You know a game's good when it creates evangelists

. Personally I have two "conversions" (or do I say souls saved?

) under my belt. I'd consider it the easily the best rpg I've played. It's difficult to even talk about since it's hard to find just one thing to highlight and I don't want to ramble.
It's all the greater tragedy that KOTOR II was allowed to be released so incomplete, seeing as it had the same writer. Every now and then when playing that, I had the sense of "ohmygod, it's planescape come again!" but ultimately it couldn't deliver. Anyone play and remember when Kreia teaches you to read minds? The things you see in each party member are puuuuuure planescape. Apparently, Neverwinter nights II will also have Avellone (sp?) writing. ~drools.
Btw, (spoiler) in response to someone waaaaay above, I'm pretty sure when you actually got to debate the what-can-change-the-nature-of-a-man with the TO, you advocated that it was belief. I seem to remember that you could argue that belief could do certain things (depending on who you'd talked to, you could suggest various things including remembering the city (Es-annon?) waaaaay back at the beginning) which segued into you getting to tell him that you believed you could unmake him, which led to a wisdom check on exactly that.
edit: wow, you can find *anything* with google:
"I've seen belief move cities, make men stave off death, and turn an evil's hag heart half-circle. This entire Fortress has been constructed from belief. Belief damned a woman, whose heart clung to the hope that another loved her when he did not. Once, it made a man seek immortality and achieve it. And it has made a posturing spirit think it is something more than a part of me."
Looking at that now, I guess it's not related to flagged plot items. Oh well. Still kicks ass. It's better than most dialogue in almost any game, and it wouldn't even make a top 20 for planescape quotes. Oh, and you threaten to unmake yourself which leads to the merge, rather than directly threatening him (which is accessed through some other dialog option, I guess)