enraged creature ability

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do you find "enraged" ...

Poll ended at 22 Jun 2006, 19:32

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enraged creature ability

Unread postby Cunning Death » 15 Jun 2006, 19:32

I don't know if anyone has already tested the enraged ability in details. When it gives decent bonus it might be good tactics, particularly in early game stages. E.g. with inferno you can place a single imp in a stack and use its suicide attack to boost your demons/overseers.

So what do you think? Is enraged useful?

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 15 Jun 2006, 19:56

Since its only the slowest units that get enraged,I dont find it that powerfull.But its not comepletely useless.So,I didnt vote because there is no middle option.

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Unread postby Ethric » 15 Jun 2006, 20:02

Useful looks like the middle option to me. That is, something that is useful sometimes but nothing to get all excited about.
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 15 Jun 2006, 21:21

I prefer my stacks not dying, but the bonus can be handy at times. So, useful got my vote.
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Unread postby Infiltrator » 15 Jun 2006, 21:31

I'd make it:

1 dead stack +1 attack
2 dead stacks +3 attack
3 dead stacks + 5 attack
4 dead stacks + 5 attack and +1 damage
5 dead stacks + 7 attack and +1 damage
6 dead stacks + 7 attack and +2 damage

but at the current form I find it useful.. although bordering useless.

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Unread postby Ari » 15 Jun 2006, 21:39

Infiltrator wrote:I'd make it:

1 dead stack +1 attack
2 dead stacks +3 attack
3 dead stacks + 5 attack
4 dead stacks + 5 attack and +1 damage
5 dead stacks + 7 attack and +1 damage
6 dead stacks + 7 attack and +2 damage

but at the current form I find it useful.. although bordering useless.
What exactly *is* current form? Thanks to the ever-so-useful documentation in the game, I have no idea what it actually is.

As a quick aside, why on earth do the particular creatures that have enraged have it? I can buy footmen, and hydras are at least plausable, but why would any undead get enraged? Is this ismply the ability they gave to every creature they couldn't think of anything else for? Or was this something they gave to anything that seemed underpowered in the beta? Because it makes little sense otherwise.

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Unread postby Infiltrator » 15 Jun 2006, 22:24

Now it's just +1 attack per friendly stack killed. Every slow creature of each town gets it, because they usually get targeted last.

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Unread postby Ari » 16 Jun 2006, 05:49

Ah, so there is a method to the madness. It's a little disappointing, though. In a perfect world, rather than each of the creatures having the same ability, they'd have similar abilities that were consistant with the unit type (hydras would gain a poison attack, zombies would gain a drain mana attack ("eat brains" :) ) etc. Ah well.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 16 Jun 2006, 07:57

useful enough.

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Unread postby Lord Zeus » 16 Jun 2006, 09:39

vote useless
Since I don't like my units dying... at All for me it is useless. Also the bonus is very little.
You could use it in 1 stack suicide strategy bu that is to much work for such a small bonus. I don't think that a fight will be decided by enraged.

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Unread postby Arzang » 16 Jun 2006, 10:40

well one could bring some crappy units with him only to get them killed. soak up retaliation AND give attack bonus? not that bad really.

although it's hardly overpowered.

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Unread postby Cunning Death » 16 Jun 2006, 10:49

Infiltrator wrote:Now it's just +1 attack per friendly stack killed.
Ari wrote:In a perfect world, rather than each of the creatures having the same ability, they'd have similar abilities that were consistant with the unit type
Not a big bonus I agree. Although the idea has more depths, like Ari suggested. The skill could be versatile and battles would be more fun... My suggestion would be some fire damage for overseers or min. dmg increase or both :devil:
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Unread postby Infiltrator » 16 Jun 2006, 11:23

My hydras could go with +20 hp regen per unit killed :D

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 16 Jun 2006, 12:47

Ari wrote:As a quick aside, why on earth do the particular creatures that have enraged have it? I can buy footmen, and hydras are at least plausable, but why would any undead get enraged? Is this ismply the ability they gave to every creature they couldn't think of anything else for? Or was this something they gave to anything that seemed underpowered in the beta? Because it makes little sense otherwise.
The keyword here is balance.Each faction has to have a flyer,a ranged unit,a caster and a slow enraged meat shield.To bad they sacrificed logic for this.Im suprisee they didnt give moral to the undead as well(pleasantly suprised).
Infiltrator wrote:My hydras could go with +20 hp regen per unit killed :D
But that doesnt make sense,right?A unit healing itself better just because it saw some of its comrades die.ALthough,if you look the above,current state makes no sense as well.

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Unread postby Rapier » 16 Jun 2006, 13:46

I think Enraged is useful for making the slow walkers have a role, in other games they rarely did except to sheild your archers (even that is taken from them in heroes 5).

I like that it's implimented and I have hopes that patches, expansions, or sequels will take the idea of abilities tied in with prolonged battles and improve it. The enraged units get better the more other stacks you have in the fight, it's a nice game mechanic to change there power early/late game.
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 16 Jun 2006, 14:30

It would have been more interesting if it was +1 to inititative as well. That way you really would hvae needed to focus on the meatshields early on, which semms to be the purpose of the ability.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 16 Jun 2006, 14:38

Gaidal Cain wrote:It would have been more interesting if it was +1 to inititative as well. That way you really would hvae needed to focus on the meatshields early on, which semms to be the purpose of the ability.
Well if this can be added via a mod it would be excelent.

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Unread postby sylvanllewelyn » 16 Jun 2006, 14:43

The "enraged" ability is powerful, but the units that have it are very weak ones in the first place. If there isn't an initiative increase, I'd still leave those units last, so it definitely has *not* accomplished its objective of being meatshields.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 16 Jun 2006, 14:54

sylvanllewelyn wrote:The "enraged" ability is powerful, but the units that have it are very weak ones in the first place. If there isn't an initiative increase, I'd still leave those units last, so it definitely has *not* accomplished its objective of being meatshields.
Well I wouldnt call treants and hydras weak.

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Unread postby MasterDecoy007 » 18 Jun 2006, 04:20

I play Sylvan almost exclusively, and Treants don't exactly have the most hustle on the team. Once they get to where they're going (to tie up the enemies #1 melee unit, usually their cavalier-type unit), they stop doing much. Hydras and Treants do have some nice HP though, and the enraged gives them some bite after your sprites have burnt their mana and went suicide bombing.

It'd be nice if their was some animation for Enraged, such as the unit doing some battlecry whenever one of your stacks died to show that it triggered.

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