclick Ubisoft - > Heroes OF Might and Magic V - to start - > all programs - on the Icon of the file Heroes.exe in the play listing (the play normally into the listing "C:\Programme\Ubisoft\Heroes OF Might and Magic V" installed).

If you load stored plays from an older version, some corrections become only effective after the map restart.

The previous versions of the play (1,0, 1,1 and 1,2) do not affect the classification during a duel; only the version 1.3 is to be computed able this classification.

The point valuation from Patch 1,2 is not relevant far for Patch 1,3, because the computation of the points was fundamentally revised, so that the maps for a point valuation must be repeated completely.

The rank list places temporarily from the player list in the lobby one removed and later again available will be. At present they are attainable over the player profile.

3. Changes in Patch 1.3

New characteristics:

- map editor; They find a linkage to the manual in the starting menu or can it directly in the file "Heroes OF Might and Magic V\Editor documentation folder" find.

Duel mode:
- new 3 x 3 duel format
- arbitrary hero choice for duel mode
- interface for hero and army info.

New menu for mission results

Hotkey (ALTO) to emphasizing all interactive objects on the map (raw materials, monster, building etc.).
Hotkey ' CTRL ' + ' 1.2.3... ' in the castles

Four new multi-player maps:
- "the school"
- "allied"
- "wind rose"
- "no man's land"

List of the corrections:

Crashes and stability.
- the play does not fall, if during storing sufficient place on the non removable disk is not
- were eliminated several nose in the spirit mode, which led to freezing the play

- "country of the discharging" does not have unbegehbaren objects more
- "ascent to power" does not have unattainable monsters more

Corrected error in the games functions.
- the spirit cannot see the number of creatures in a department on the map to no more, if one of the heroes of the player developed the capability Spaehen
- all creatures can use their special abilities under the influence of the charm doll player
- the taxpayer ability of the farmers functions also correctly if the farmers in departments are divided
- error corrects, which made the sales possible from mini artifacts acquired at the half price to the full price
- Shalassas ship functions also under bridges and at certain beaches perfectly
- the capability remote control was corrected
- elementary ones can emerge now in the list of the ore enemies
- a hero, who uses the angel wings, can now with one mouse-clicks to be continued.
- if a hero by a portal or a vortex moved updates himself its Patch now.
- the AI players collect the artifacts now properly in.

Changes in the play equilibrium:
- the damage of the charm meteorite hail was reduced to the progressing and masterly one stage
- the charm doll player is not more waived, if the department under influence of the charm suffers damage; but each player can have in each case a doll player actively
- the charm case of fire platziert the mines no longer indiscriminately on the entire battleground, but in a 5x5 of fields measuring range, which the player selects (within this range however still indiscriminately)
- Arkane armament absorbs more damage
- the charm phantom army permits only the erschaffung phantoms for each department; phantom has no special abilities and exactly the same much ammunition like the original
- the charm creature transfer uses now 75% of the points of movement of a hero; if the hero used already too many points of movement, the charm is no longer available in this round
- each application of the charm Untote arousing lowers the points of life of the creatures of the department concerned up to the end of the fight for 20%
- each application of the charm Auferstehung lowers the points of life of the creatures of the department concerned up to the end of the fight for 10%
- the capability master of the anger gives additionally effective charm strength for working the charm word of the light to +4
- the capability master of the pain gives additionally effective charm strength for working the charm curse of the underworld to +4
- ghost/fright ghosts have now more points of life, arrange however less damage
- the specialization commander of the Kavallerie gives the bonuses no longer for each put back field, but only for the total damage, whereby this reduces you drastically
- the specialization iron virgin increases the charm strength for working the fire ball in each case all five hero stages by 1
- the specialization rapid slamming shut gives 0.5% Initiave bonus per hero stage at the beginning of the fight only
- the specialization revival increases the effective charm strength of the charm Untote arousing only all five hero stages by 1
- the building costs in the cities were adapted
- the specialization master of the poison functions now correctly.
- Eruina duel pre-setting: The army was weakened a little
- Lethos duel pre-setting: Artifact "four-leaf clover sheet" became now the "Tunika of the worked on meat".
- the Mana costs of charms 3., 4. and 5. Stage were increased
- the ability "war machines" adds now points of hit to the war machine.
- catapult has now an unlimited quantity of ammunition.
- witch masters, Zauberer and Nekromanten have now a star charm.

Camera, diagram, user surface
- the charm effects are accelerated now together with the animations
- if a hero moved, follows himself him the camera, instead of holding rigidly the position
- the knights do not disappear any longer, if they carry Gegenwehr out against Obsidiangargoyle
- in the refuge no more building textures disappear, if town hall or city hall is built
- if into the spirit mode, follows the camera is changed now the spirit
- the fight on a bridge now always takes place on the appropriate area

- after the victory over an opposing hero the information about captured Trophaeen is faded in
- some Tooltips in the interface of the duel lobby were corrected
- in the duel interface the hero Icons no more is not overlaid by the information about its stages
- the combat information in connection with working the first aid tent was corrected
- the combat information of the damage which can be expected is now completely indicated
- several info texts in the spirit mode were corrected
- in a city without hero also the extended Tooltips for creatures is to be seen now
- in the fight there are now also Tooltips for walls and gates, which indicate the remaining points of life
- information about the other player in the Hot Seat mode is not now any longer indicated.
- creatures of allied heroes can now will not no more dismiss.
- switching the heroes in the tavern and on the info. screen functions now correctly.
- allied can now the parts of the map seheh, which were opened over the Magierturm or the observatory.
- some text corrections were made

... and still more.

4. Admitted problems

- deactivating the ' v-Sync'-option of your diagram map can lead in cities with manual camera rotation to jerking animations.
- loading of spielstaenden from anderssprachigen versions can lead to incorrect type representation or to it that the information in another language than the selected is shown.

5. Problem recovery

5.1 overhauled or wrong diagram drivers can to problems lead. Before you contact the support, make sure please that they installed the newest versions of the diagram drivers and the korrrekte DirectX 9.0c-Version for your system. The newest drivers find you for example under: for nVIDIA Grafikkarten nowledge&folderID=27 for ATI Grafikkarten.
The Spielinstallations CD contains a version of DirectX 9.0c

5.2 before you start the play, should you make sure that no other programs run.

5.3 the play cannot be played over a HTTP per XY server. The player needs a direct (IP address) InterNet connection or NAT over Intranet. If Firewalls are active, must be opened some haven:
6668 TCP (IRC Server(Chat in the lobby))
40000 tons of 42999 TCP (different servers)
44000 UDP (CD inquiry server)
45000 UDP (NAT server)
42500 UDP (CD inquiry, local haven, can be configured over the config files of the play: "net_ubi_cdkey_port setvar = ")
8888.8889 UDP UDP (the actual play, can be configured over the config files of the play: "net_game_port setvar = "net_lan_match_maker_port," setvar = ")

6. Technical customer service

Before you contact the technical support of Ubisoft, read please the existing FAQs and throw you a view into our on-line support:
There you find the most current information about the play.

In addition you make sure please that the minimum conditions for system do not fulfill your computer fulfilled, since our support team cannot help customers their computer these criteria.

If you contact the technical support, attach the following information or hold you ready these in the case of a call:

- complete title (including version number)
- exact error message (if available) and a short description of the problem
- manufacturers and speed of the processor
- RAM memory
- operating system
- diagram map and their RAM memory
- manufacturers and speed of the CD /DVD drive assembly
- kind of the sound map

Contact us over the InterNet.
That is the best way to respond and. Our Website is opened continuous and contains the most current information as well as all existing Patches, which can be downloaded free of charge. The support sides are brought daily on the newest conditions, therefore you make sure first whether you can find the solution for your problems here:

Contact us over email. Over our Website inquiries posed are fastest answered.

7. Legal information

Heroes OF Might and Magic is A registered trademark OF Ubisoft. Pentium, Microsoft Windows, Athlon, GeForce, Radeon, SoundBlaster, DirectX of acres trademarks
OF their respective owners.

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Unread postby Arqane » 13 Sep 2006, 07:05

Ah, I love direct translations. That was pretty funny. Of course, it's still better than someone trying to translate the grammar correctly, something always gets lost.

I really love the "Tunika of the worked on meat" (Tunic of Carved Flesh)

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Unread postby h4mx0r » 13 Sep 2006, 07:12

so FFA is still the only gametype I guess >:[

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Unread postby Mytical » 13 Sep 2006, 07:25

Would somebody at least try to translate that? Regardless..

My favorite spell has been pretty much made least the do get ranged however it seems (so my archimagi can still shoot). They made others more powerful, go figure (somebody there must be a fan of the other spell types and hate summons magic). I've said all I will say on the ressurect/raise dead issue (still don't see what if you have a large stack all should pay for a few). Who cares if arcane armor absorbs more? it isn't mass, so there goes a lot of casting time (and hey hope your enemy doesn't have mass clense, thank you for coming please come back again). the 5X5 area that you get to choose is great (for fire trap) the fact that they could be anywhere in there is not.

In the end, even if they balance academy cost, academy has taken some major set backs. Yay for dungeon and necro though (well except the raise dead thing).
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Unread postby asandir » 13 Sep 2006, 07:33

wow .... kinda, well, i think, like the ones before, we will know how it goes as soon as a few people have tried the changes
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Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 13 Sep 2006, 07:37

DaemianLucifer wrote:
Grumpy Old Wizard wrote:It is good that firetrap was improved but it can only be useful against walkers.
Unless the flyer lands on it.Its a nice spell to put in front of your archers.If it works as I think it does,walkers will surelly die when they try to attack,and flyers will be severly hurt.
The improvement in fire trap(level 1 spell) gives the magic user an incentive to develop his summoning skill early even though he can't build his mages guild up for a while as expert summoning at level 4 would really help out against walkers early on, especially slow walkers. This may help the academy expand quicker early, though the wizard has poor spell power to use it effectively.

A town with speedy low level creatures (like sprites) will be able to lead the AI walkers through the mine field several times
(particularly if there are obstacles that help out) to get maximum usage out of it. Gargoyles may work for the wizard here if building cost rebalancing allows the wizard to build them in the first week.

Expert summoning will let the caster put 8 mines in the new 5x5 area, almost one-third of the squares in the field. Each trap does 50+10xSpellPower. Master of Earthblood adds four to spellpower.

So, a large flyer, like a griffon would have a good chance of landing on 2 mines. If both traps cause damage to the unit the damage could be nice, though a wizard's spellpower is typically poor, which is one reason the academy had to rely on the now nerfed PF.

I'm wondering what happens if fire trap is cast on the same area twice. I guess we'll soon be able to discover the answer to that question.
Mytical wrote:My favorite spell has been pretty much made least the do get ranged however it seems (so my archimagi can still shoot).
I wonder if the archmagi image will have the ability to shoot through troops like the archmagi(since the log says the clones don't get special abilities.)

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