What should the 1st patch include?

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby Milla aka. the Slayer » 16 May 2006, 08:27

Cold Fingers wrote:First, hi to everyone, long time lurker finally registered :)
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Unread postby val-gaav » 16 May 2006, 08:56

Sikon wrote:Not in the beta, in the leaked pre-beta. (linky)
Hehh ... as i watch this screen and remembered about this alpha version ...

What would make me buy the game ? Simple : In alpha version there was one fixed bird view on adv map .... Things on map like monsters buildings etc had good proportions . I don't know why they changed it :(
If the game was back to the good old : "You don't have to zoom and turn camera to see enything" then I would buy it ...

Another thing is game interface : Town interface and hero interface should be change into more intuitives ones ....

I also wish for map editor and good RMG ... This however can wait .

From minor things I would wish but they are not in the game is :
-Caravan system - not to travel from town to town , but to easily buy external dwellings creatures
- I really like the special ability icons in creature charts in h4 ... it should be back insteead of plain text we have in h5.

That's all .... To sum up I'm not so picky :) If they change adventure map proportions and give me fixed bird eye view , and make this game enjoyable without zooming I will buy it .
Other points would be really nice, but I guess you can have everything .

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Unread postby Orfinn » 16 May 2006, 10:14

I know it would be nice with a wait button, especially useful for new players. But there is a wait function for you who dont know about it, easly press W to use it ;)

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 16 May 2006, 12:07

Oh, yeah. The patch should also include buttons for Spliting Stacks, Waiting, Moving Creatures from the Town to the Hero, and other things you only have keys right now.
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Unread postby Anthriel » 16 May 2006, 12:11

ThunderTitan wrote:Oh, yeah. The patch should also include buttons for Spliting Stacks, Waiting, Moving Creatures from the Town to the Hero, and other things you only have keys right now.
The absence of a wait button is so ridiculos makes me want to cry.
I hoped the demo interface was just incomplete. Seeing it in it's full not-glory in the release version was laughable.

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Unread postby Cold Fingers » 16 May 2006, 16:16

I must say it again:

One more thing:
I noticed some of the artifacts don't have description at all?!
What the...? :|

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 16 May 2006, 18:28

Oh, yeah. Somebody needs to proof read the bloody ingame descriptions.
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Unread postby Wolfshanze » 16 May 2006, 18:32

Well from what I just heard, they need to fix the Inferno campaign path... when you complete the 3rd Inferno campaign scenairo, it jumps over the 4th scenario and starts you on the 5th!?!?

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 16 May 2006, 18:48

Probaly doesn't happen always...
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 16 May 2006, 19:24

Wolfshanze wrote:Well from what I just heard, they need to fix the Inferno campaign path... when you complete the 3rd Inferno campaign scenairo, it jumps over the 4th scenario and starts you on the 5th!?!?
So whats the problem?Youll finish the game quicker :devil:

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Unread postby csarmi » 21 May 2006, 12:55

What I find completely rediculous and needs fixing asap: make it possible to moveon the adventure map by keys. Numpad, arrow keys, whatever, just make it possible.

It really ruins the game to have no such option.
Slows down way too much.

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Unread postby maareek » 21 May 2006, 14:16


Currently its nearly impossible to get the ultimate skills (like wizards ability that gives all spells) because either the hero starts with the wrong ability (for example when academy hero has basic enlightment and Intelligence ability he wont be able to get Graduate anymore because one of the 3 ability slots was spent on a wrong ability) or when leveling up you are forced to choose an ability that isnt needed for the supreme ability but denies you from getting ability that is required for that l33t ability. It happened with me in the necromancers campaign when I was trying to get howl of terror and while leveling up was forced to choose either Master of mind or Master of pain ability (no skills were offered).
The ability names were taken from http://www.heroesofmightandmagic.com/he ... ties.shtml

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Unread postby csarmi » 21 May 2006, 14:22

Another must have is a better initiative bar that lets you see into its mechanics, if you so wish.

What I mean by it? You should be able to find out without using a paper and calculating like hell what the order will be if you cast this spell. Or cast that... Or wait... etc...

This part of the game is just too important!

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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 21 May 2006, 15:29

Yeah, live visual feedback of the possible outcome of the spells would be a great addition.
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Unread postby Continuity » 21 May 2006, 15:49

Wolfshanze wrote:Well from what I just heard, they need to fix the Inferno campaign path... when you complete the 3rd Inferno campaign scenairo, it jumps over the 4th scenario and starts you on the 5th!?!?
This only happened to some people. It didn't happen to me and a bunch of others.

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Re: What should the 1st patch include?

Unread postby csarmi » 21 May 2006, 21:39

[Just for the record. I think both gargoyles' and treants' graphics rock

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Unread postby asandir » 22 May 2006, 01:29

i like the treants too, but the gargoyles are horrible ...

here's to hoping that the first patch DOES come out in a week or so, and justrounds out some of the more obvious problems, the less obvious can prolly wait a bit longer ;-)

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Unread postby Teagle » 22 May 2006, 10:22

Hi all

What about that damn blocky ugly clunky manky lurid text that comes up whenever you pick something up on the map? Good god it's terrible.

Also on text: as has been said, clearing up the mess that appears over the day of the week button, and changing sev. to several, would be nice. Really simple stuff...

And I second the tweaked (it's mostly pretty good) AI.

Would it be possible for the music to move between areas more distinctly, like Heroes 1-3?

Apart from these things, though, I'm really really impressed with this Heroes! :D

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Unread postby Dublex » 22 May 2006, 11:32

I didn't know you could wait in combat either, I'll have to use the W key more often then.

Things that would be nice to fix:

-AI bugs
-Full descriptions on all items. The cursed bracelet has no description on it, so it could just do about anything as far as anyone knows
-put more buttons to split stacks etc
-Make it so you don't have to have the agility of an acrobat to move stacks from town to hero or vice versa (its very easy to try and move a stack and the game to refuse)

Something else nobody has mentioned

-Fix the town descriptions / attributes in multiplayer maps. The 2 player Penensula map is just silly, as it assumes your playing with an Infernal town as the first player and Necropolis as the second one - Ur-Haazel is just about acceptable for evilly aligned aligned towns, but getting it for a good aligned Haven town or a Alcemy town? and even worse, graves being mentioned when you have a town that doesn't have any outside it?

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Unread postby Orfinn » 22 May 2006, 12:15

Continuity wrote:
Wolfshanze wrote:Well from what I just heard, they need to fix the Inferno campaign path... when you complete the 3rd Inferno campaign scenairo, it jumps over the 4th scenario and starts you on the 5th!?!?
This only happened to some people. It didn't happen to me and a bunch of others.
Well they should patch up this problem as well, just in case.

And I gotta say it again, change the look of the djinns if possible. With normal sized head and hands, why does the hero djinns looks normal when their lesser companions (the troops) looks weird?

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