What should the 1st patch include?

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby Orfinn » 23 May 2006, 17:15

Great, now only if Ubi and Nival could.....if possible, but nah too late I guess :rolleyes:

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Unread postby hydro123456 » 24 May 2006, 19:26

Here's a few things I'd change with the patch.

-Scrolling is way to slow, even with it at the highest speed. It should accelerate a lot faster.

-There should be a clickable button for "wait" in combat.

-You should be able to load a game in combat.

-You should be able to choose quick combat on an individual basis rather than all or none.

-The city build tree is absolutely horrible. It needs to go back to the h3 style.

The most important thing to me in a turn based game is that everything is easy and quick to navigate. So far heroes 5 is kind of a pain.

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Sir Alock
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Unread postby Sir Alock » 24 May 2006, 22:03

Marzhin wrote:
ThunderTitan wrote:Also the game slows down alot if you zoom or move the camera. Something should be done about it.
And pleasew, for the love of all that's good in the world, GET RID OF Sev. AND JUST PUT IN Several. You know how lazy that makes you look?
Off-topic : In fact when playing the H5 demo, I can't help but think those Nival developpers ARE quite lazy... :devious:
Talk about lazy? How about your spelling of "Developers" Nice job! Anyway...I can say I'm enjoying HoMMV! Gerat game..Patches will come, as usual!

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Unread postby Paradox » 24 May 2006, 22:48

ThunderTitan wrote:Also the game slows down alot if you zoom or move the camera. Something should be done about it.
And pleasew, for the love of all that's good in the world, GET RID OF Sev. AND JUST PUT IN Several. You know how lazy that makes you look?
maybe the person writing it didnt know how to properly spell it, and was too lazy to look it up...

as far as the patch is concerned, i dont care if they make devils cost 1 gold and do 666 damage, i just want all the bugs fixed, especially the crashing and multiplayer crashing. i thought i'd seen the last of those after Homm 3..

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Unread postby asandir » 25 May 2006, 01:53

can someone pls explain to me all the complaints about a goddam wait button ..... YOU'VE GOT ONE, it's called the "w" key

it's only 50 times faster to use the "w" key than moving the cursor and clicking .... surely ppl aren't using both hands on the mouse??!!

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Unread postby Uata » 25 May 2006, 02:28

What do you think about map size???? Very big (xl maps in homm3&4)maps are to small in compare to old heroes. I think it's one of the biggest problem of homm5
So i want(and my few friends) in new patch:
-bigger maps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-map editor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-you should be able to load a game in combat
-some items doesn't have descriptions
-more artifacts
-replay turn button!!!!
-kingdom overview button
-old style interface(this thing is inpossible i think:((()
-resolve AI bugs
-wait button in combat
-barbarian(stonghold) city!!!(i think they leave it for expansion pack. they want $$$$$$)
-and one more time BIGGER MAPS!!!!!!!!!!!

And they should play WoG few times befor making this game......

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 25 May 2006, 11:26

stefan.urlus wrote:can someone pls explain to me all the complaints about a goddam wait button ..... YOU'VE GOT ONE, it's called the "w" key

it's only 50 times faster to use the "w" key than moving the cursor and clicking .... surely ppl aren't using both hands on the mouse??!!
There is a thing called basic gameplay,you know.Hotkeyes are considered advanced gameplay,and arent used by people that never played heroes before.Besides,theres been many a time where it was much easier to move my mouse to the wait button instead of moving my hand to hit the w key.

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Unread postby King Imp » 25 May 2006, 13:45

First patch should fix all minor bugs, typo errors and missing tool tips. Also, it should include the Wait button, the Split Troops button, and the High Score list.

Anything less in my opinion is a slap in the face.

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