Patch Change Discussion

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 08 Jun 2006, 12:07

Continuity wrote: No one said it would be a "radical change".
No, they just put it in the Bug Fixes list. Coz you know, having a white dress is a bug.
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Unread postby Orfinn » 08 Jun 2006, 12:11

Because this is the heros round table after all. They just love bashing H5 and focus on its bad sides, it sadly has become a trend here forgetting all the good sides H5 also have. THRT isnt what it once was :disagree:

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 08 Jun 2006, 12:28

Orfinn wrote:Because this is the heros round table after all. They just love bashing H5 and focus on its bad sides, it sadly has become a trend here forgetting all the good sides H5 also have. THRT isnt what it once was :disagree:
Sure,we got fancy graphics,and nice skill web that cannot be fully explored(dumb level up),so we should forget everything thats negative!

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Unread postby Orfinn » 08 Jun 2006, 12:53

Yeah comon lets focus on the negative! Second I didnt say anything about forget the negative, just keep it cool a while because it have been a insane truckload of complaining recently about H5.

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Unread postby soupnazii » 08 Jun 2006, 21:07

seriously guys, listeen to Orfinn. the game has been out like 2 weeks and youve already made enough complaints to last 6 months. honestly, i dount think i have heard eiither of you (TT+DL) say anything positive about H5 so far, except for some short less-than-one-sentence comments scattered around the forum and a few sarcastic remark (yay we got fancy graphics and skills we can never get, lets ignore the negative things...). it really would be nice to see a little more praising of H5 and uib and nival. when H4 came out and more than half (3/4?) of the Heroes fans decided it was a terrible game, it was still nothing as bad as wat a small group of people are doing on this one site.... :disagree:

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 08 Jun 2006, 21:21

soupnazii wrote:seriously guys, listeen to Orfinn. the game has been out like 2 weeks and youve already made enough complaints to last 6 months. honestly, i dount think i have heard eiither of you (TT+DL) say anything positive about H5 so far, except for some short less-than-one-sentence comments scattered around the forum and a few sarcastic remark (yay we got fancy graphics and skills we can never get, lets ignore the negative things...). it really would be nice to see a little more praising of H5 and uib and nival. when H4 came out and more than half (3/4?) of the Heroes fans decided it was a terrible game, it was still nothing as bad as wat a small group of people are doing on this one site.... :disagree:
Then you didnt read me long enough.I said lots of positive stuff about hte initiative system.And some positives about the skill web.And Ive been monitoring the development,so its not just the two weeks of playing the game that made my oppinion.I also supported the old elemental chains and calable BF(both got removed for reasons unknown).

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Unread postby Gus » 08 Jun 2006, 22:59

ah, scalable BF... give me more of that ! (especially since the Quick combat feature is more than decent most of the time, so you could take a bit longer in some fights, if that'd mean more strategic depth).

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Unread postby Ethric » 09 Jun 2006, 01:11

Orfinn wrote:Because this is the heros round table after all. They just love bashing H5 and focus on its bad sides, it sadly has become a trend here forgetting all the good sides H5 also have. THRT isnt what it once was :disagree:
Hah! There was just as much H4 bashing when that came out. And in my opinion H5 deserves a great deal of bashing.

However, certain people adds the same complaints over and over merely to incrase their postcount. And that serves little good purpose.
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Unread postby soupnazii » 09 Jun 2006, 01:36

maybe there was just as much or more overall bashing for H4, but i dont remember any one person ever complainig so much as those 2 do now. also, those people that were complaining about H4 like it was the worst game in the world, many of them now prefer it over H3, and hate Ubi for going back to the H3 style of the game. we all have to remember that. thats what i meant whe i said you shouldnt be complaining so much after just 2 weeks. just give it a good 6 months, then complain all you want and no one would stop you.

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Unread postby HodgePodge » 09 Jun 2006, 02:04

Orfinn wrote:Because this is the heros round table after all. They just love bashing H5 and focus on its bad sides, it sadly has become a trend here forgetting all the good sides H5 also have. THRT isnt what it once was :disagree:
I was just about to say some nice things about Heroes 5 when I encountered another game-killing bug in The Mage Campaign (last campaign) Map #3. My game crashed each & every time I defeated Markal in his castle.

Other game-killers include the inability of one of my main Heroes to connect with the spiral stairway to get to the surface level in the Dungeon Campaign (again, Map #3 IIRC) and the third map of the Sylvan Campaign which doesn't end when you free the prisioners. (Something about those 3rd Maps, I guess.)

I think that Nival did a really SLOPPY JOB with this game! Okay, I can understand one major game-killing bug in the continuous campaigns, but three? The "patch" never even mentions any these serious bugs. And if it weren't for Wrongusername & Curio discovering the codes to rescue us out of the Land of Bugs & Glitches, no one would be able to even complete the campaigns.

And to top it all off, the patch doesn't even touch these major bugs, Nival wasted time fixing creatures' clothing colors and other stupid, idiotic stuff like that. Have I mentioned how much I hate these people?
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Unread postby Minmaster » 09 Jun 2006, 03:29

i think its time to start the petition to change devs for next heroes

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Unread postby ryanmax51 » 09 Jun 2006, 06:53

soupnazii wrote:seriously guys, listeen to Orfinn. the game has been out like 2 weeks and youve already made enough complaints to last 6 months. honestly, i dount think i have heard eiither of you (TT+DL) say anything positive about H5 so far, except for some short less-than-one-sentence comments scattered around the forum and a few sarcastic remark (yay we got fancy graphics and skills we can never get, lets ignore the negative things...). it really would be nice to see a little more praising of H5 and uib and nival. when H4 came out and more than half (3/4?) of the Heroes fans decided it was a terrible game, it was still nothing as bad as wat a small group of people are doing on this one site.... :disagree:

Thing is though there wouldnt be this much complaining if the game was delayed and released finished and not unfinished, all these so called bug fixes and new maps/ and the editor and alot of other stuff was saposed to be in the release version. Correct me if im wrong there words where this wont be another HOMM4, what aload of BS, they promised us a finished game to make us forget about the huge hastle of HOMM4 which made them see a huge downfall and time wasting of over 20 patches and 2 expansions, yet what happens they fail/ or lie to us yet again and release a piece of Crap.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 09 Jun 2006, 07:19

ryanmax51 wrote:Thing is though there wouldnt be this much complaining if the game was delayed and released finished and not unfinished, all these so called bug fixes and new maps/ and the editor and alot of other stuff was saposed to be in the release version. Correct me if im wrong there words where this wont be another HOMM4, what aload of BS, they promised us a finished game to make us forget about the huge hastle of HOMM4 which made them see a huge downfall and time wasting of over 20 patches and 2 expansions, yet what happens they fail/ or lie to us yet again and release a piece of Crap.
Exactly.The game was delayed because it was obvious it needs a lot of fixing.And it was obvious that one month isnt enough for all the fixes.Well,I guess now that it wasnt that obvious to ubi,since they decided to release it anyway.

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 09 Jun 2006, 07:49

HodgePodge wrote:And to top it all off, the patch doesn't even touch these major bugs,
Wrong. The patch supposedly fixes that third map of the Sylvan Campaign. as for the other two, you're the only one I've heard reporting about the one in the Dungeon campaign. It might be some very obscure thing you did /didn't do that's the cause that they haven't determined yet.
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Unread postby addicted » 09 Jun 2006, 10:24

I held off installing the patch (U.S. LE version) but I finally installed it, no problems what so ever.. It automatically installed the patch to my drive D:\ HOMMV folder where my game was installed which shocked me because the specs said the installation defaut was drive C:\...

Well, I am thankful Homm V was even revived. I for one am going to give the game a chance even if they have to come out with 20 patches to get everything fixed.. I figured I waited 3 long years for this release so I can patiently wait for monthly patches and hope eventually the game will prove to be the best in the series.. There are things I don't like but I just have to learn to live with it.. I just want all the bugs fixed..

I hope to see the Editors soon, and I really pray they open the cheat codes so we can have cheat codes again. I'd like to see other things implemented but all this is for a different topic.. :D

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Unread postby soupnazii » 09 Jun 2006, 20:36

addicted wrote:I held off installing the patch (U.S. LE version) but I finally installed it, no problems what so ever.. It automatically installed the patch to my drive D:\ HOMMV folder where my game was installed which shocked me because the specs said the installation defaut was drive C:\...

Well, I am thankful Homm V was even revived. I for one am going to give the game a chance even if they have to come out with 20 patches to get everything fixed.. I figured I waited 3 long years for this release so I can patiently wait for monthly patches and hope eventually the game will prove to be the best in the series.. There are things I don't like but I just have to learn to live with it.. I just want all the bugs fixed..

I hope to see the Editors soon, and I really pray they open the cheat codes so we can have cheat codes again. I'd like to see other things implemented but all this is for a different topic.. :D

Long live CH, HOMMV

that is exactly how i feel. i couldnt have said it better myself. i have heard enough complaining on this forum, and am quite sick of it. listen to addicted, people.

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