Shipments from Ubi

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 24 May 2006, 20:05

Congratulations. Have fun with it: I know I have :D (Soo good to live in Europe where Ubisoft's shipping system actually seems to work).
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Unread postby King Imp » 24 May 2006, 20:08

Now, let's hope this patch is actually released no later than Friday the 26th. I will gladly overlook the poor management of this release if that happens.

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Unread postby socketboy » 24 May 2006, 20:56

I have my limited coming in the mail, but I also tried to pick up a regular one today and everywhere is saying 25th.... ?
Gosh, not only is our release date later, it isnt' even released on time...
I am tempted to drive around and see if any stores have it out even though they are not supposed to until tomorrow.

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Unread postby Solohk » 24 May 2006, 23:19

My tracking number still isn't valid. Oh, if only I hadn't pre-ordered. :disagree:

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Unread postby Echo_ » 24 May 2006, 23:47

I'm in New York.
I got the t-shirt I was rewarded because I won the Heroes Fable Competition but it sucks. Its maroon and it has two "dark" heroes (one on the front and one on the back). It says Heroes 5 on the top of the back part of the shirt. I'll sell it to you for $10-$15, anyone want?

BTW- I'm still waiting for my other prizes (the mousepad, poster, pen) and of course THE GAME!
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Unread postby Alamar » 25 May 2006, 02:56

As of 10:50 PM Eastern time my tracking number still isn't valid and I haven't received any Emails indicating that the number has been updated. The UBI store site hasn't indicated any changes per-se so I've got to assume that it didn't ship today either :(

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Unread postby Alamar » 25 May 2006, 03:01

King Imp wrote:Now, let's hope this patch is actually released no later than Friday the 26th. I will gladly overlook the poor management of this release if that happens.
The patch that I'm really waiting for probably won't be out for a long time ... that would be to get a competitive AI without EXTREME cheating.

As long as [in the next few months] we have a complete game with a good map / campaign editor ; Good AI ; lots of maps of various types [hello Coop!!] then I'll be fine.

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Unread postby asandir » 25 May 2006, 03:11

well i still think it's odd that i got the DE 9 days ago .... and USA fans still haven't got theirs, i know the theory, but it's just weird

Perth, Australia btw (the worlds most isolated capital city!)

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Unread postby Caradoc » 25 May 2006, 03:14

Solohk wrote:My tracking number still isn't valid. Oh, if only I hadn't pre-ordered. :disagree:
Same here. :flame:
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Unread postby Paradox » 25 May 2006, 03:15

I cant wait till you americans get your copies, im sick of seeing squares all day (Russian) and not being able to hold a decent conversation with anyone!

But the Russian folk seem quite nice, but a lot seem to leave if i kill their main hero and dont even wait to let me kill their lame.

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Unread postby King Imp » 25 May 2006, 04:15

Alamar wrote:
King Imp wrote:Now, let's hope this patch is actually released no later than Friday the 26th. I will gladly overlook the poor management of this release if that happens.
The patch that I'm really waiting for probably won't be out for a long time ... that would be to get a competitive AI without EXTREME cheating.

As long as [in the next few months] we have a complete game with a good map / campaign editor ; Good AI ; lots of maps of various types [hello Coop!!] then I'll be fine.

Of course I want that big patch as well, but for the time being it would be nice to get the smaller one to fix the minor problems we've all been reading about over the past week.

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Unread postby King Imp » 25 May 2006, 04:20

Update on mine, what looked promising early this afternoon now looks very bleak.

That customer service rep assured me that they had the product in and mine was indeed shipped. Well, it's now close to 12:30 am on the 25th (it was supposed to be shipped on the 23rd Ubisoft!) and my FedEx number is still invalid. The guy at FedEx even checked my address and there is no record of anything being shipped that way either.

I swear to God, if I find out they are lying over at Ubisoft and are just telling people it has been shipped just to get them off their backs, I will cancel my order in a heartbeat and will then tell all of you to do the same. This is ridiculous!

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Unread postby asandir » 25 May 2006, 04:52

just reading about the unhappy stories from our online orderers reminds me of a little story that happened to me when i ordered something online

order Civ IV and GOW - paid only one postage fee ($5) as both games "In Stcok" 23rd March 2006
checked order on 26th March 2006 (Civ IV was on "Backorder")
checked 30th March 2006 (GOW shipped, Civ II "ETA: 31st March"), rang online store who assured me game was due in on the 31st March
2nd April received GOW
at this point i expected a problem as i had only paid one postage fee ...
a phone call a week and a changing arrival date pushed the ETA out to 30th April .... at this point i was getting pissed so i cancelled order

now it gets really intersting, online store then refunded me for Civ IV + postage (bonus $5 for me), this happened about 2nd May 2006

imagine my surprise when Civ IV arrives on my doorstep on the 24th May 2006

WTF???!!!! now i am unsure whether to send it back or not, i may just hang onto it for a while and then alert them to the problem (make them wait a month or so, I certainly had to) and let them decide what's next

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Unread postby Alamar » 25 May 2006, 13:33

@KingImp ... I'm in the same boat that you are. It's about 9:30 AM [Eastern US Time] and the FedEx number provided is still invalid.

What is reassuring though is at least HP got her copy in so they at least had a few copies to ship out.

I looked at the time of my order and it was April 24th at night [so really April 25 in business days] so that's less than 1 month ....... I wonder if they are fulfilling all of the older orders first and they'll get to us in a day or two???

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Unread postby King Imp » 25 May 2006, 13:42

Alamar wrote: What is reassuring though is at least HP got her copy in so they at least had a few copies to ship out.

Not really. HP got the regular version. I'm (and I assumed you as well are) waiting for the Limited Edition.

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Unread postby King Imp » 25 May 2006, 14:18

Okay, latest update. I called Ubisoft AGAIN and the person I spoke to said they do know about the bad tracking numbers and have been flooded with calls about it (way to go guys!)

He also said the supervisor is talking to FedEx (excuse me if I don't fully believe that one) and they are trying to straighten this out, but I was once again assured that the game was in fact shipped out on the 24th.

He also said we should receive a call or an e-mail when they figure out what is going on. If you have not called yet, I strongly suggest you do and make it clear that you are not happy about this and want it fixed. That seems to be the only way to get their incompetant asses moving. Otherwise they wouldn't be doing a damn thing about this.

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Unread postby Solohk » 25 May 2006, 14:28

Awesome, thanks for that update. I'll probably have to give them a call today to bug them about it as well.

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Unread postby Wolfshanze » 25 May 2006, 14:47

Well, I ordered my HOMMV LE DVD from EB on-line, and it's in the mail with a confirmed tracking number.

Glad I didn't order through UBI.

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Unread postby theGryphon » 25 May 2006, 14:51

This is so stupid! We PRE-ordered the game from the PUBLISHER, and look what happens :flame:
KingImp, would you give us that phone number please?
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Unread postby HodgePodge » 25 May 2006, 15:17

Yes, I did get the Regular Edition; now I'm glad I did. At first, out of sheer excitement, I preordered the Limited Edition too. Then after giving it some thought (and finding out that no creature stat card was included) I changed my order to the Regular Standard Edition. Also, because the LE came with Heroes III & IV without the expansions. I already have these games (with all expansions) so I couldn't see any reason to pay for them again.

One more thought, the LE comes on DVD & the Regular Edition came on CD. I have both a CD-ROM drive & a DVD drive; now the CD's can be used in either drive, but the DVD's can only be used in one drive.

I was surprised to get my game yesterday (May 24th) which was a day earlier than I expected. Go figure. I sure hope everyone gets their game soon … it's really unprofessional for UbiSoft to take all those preorders and then not have enough games in stock to fill them.
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