Spells lacking a certain...something...

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Spells lacking a certain...something...

Unread postby Curio » 15 Jun 2006, 02:58

I don't know about everyone else, but I always seem to be using just 1 or 2 spells whenever I play, depending of course on which type of magic I have skills for.

For example with Destruction magic, it's always Circle of Winter. I barely used its variant in the other HoMM games, but now, it does just as much damage as Ice Bolt (with the added cost of 1 extra mana, IIRC?), far more than Lightning Bolt and Fireball, and Master of Ice makes it very amusing. Meteor and Implosion are nice sometimes, especially the 1st for the large area, but Implosion, apart from the visuals, just isn't what it used to be...

But perhaps my biggest gripe is with the adventure spells. Only 4? And they're no longer very useful...Instant Travel has the range of about 2 inches on the screen, and while it's no longer the too-powerful Dimension Door, it's been reduced to a very, very pale imitation. And Town Portal, without a choice in town names, is fairly limited. I do think Summon Creatures is a nice addition, but still...

Back in HoMM3, I really didn't mind at all getting the lvl 5 adventure spell Fly (or lvl 4 Water Walk)--it was a brilliant advantage outside of battle, and along with Dimension Door, made Air Magic really nifty. Earth Magic for Town Portal and Ressurect were also important, but now, you don't really need two magic skills. And what about all those View spells, and Disguise? Where are the + / - luck, + / - morale, retaliation-effecting, protection from elements, and cure spells? :(

Or maybe I'm being too nostalgic, and should learn to appreciate what we have now... :disagree:

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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 15 Jun 2006, 03:32

I for one favor what they've done with Dimension Door: it's the late game obstacle-hopper instead of the game-breaker. Its lack of a specialization school ensures that, unlike Heroes III, certain spell schools do not dominate by virtue of their adventure spells.

Town Portal is another example. I prefer it in a version that gets less effective the more towns you conquer; not stronger. This helps mitigate the avalanche effect of those who conquer continuing to conquer (though it by no means removes it).

So far, with Destruction Magic, Master of Ice is okay. Unless you don't get the Ice Spells in your Mage Guild. In which case you're screwed. The Necromancers make Ice Spells fun with Cold Death, but I'll have just as much fun with an Empowered Fireball lowering a few stacks' defenses.

The only Magic that I think is really guilty of the "same spells" syndrome is Summoning Magic. Summon Phoenix, Phantom Forces, and Raise Dead if you're a Necromancer. Both Light Magic and Dark Magic alter according to cirumstances, and specialization in Destructive Magic is more a personal preference issue than a lack of variety. Some like it hot . . .
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Unread postby Curio » 15 Jun 2006, 04:04

lol, true enough...like I said, the previous Dimension Doors were too powerful. But damn, don't I wish Instant Travel were 3 inches, rather than 2! :D

But seriously, right now, it has such a short distance, I sometimes approach a thin looking cave wall / forest, end my turn because I don't have enough movement points, only to find out next turn it's out of range. So, I'd either love that extra inch or so, or a colourful radius thing that screams, "You can warp here!" ;)

You also have a really good Town Portal point. I like it now (excepting the no name choosing), but I like how it uses up all your movement. Heh, I used to Town Portal in other HoMMs and chase nearby players down, knowing full well that it was somewhat overpowered. :-D

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 15 Jun 2006, 08:24

I like that they nerfed down adventure map spells.But I hate what they did with summon creatures.One mana for each creature?Dumb.Im also miss the view spells and scuttle boat.

Summoning magic is overpowered.Phantom phorces is insane,and necro with raise dead is unbeatable.Mines are idiotic and useles again.But I like how they weakend hypnotize.

Overal,I dont like what they did.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 15 Jun 2006, 10:55

Im glad they nerfed down the dimension door becuse, they who had that spell was irritating to chase and hunt down, also trying to defend your 4+ towns with your only one or two great heroes while that soab is raiding around is hopeless! But im agree that the distance could be a few inches longer.

Last, the summon creature spell should be improved, like for a 7lvl creature it could cost you 7 mana points, for a 6th lvl creature 6 mana points and so on. Then you dont have to deal with a mana well camper summoning loads of bone dragons, devils etc each day.

Also the town portal spell should really give you the option to travel to friendly towns, your own and allied towns as well. Its abit frustrating when you just you need like 20 druids from your main town to beat that last town down but since you only get from the nearest friendly town, you just have to find another more bothersome way to lay that siege.
Mines are idiotic and useles again
What do you mean? :|

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 15 Jun 2006, 11:12

Orfinn wrote:Also the town portal spell should really give you the option to travel to friendly towns, your own and allied towns as well. Its abit frustrating when you just you need like 20 druids from your main town to beat that last town down but since you only get from the nearest friendly town, you just have to find another more bothersome way to lay that siege.
A big chain from your capitol to the frontier is still a must(unfortunately).
Orfinn wrote: What do you mean? :|
They spawn at random,thus in best cases just a few will do some damage.Dumb.

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Unread postby Ethric » 15 Jun 2006, 11:15

What I found odd is that area of effect spells do same or even more damage that single target spells, while barely costing more to cast.
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Unread postby Orfinn » 15 Jun 2006, 11:21

They spawn at random,thus in best cases just a few will do some damage.Dumb.
Indeed. I never use the mine spell unless I have expert summoning magic and the ability that improves the mines dmg etc. The spell is just wortless now, maybe it should be improved so that each second mine that appears, you could place it manually or maybe all of them?

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 15 Jun 2006, 11:46

Orfinn wrote:Indeed. I never use the mine spell unless I have expert summoning magic and the ability that improves the mines dmg etc. The spell is just wortless now, maybe it should be improved so that each second mine that appears, you could place it manually or maybe all of them?
How about:

No summoning magic - all mines are random
Basic summoning magic - quarter(2,right?)of the mines can be placed by you.
Advanced summoning magic - half of the mines cane be placed by you.
Expert summoning magic - all of the mines are placed by you.

The damage in this case,however,should stay the same,or the spell would be way overpowered.

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Unread postby Akul » 15 Jun 2006, 13:01

I agree. Tough I miss the H4 system (my dear 100 spells are dead [ :sad: ])
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