Orfinn wrote:Just to mention, Spellforce 2 is coming this summerAnd the graphics looks gorgeous.
HV dont look like W3 graphichs, hello!!! W3 graphic engine is old and ugly , HV looks so much better in comparison
So dont come and tell me the knights in W3 looks just the same as those in H5. Its just a lame excuse for bothering they who understand the difference, no offence anyone but think about it
Same type/style of graphics! Sure HoMM looks better, hello, WCIII came out a couple of years ago. The D2 graphics are also dated, but i still like the look of the units better than the ones in HoMM5. IMO it's not about the pixel number, but the artistic style. I'm not a fan of the WCIII style that seems to be used in more and more games.