Heroes V, Heroes II?

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 11 Jan 2006, 19:33

Orfinn wrote:Just to mention, Spellforce 2 is coming this summer :-D And the graphics looks gorgeous.

HV dont look like W3 graphichs, hello!!! W3 graphic engine is old and ugly , HV looks so much better in comparison :hoo:
So dont come and tell me the knights in W3 looks just the same as those in H5. Its just a lame excuse for bothering they who understand the difference, no offence anyone but think about it ;|

Same type/style of graphics! Sure HoMM looks better, hello, WCIII came out a couple of years ago. The D2 graphics are also dated, but i still like the look of the units better than the ones in HoMM5. IMO it's not about the pixel number, but the artistic style. I'm not a fan of the WCIII style that seems to be used in more and more games.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 11 Jan 2006, 19:54

HV has a mix of styles.Some toilet(inferno and that Juke Box),some manga(angels,elves,vampires and such),and some I dont know(but there might be those that recognize them).

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Unread postby thanasis » 11 Jan 2006, 20:16

lpatenaude wrote:
thanasis wrote:May I visit your WC please?I will leave after the release date!!!! :D
Does WCIII refer to WarCraftIII or Warlords'BattleCryIII?

It does not matter wich one is which, since WCIII has been released for quite a while(years as I can recall)and, on the shelves of (almost) every electronic/gaming store, right here, in Ottawa, Canada.

WBCIII has been spotted just yesterday(Tuesday 10th, 2006) on the PC games shelves of Best-Buy Canada in the very west-end of Ottawa(former city of Nepean), Canada.

They were quite reasonable with the pricing, I say.

Personnally, I just love their graphics and feel of gameplay, they're so realistic to the point that you get to think that you're actually on the battlefield(which turns out to be every square foot of the map in gameplay) and, you can see the time get by in front of your own very eyes. EI: soldier dies and you can see, in real time, the body disentegrating as the rotting of its remains goes back to the very ground they bred and born onto. Gives every player the feeling of Godhood and the eternal immortality that comes with it. Played WBCII quite extensively a few years back(2002). Truly recommend anyone to try these two titles, they're totally awesome. I think HoMMV will have the same feel to the overall gameplay and, will attract all sorts of people from all walks of life.

So, eventually, the Tutorial is a must to try and get to awe at HoMMV's gameplay's splendor.

Enjoy HoMMV upon its Spring release everyone! :)
I want the tutorial
where is it

PS:WC=Toilet :S :S :S :S

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 11 Jan 2006, 20:50

DaemianLucifer wrote:HV has a mix of styles.Some toilet(inferno and that Juke Box),some manga(angels,elves,vampires and such),and some I dont know(but there might be those that recognize them).
I was talking more about the blocky/strait angles thing. And the art seems french to me, they do have anime influences in french art, that's why it might seem anime to you.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 11 Jan 2006, 20:55

Well,I noticed the toilet influence just in these creatures(demons and Juke Box),buildings and those flashy auras and symbols.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 11 Jan 2006, 21:25

DaemianLucifer wrote:Well,I noticed the toilet influence just in these creatures(demons and Juke Box),buildings and those flashy auras and symbols.
Art wise, yes, i was talking more about the type of 3D graphics (the engine). Guess we have different things we dont like about the toilet...
I also don't like french art (the current one) very much, it's not bad, but for some reason it annoys me.
So WC graphics + french art = very much not my thing. But i'll gladly ignore it if the gameplay is good (if i like it).
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Unread postby lord_crusader » 12 Jan 2006, 01:52

ThunderTitan wrote:
lord_crusader wrote:Yes I though the same thing as you... I really love H2 graphics and surely in heroes V there are H2 feeling:)
I loved H2 graphics, but i don't really see any real resemblance to them in H5, except maybe the colourfullness!
did you saw the knight(aka the crusader)??? that unit remembers me that gold crusader :), some units especially the castle ones have the H2 touch... I guess would be nice have that sound again:
whinkwhinkwhink shamm shamm!!
yay :)

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 12 Jan 2006, 03:01

lord_crusader wrote:
ThunderTitan wrote: did you saw the knight(aka the crusader)??? that unit remembers me that gold crusader :), some units especially the castle ones have the H2 touch... I guess would be nice have that sound again:
whinkwhinkwhink shamm shamm!!
Doubtful, as the new M&M universe is suposed to be more "mature", whatever the heck that means.
Personaly i don't see the resemblance, but if you do thats your business!
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Unread postby innokenti » 12 Jan 2006, 09:52

WC3 (Which I referred to as Tungsten Carbide since if such a chemical existed then it's formula would be WC, yes) I think is brillian in almost every respect and the graphics work because of their slightly cartoony childish nature. I think it's really the ideology that is similar between it and HoMM2/5.

Anyway, being Russian and a fan of the games Nival makes I really can't forgive them for the visual style of Etherlords and the fact they're using the same one for HoMM5 now. They had essentially made a Magic the Gathering-based HoMM-influence game and now it seems that the fact it was based on HoMM influences their graphics decision now. Looking at all their other games I can't argue with the sort of quality the artists have produced.

To be honest I've had more thoughts now and HoMM5 graphics so far looks like 'cheesy overblown fantasy' which is perhaps just a step too far from the stylish 'fairy-tale-style fantasy' of HoMM2.

I have no idea what I'm trying to say really.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 12 Jan 2006, 10:30

innokenti wrote:WC3 (Which I referred to as Tungsten Carbide since if such a chemical existed then it's formula would be WC, yes) I think is brillian in almost every respect and the graphics work because of their slightly cartoony childish nature. I think it's really the ideology that is similar between it and HoMM2/5.

To be honest I've had more thoughts now and HoMM5 graphics so far looks like 'cheesy overblown fantasy' which is perhaps just a step too far from the stylish 'fairy-tale-style fantasy' of HoMM2.
I concur. The WC3 graphics do work, for WC (IMHO), not HoMM.
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Unread postby omegaweix » 12 Jan 2006, 16:31

innokenti wrote:
Anyway, being Russian and a fan of the games Nival makes I really can't forgive them for the visual style of Etherlords and the fact they're using the same one for HoMM5 now. They had essentially made a Magic the Gathering-based HoMM-influence game and now it seems that the fact it was based on HoMM influences their graphics decision now.

Yes, YESS!!!
At last someone spotted the partial Nival "style recycling" too.

When i first saw screens of all those dungeon mistresses, they suddenly reminded me of those Etherlords II Heroes called "Kinets".... and since then i sensed some artistic similarities between thoes two games!
Well, it's understandable that a game studio has it's unique "look and feel", but for a while i was really afraid of an EtherHeroes V....

... although i' believe now, that this fear of mine is rather inadequate!

There ARE a few similarities but i think the overal look quite fits to a Heroes game (after a little acclimatisation)!

And I really would have disliked ANY GAMEPLAY features from Etherlords being sneaked into Heroes V....

Etherlords II wasn't a bad game though except it's rather constrict ways on the adventure map (go to creature A, defeat it, get new spell B that you need when you have to battle creature C two steps ahead).... sometimes i felt like being on a oneway fantasy railroad!
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Unread postby Marcus333 » 14 Jan 2006, 02:39

I don't think the two games has so much in common when it comes to graphics. Both of them are good, and I wouldn't know which to choose, if I had to. HoMM II graphics bring so many memories back to me... Of the good old days...

Well... Maybe I get a little too much carried away when it comes to memories... But then again, maybe the HoMM V graphics also bring some good memories, when thinking of the game in a couple of years after its release? I hope so...

We'll just have to wait and check the open beta out. I'm really looking forward to it... Nice...

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Unread postby lordskeleton » 14 Jan 2006, 04:00

Well, it's colorful, no doubt about it. But beyond that and the fact that
there are 6 cities I'd say it's more of a manga/warhammer/H3-merge.

I will always have something against unproportional bodyparts/armors
and that angels sword will haunt my dreams for many years.

Still, I think we've had enough whining threads,
and to stay on topic: read first two sentences.
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Unread postby Thelonious » 14 Jan 2006, 10:18

DaemianLucifer wrote:No piglidyte,thats my toilet!Respect my athoratha! :devil:
Will you stop calling me that! It's Troglodyte! There is no connection between pigs and frogs!

Anyway, the graphics look great I don't have anything to remark on them. They're better than the HoMM IV ones so..

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Unread postby Montezuma » 15 Jan 2006, 16:30

Thelonious wrote: Anyway, the graphics look great I don't have anything to remark on them. They're better than the HoMM IV ones so..
A LOT better, if I might add. And I don't see what the big fuzz is about the graphics anyway. After all, people will never be happy about them. Sure, they may look a bit chunky or "toilet", but they are not bad. And if Nival, just to take an example, actually made better graphics to the game, people would still complain. Why? Because now the game demands a better computer to run!
Looks like Warcraft/Warhammer/Etherlords/any random succesfull fantasy strategy? Sure it does. Why throw out something that works?
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 15 Jan 2006, 19:12

Thelonious wrote:
DaemianLucifer wrote:No piglidyte,thats my toilet!Respect my athoratha! :devil:
Will you stop calling me that! It's Troglodyte! There is no connection between pigs and frogs!
Its pi(xie-tro)glidyte,since that is the rank at which you got knighted,it remains with you forever :devil:

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Unread postby Merciless.Magal » 18 Jan 2006, 12:28

i agree that it is more colorfull, but other than that it is completely different from HoMM II... i clearly see the resemblance to Warcraft III graphic style though.

Ill say this, it looks good enough to my eyes, i dont really care too much about graphics on a TBS game, to me is totally secondary, although good eyecandy always help. If you ask me i would really preffer it to look a bit more like Heroes of MM and less like Warcraft, but like i already said, it does look good enough for me to not really care about the style.

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Unread postby Thelonious » 18 Jan 2006, 14:33

DaemianLucifer wrote:Its pi(xie-tro)glidyte,since that is the rank at which you got knighted,it remains with you forever :devil:
I was knighted before you even got to these forae :tongue: I had more than a 1000 posts on the last froum :proud: :proud:, the title wasn't awarded to me untill I got the rank of pixi. That's a mayor difference.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 18 Jan 2006, 23:27

Merciless.Magal wrote: Ill say this, it looks good enough to my eyes, i dont really care too much about graphics on a TBS game, to me is totally secondary, although good eyecandy always help. If you ask me i would really preffer it to look a bit more like Heroes of MM and less like Warcraft, but like i already said, it does look good enough for me to not really care about the style.
I'm really starting to hate the graphics (hopefully they won't look as bad in motion), but I agree with you, they're not that important. The art style/creature look is more annoying to me though. Still nothing that i can't get over, but I still wish i didn't have to.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 18 Jan 2006, 23:30

Montezuma wrote: A LOT better, if I might add. And I don't see what the big fuzz is about the graphics anyway. After all, people will never be happy about them. Sure, they may look a bit chunky or "toilet", but they are not bad. And if Nival, just to take an example, actually made better graphics to the game, people would still complain. Why? Because now the game demands a better computer to run!

Ever played Disciples 2? IMO that game looked better, and demanded less. It's not the polygon number i don't like, is the weird straight angles and stuff like that I don't like.
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