theLuckyDragon wrote:
* According to a post on the official forum the artifacts will be more powerful, but also more scarce
In Homm3 and Homm4 minor artifacts mattered very little, so I like the idea of less but more powerful arties
* A few ideas regarding creature specific artifacts (like Magical Garlic against Vampires, Camel's Hair against Cavaliers etc.) have been discussed
As I understand Academy will have arties for monsters. There can be more and differently functional, but arties with very specific use should never appear as random arties on map.
* Hopes for more artifact slots (such as earrings, bracelets etc.) have been expressed
I would like that many weapons etc can be used simultaneously. Or boots of speed and these dragon bones that gave + to spell power and knowledge but occupied boots slot. Problem is that one artifact is good in adventure map, other in battles, to get max use, you should switch them repeatedly. Micromanagment which could be avoided, and which was avoided in Homm1 and 2.
* People have expressed their position regarding cursed artifacts: some are for, some are against
I think Nival said that there are no cursed arties planned. In case arties can be equipped and unequipped, they make little sense anyway. Or they must have special feature which makes it impossible to remove them from its slot. HALF-CURSED arties, with a positive and negative effect (like + 3 to spell power but -1 to morale) would be interesting and functional...