Shipments from Ubi

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
King Imp
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Unread postby King Imp » 25 May 2006, 15:22

theGryphon wrote: KingImp, would you give us that phone number please?

Ubisoft customer support

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Unread postby Alamar » 25 May 2006, 15:28

Update as of 10:50 AM [Eastern Time] or so:

I called FedEx and they couldn 't find the shipping number. I asked them to see if anything was being shipped to my address .... According to their search NOTHING is being shipped to my home address.

I verified in the Email that my shipping address was correct ... it of course was.

I then called UBI and got the same song-and-dance that KingImp did. When I mentioned that FedEx says that nothing is coming to my address the person that I was speaking with said that a supervisor would Email me no later than tomorrow morning with an update.

Basically UBI "swears" [yeah right] that they shipped it while FedEx says nothing is destined for my address.

FYI: I decided to get the Limited Edition as a reward to UBI for dropping StarForce, delaying the game to ideally fix the AI [silly me], etc.

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Unread postby Dublex » 25 May 2006, 15:28

I'm so sorry that your having trouble with Ubi in the US. When I pre-ordered Until Uru and then Uru complete Chronicles from the european store directly they arrived very early on the release day.

I only hope that you manage to get your copies soon, and that it doesn't put you under too much more stress, and wish you the best of luck in sorting the mess out.

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Unread postby Wolfshanze » 25 May 2006, 15:37

HodgePodge wrote:I changed my order to the Regular Standard Edition. Also, because the LE came with Heroes III & IV without the expansions. I already have these games (with all expansions) so I couldn't see any reason to pay for them again.

One more thought, the LE comes on DVD & the Regular Edition came on CD. I have both a CD-ROM drive & a DVD drive; now the CD's can be used in either drive, but the DVD's can only be used in one drive.
I look at it this way.

#1: The price differance is $10 bucks. You spend more then that ordering a Pizza.
#2: Even if you already have H3 & H4, at least it's all-together in one place now!
#3: How much disc-swapping do you need to do? Once it's in one drive, you don't need to move it... besides I have a DVD-ROM AND a DVD-Burner, so I can use the DVD in either drive.
#4: Speaking of disc swapping... how many discs is HOMMV on with the CD-version? No thanks... I HATE DISC SWAPPING! Give it to me on ONE disc, please!
#5: Last, but certainly not least... I want those three extra maps!

I'm just glad I didn't make the mistake of ordering from UBI... never order from a publisher if you can avoid it... they send all their copies out to the retailers before they fill customer orders! EB has already shipped mine to me!

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Unread postby Solohk » 25 May 2006, 15:47

I just got off the phone with Fedex, and they have no records of any shipment going to my address or name. I'm trying to get a hold of UBI, but the line is busy. I'm going to try my damndest to get my order cancelled.

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Unread postby Wolfshanze » 25 May 2006, 15:53

Solohk wrote:I just got off the phone with Fedex, and they have no records of any shipment going to my address or name. I'm trying to get a hold of UBI, but the line is busy. I'm going to try my damndest to get my order cancelled.
Your local store probably already has the CD-version... if you want the LE version, and can't get it in-town, try my LE version is already CONFIRMED in the mail with the shipper.

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Unread postby Solohk » 25 May 2006, 15:56

I wouldn't doubt it does have the CD version. I did order the LE to get the DVD, and save myself a trip to the store. However, this mess is much more inconvienent than going to the store. If I can cancel, I'll just get the CD version if the LE isn't available in town.

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Unread postby Wolfshanze » 25 May 2006, 16:15

True my friend... just goes to show NEVER order from the publisher... I've seen stories like this repeat over and over again with multiple major game releases from various publishers.

Always order from a main-line store that is reputable, like Best Buy or EB if you don't want to play the waiting game.

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Unread postby King Imp » 25 May 2006, 16:24

Caradoc wrote: I just called UniSoft and happened to get the supervisor, Harden.

I actually just got that same guy right now. The way he is talking, they honestly have no clue what is going on over there. I kept telling him that the fact that FedEx doesn't even have my address on record, that is pretty much proof that we were lied to and the orders were never actually shipped. Guess what, he never once tried to convince me that they have been which leads me to believe they know something is definitely wrong.

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Unread postby Extrakun » 25 May 2006, 16:54

The only thing that is puzzling me is that the game was avaliable at Singapore one or two days before the worldwide launch...

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Unread postby Alamar » 25 May 2006, 17:40

King Imp wrote:
Caradoc wrote: I just called UniSoft and happened to get the supervisor, Harden.

I actually just got that same guy right now. The way he is talking, they honestly have no clue what is going on over there. I kept telling him that the fact that FedEx doesn't even have my address on record, that is pretty much proof that we were lied to and the orders were never actually shipped. Guess what, he never once tried to convince me that they have been which leads me to believe they know something is definitely wrong.
Hmmm ... this is almost raising to the level that I'd like to see somthing official from UBI. Too bad we couldn't get FC or someone higher up the food chain to look at the issue and shoot straight with us.

FYI: Playing devil's advocate I DID think that it was classy of UBI to send out an Email last week to those people that ordered from their store detailing what the standard and limited editions had & didn't have.

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Unread postby King Imp » 25 May 2006, 17:54

Everyone, do yourselves a favor! If you have a Babbage's/EB Games/Gamestop in your area, call them up right now and see if they have the Limited Edition in stock. I just did and I am now sitting here with the game at my side.

Screw! They are obviously too incompetant to get this simple process right.

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Unread postby Alamar » 25 May 2006, 18:01

Something that I forgot to mention earlier. The guy that I spoke with indicated that roughly 80% [yes 80%!!] of ALL PREORDERS through UBI are experiencing this issue.

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Unread postby wcleme » 25 May 2006, 19:32

I just got off the phone with customer support, and I was told that our orders did ship yesterday and we should receive them by tommorrow. There was just a screw-up with the tracking numbers....he said something along the lines of they were pre-entered before they were received at the warehouse....something like that.

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Unread postby Solohk » 25 May 2006, 19:33

Yep, I just got off the phone and got the same line as the rest of you guys. He said it was shipped yesterday and will get here Friday. He seemed kindof shifty, but I guess I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. If I don't get it tomorrow however...


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Unread postby wcleme » 25 May 2006, 19:47

Solohk wrote:Yep, I just got off the phone and got the same line as the rest of you guys. He said it was shipped yesterday and will get here Friday. He seemed kindof shifty, but I guess I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. If I don't get it tomorrow however...

Yeah, no kidding man. Every place around me is sold out of the LE. So they better come through as I have tons of free time this weekend.

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Unread postby King Imp » 25 May 2006, 20:01

Alamar wrote:Something that I forgot to mention earlier. The guy that I spoke with indicated that roughly 80% [yes 80%!!] of ALL PREORDERS through UBI are experiencing this issue.

Why do I find that hard to believe?

1) No one bothered to ever tell us that previously. Seems like they are just trying to make up excuses to cover their asses, and
2) It sure didn't affect the Regular Editions from being sent out and received by the customers.

I honesty think they didn't bother to count the pre-orders and sent out too many to the stores, thus leaving us without any product. Now they are scrambling to make excuses to "keep us at bay" until their next shipment arrives.

This is not McDonald's where someone forgets to put a burger in your bag. This is Ubisoft for crying out loud. Try a little professionalism.

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Unread postby Wolfshanze » 25 May 2006, 21:33

Ah, the old "It's in the mail" excuse to get you to stop calling.

Did anyone actually get a VALID tracking number, or did they just get tired of all you guys calling and made up some story to get you to stop?

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Unread postby Solohk » 25 May 2006, 21:55

Unfortunately, it looks to be the latter. Tomorrow though, there will be no excuse.

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Unread postby Alamar » 25 May 2006, 22:46

I got an Email saying about the same things that you guys are saying. What hacks me off is that it doesn't seem like UBI actually knows what our real tracking numbers are.

If they could just give us the updated number it certainly would have calmed a lot of us down quickly.

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