Planescape: Torment

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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 18 Jun 2006, 06:09

A few notes:

For the original incarnation, the answer to the question was "regret."

There's no armor for the Nameless One; there's also a profound lack of Magic Swords or any other normal Fantasy RPG standbys.

I personally feel that you haven't done everything in the game until you've found Xachariah's Heart and recovered the Entropic Blade.

And I agree that it is the best RPG ever, and definitely among the best games ever.

The only game I know with 1,000,000 XP conversations. :)
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Unread postby Ethric » 18 Jun 2006, 09:05

DaemianLucifer wrote:
Actually you can at two or three occasions.One is if you piss off blade mistress and she comes for you and I think one is when you fight the hag.
That bonecollector could kill you. My initial reaction to him stealing Morte and then giving me lip when I demanded him back was to turn him inside out. But that cheater had an instakill spell so it was reload time.

At least I got to stomp on that wererat servant of his :)
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 18 Jun 2006, 09:13

While on the topic of death,you should learn how to communicate with the dead.It can be such a life saver :devious: ;)

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Unread postby Ethric » 18 Jun 2006, 09:29

You learn that early on, by a zombie.
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Unread postby Kiyoko » 22 Jun 2006, 13:03

i agree that this without a doubt is the best game ever made. it has some flaws but the rest of the game more than makes up for it. my biggest gripe is that you have to have loads of int/cha/wis to be able to unlock the entire game. dak'kon is the best NPC-character ever made and without being smart enough to make him get to truly know himself you lose out on the best thing in the game. the best way to play the game is getting just enough strength and dexterity to get by and then pump int/cha/wis as much as possible. the last two times i played i ended up with something like 25/25/23 in those attributes (including tatoos) which, as all AD&D fans know, is godlike. i really like the desciptions you get descibing your stat (you are one of the great minds of the universe | armies would follow you to war or something like that).

the best thing about the game is that you can talk yourself out of most situations. which are the places where you have to fight? the fallen angel, the witch and what more?

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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 22 Jun 2006, 13:07

Kiyoko wrote:i agree that this without a doubt is the best game ever made. it has some flaws but the rest of the game more than makes up for it. my biggest gripe is that you have to have loads of int/cha/wis to be able to unlock the entire game. dak'kon is the best NPC-character ever made and without being smart enough to make him get to truly know himself you lose out on the best thing in the game. the best way to play the game is getting just enough strength and dexterity to get by and then pump int/cha/wis as much as possible. the last two times i played i ended up with something like 25/25/23 in those attributes (including tatoos) which, as all AD&D fans know, is godlike. i really like the desciptions you get descibing your stat (you are one of the great minds of the universe | armies would follow you to war or something like that).

the best thing about the game is that you can talk yourself out of most situations. which are the places where you have to fight? the fallen angel, the witch and what more?
If I'm going mage, I actually start out with 18s in Int and Wis and a 12 in Cha. I completely ignore my phsyical attributes; Morte and Dak'kon can handle fights in the early game, and once you get a few spells, you're okay.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 22 Jun 2006, 13:11

Kiyoko wrote:the best thing about the game is that you can talk yourself out of most situations. which are the places where you have to fight? the fallen angel, the witch and what more?
If you piss of the queen of blades at any time in the city of doors,youll die forever.

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 22 Jun 2006, 13:44

No. You can escape the prsion she throws you in the first time you do, but the second time you'll get locked up.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 22 Jun 2006, 13:54

Gaidal Cain wrote:No. You can escape the prsion she throws you in the first time you do, but the second time you'll get locked up.
Thats what I meant by pissing off.First time youll get a warning(the labyrinth),second time,youre dead meat.

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Unread postby Kiyoko » 22 Jun 2006, 22:01

DaemianLucifer wrote:
Kiyoko wrote:the best thing about the game is that you can talk yourself out of most situations. which are the places where you have to fight? the fallen angel, the witch and what more?
If you piss of the queen of blades at any time in the city of doors,youll die forever.
yeah sure, but that isn't a fight?

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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 23 Jun 2006, 00:09

Kiyoko wrote:
DaemianLucifer wrote:
Kiyoko wrote:the best thing about the game is that you can talk yourself out of most situations. which are the places where you have to fight? the fallen angel, the witch and what more?
If you piss of the queen of blades at any time in the city of doors,youll die forever.
yeah sure, but that isn't a fight?
There's also a room in the Fortress of Regrets where you'll have to fight one of your companions.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 23 Jun 2006, 11:07

Bandobras Took wrote:There's also a room in the Fortress of Regrets where you'll have to fight one of your companions.
Just one of them,and just if you have him when you open the portal.

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 23 Jun 2006, 11:26

Nope. He's summoned there even if you don't have him in your party.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 23 Jun 2006, 12:06

Gaidal Cain wrote:Nope. He's summoned there even if you don't have him in your party.
I think there was a way to avoid that if you ditched him before a certain point.Although Im not really sure.Always fought him.

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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 23 Jun 2006, 13:24

DaemianLucifer wrote:
Bandobras Took wrote:There's also a room in the Fortress of Regrets where you'll have to fight one of your companions.
Just one of them,and just if you have him when you open the portal.
More specifically, it would be one out of two possibilities, depending on your alignment.
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Unread postby Humakt » 04 Jul 2006, 15:25

This game was very innovative and it is one of the greatest RPG's made, but in my opinion Arcanum (of Steamworks and Magick Obscura) is even better. It's also very story heavy, plot is very interesting, the character can go in many ways (how does diplomat sounds to you?) and many ways to approach the game are there.

Also another game with great dialogue is Betrayal At Krondor from 1993, which is written by an actual fantasy writer, Raymond E. Feist.

And you know Psychobabble, people were complaining about, "they just don't make the games like old", before Planescape: Torment.

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Unread postby Ari » 05 Sep 2006, 05:57

You know a game's good when it creates evangelists :). Personally I have two "conversions" (or do I say souls saved? ;)) under my belt. I'd consider it the easily the best rpg I've played. It's difficult to even talk about since it's hard to find just one thing to highlight and I don't want to ramble.

It's all the greater tragedy that KOTOR II was allowed to be released so incomplete, seeing as it had the same writer. Every now and then when playing that, I had the sense of "ohmygod, it's planescape come again!" but ultimately it couldn't deliver. Anyone play and remember when Kreia teaches you to read minds? The things you see in each party member are puuuuuure planescape. Apparently, Neverwinter nights II will also have Avellone (sp?) writing. ~drools.

Btw, (spoiler) in response to someone waaaaay above, I'm pretty sure when you actually got to debate the what-can-change-the-nature-of-a-man with the TO, you advocated that it was belief. I seem to remember that you could argue that belief could do certain things (depending on who you'd talked to, you could suggest various things including remembering the city (Es-annon?) waaaaay back at the beginning) which segued into you getting to tell him that you believed you could unmake him, which led to a wisdom check on exactly that.

edit: wow, you can find *anything* with google:
"I've seen belief move cities, make men stave off death, and turn an evil's hag heart half-circle. This entire Fortress has been constructed from belief. Belief damned a woman, whose heart clung to the hope that another loved her when he did not. Once, it made a man seek immortality and achieve it. And it has made a posturing spirit think it is something more than a part of me."

Looking at that now, I guess it's not related to flagged plot items. Oh well. Still kicks ass. It's better than most dialogue in almost any game, and it wouldn't even make a top 20 for planescape quotes. Oh, and you threaten to unmake yourself which leads to the merge, rather than directly threatening him (which is accessed through some other dialog option, I guess)

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Unread postby Psychobabble » 05 Sep 2006, 06:00

Ari wrote:edit: wow, you can find *anything* with google:
"I've seen belief move cities, make men stave off death, and turn an evil's hag heart half-circle. This entire Fortress has been constructed from belief. Belief damned a woman, whose heart clung to the hope that another loved her when he did not. Once, it made a man seek immortality and achieve it. And it has made a posturing spirit think it is something more than a part of me."

Absolutely... but stop doing that, you're going to go and make me play the game again if you keep it up :-D

Humakt wrote:And you know Psychobabble, people were complaining about, "they just don't make the games like old", before Planescape: Torment.
But I'm still allowed to do that now, aren't I :). And, yes, both Arcanum and Krondor were great games. Arcanum fairly buggy, but still, gotta love the steam punk. And I actually got Krondor from a front-of-the-magazine CD for free :).

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Unread postby asandir » 05 Sep 2006, 06:11

Krondor (betrayal at ... not return to) was just awesome .... loved every minute of it
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 05 Sep 2006, 20:58

Ever since its release, Torment has remained in my top 5 favorite games. It has one of the most satisfying endings of any game I've ever played, assuming you opt not to fight the Transcendent One.
And the chickens. Those damn chickens.

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