A Patch Early Next Week?

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Re: A Patch Early Next Week?

Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 02 Jun 2006, 21:14

CloudRiderX wrote:
Why does it matter? There is no difference between these two scenarios you presented. They are both going to take the same amount of time,(actually, your preference would take longer because the time taken to release the patch would be multiplied by ten because there would be ten times as many patches) and they both achieve the same result. The only difference is whether we can see the progress. Right now, we can't see the progress, but we know it is because Nival is telling us so, and if we did see the progress, then we know it is happening anyway.
Not exactly.First,there is the psychological difference of seeing that something is done.Second,theres the enjoyment factor.Every time you see a bug repeaed you get frustrated.But if that bug is fixed,you are very pleased.So by waiting for all those bugs to get fixed you are being more and more frustrated,and it may diminish the enjoyment once the fix is out.But if you receave one bug fix at a time,the enjoyment might negate the frustration.
CloudRiderX wrote:
I also have to say that your idea would not be as effective in the long run as the way Ubi is doing it. You are propsing, If I understand correctly, that Ubi should concentrate on releasing individual problems, for instance bugs or errors. By concentrating on only eliminating bugs and errors, yes, we will get satisfaction quickly, but what about the other things everyone is asking for? You guys are saying "Random Map Generator!!" "Map Editor!!" "No bugs!!" "Change the gameplay!!" "Maps too small!!" and other complaints. Ubi is working on all of these problems simultaneously, so they can release everything good in a short amount of time. Which do you prefer, a perfect bug-free game that has not been changed since the original release, or a better, more HOMM-like game with bugs at every turn? Its all gonna happen eventually, so just wait for it. We are lucky as it is, this is the first HOMM game with a demo or a beta, we got to see all the problems lightyears before the game came out. 3DO had HOMM down(because they invented it), now we have to give Ubi that time to get in the game, get their priorities set, and then we can eat them out when they take too long in H6. :)
Id like to see a game that needs almost no patching on the initial release,and has campaign editor and RMG,and balance,etc.

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A Patch Early Next Week?

Unread postby jeff » 02 Jun 2006, 23:06

CloudRiderX while the net effect may be the same a lot depends on the bug. In my case people were playing and I did not want them to stop and wait for all of the fixes. When it was identified something needed to be fixed I felt it was better to fix that immediately and make it available immediately. I could have delayed by 3 or 4 days and caught everything, but when I start a campaign, the last thing I want is to stop and wait for the patch. So as I replayed through the campaign, staying ahead of everyone playing it, I sent the files as soon as the fix was made. Now this caused me to send more files to CH (sorry Robenhagen) than if I would have waited until I verified the fixes through the complete campaign.

The net affect the same, it is a difference of philosophy.
Mala Ipsa Nova :bugsquash:

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 03 Jun 2006, 02:55

jeff has learnet the importance of user friendliness.If you dont please your fans,you will loose them,and with them,your money goes down the drain as well.By releasing patches every few days youll keep your fans content and theyll complain less,and when the problem gets fixed they wont say "Oh look,its a version 1.95 and it took forever for them to perfect it,its a crap" and will forget all but the major bugs.But with one major patch theyll always go "Yeah,its fine now,but it was so buggy in the begining.They had to fix this,this and this".

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A Patch Early Next Week?

Unread postby CloudRiderX » 03 Jun 2006, 19:32

I understand what you guys are saying, but I still have some comments.

I must agree, if a game is going to be released, it should be bug-free. But of course, how often does that happen? While I am taking a contradictory stance here, I would like to see priorities in the patches as well. But, the RMG and the Map editor, they are probably already ready, but Ubi is probably trying to make them more user-friendly, as you were saying is key. I mean, look at some other editors for other games, the Warcraft III world editor and the Neverwinter Nights world editor, you need a manual just to get started! It would be good if Ubi made a map editor to make the maps for the game, and then brought it to simpler terms so we could use it more readily.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 03 Jun 2006, 20:05

But RMG and map editor wont be included in a patch but in an add on.Those two projects are been worked on separately.

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Unread postby Rapier » 04 Jun 2006, 04:20

There's a great deal of cost associated with putting out a patch. It's much more cost effective to have one large patch than two or more smaller patches.

I still want to just know the changelist though...
~ Rapier.

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Unread postby ryanmax51 » 04 Jun 2006, 05:11

The only game i know of that is taken down for even the slightest of times say 15 mins and also taken down ever week on tuesday nights my time (australian) is World Of Warcraft, because as soon as a bug is found or reported by a player to blizzard they take the game down almost immediatly to fix it, i remember one time where i had to do this quest called the spirits of kel thalas or some shit name like that i had to find 4 artifacts and dig them up and when i did the enemies would spawn but the artifacts would not appear i reported this problem to a gm and 10 mins later the server went down for a 10 minute maintenance.

Now in all reality the game should of been finished before its release and we should not have to wait for a patch to not fix this game but complete it, all this stuff about bugs and small maps, stuff all maps, and no map editor should of been in the game before its release and not afterwards in a so called fix it patch, i know that i would not of mind waiting another month or 2 for it to be released complete for i payed $120 for my collectors edition expecting a complete game only to recieve a half arsed unfinished game.

The map editor is my fav part of this series for i am really good at making the maps and distributing them on the ent for others to dl edit and play to there hearts content, but as ive also stated some key creatures and towns are missing in this which made HOMM 4 fun (when it was fixed after the 50th patch that is), i will state the graphics of this game are fairly good for its style the game play does need abit of fixing and these Very Large maps you call large and more like the small maps in previous HOMM series cause your so cramped up, i think its called warlord spose to be one of the biggest maps yet your practically your enemy's next door neighbour.

If your making new maps make some even bigger ones which are more spread our cause atm your very large maps and very small in comparison to old maps from other series.

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