The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh

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The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh

Unread postby danil40 » 21 Jul 2010, 09:17

version 1.5

difficulty easy

I don't see any angels or get attacked by any angels.

Is there maybe a special place on the map that you should check?

Please help me.

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The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh

Unread postby Shad0WeN » 22 Jul 2010, 05:09


Haven't played this in awhile but if I remember correctly you encounter the angels after you abduct Freyda from the prison (near the haven town) and go to transport her to Lorekeep (the necropolis) by traveling along the road. You can't finish the scenario without the Angel Wings artifact so if you aren't getting the fight with the angels then something is probably wrong. Played this on Heroic 1.6 so I don't know if any changes were made to this particular map.
Edited on Thu, Jul 22 2010, 01:11 by Shad0WeN

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The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh

Unread postby danil40 » 22 Jul 2010, 10:01

thanks shadowen maybe it will work if i have 1.6

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The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh

Unread postby rrwillem » 14 Mar 2011, 12:44


Dont know if it is still usefull, but you probably have auto-combat on. Happened to me once as well and I didnt get the wings. I tried again with auto-save and it was solved.

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Unread postby Kaet » 06 Aug 2011, 15:55

how can i get to the Godric´s town???

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The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh

Unread postby ShadowLiberal » 21 Sep 2011, 00:12

I just beat this on patch 1.6, so here's my advice.

I didn't rush to storm Godric right away. At first I slowly fought my way to claiming the mines and raising more dead troops. I fought off the two orange heroes when they showed up. I then sat around for a couple of weeks grabbing treasures, and raising hordes of troops.

Fly to the south east island, and answer the riddle correctly to claim the gold prize, I got 50,000 gold out of it.

Make sure that the Tavern says Markal is stronger then Godric before you attack. Once you're ready to attack Godric trade all your other resources for gold and upgrade your army if you haven't already, then attack with Markal.

Godric doesn't use what spells are best for him. I was blinding and puppet mastering his army, and he just attack my own troops with Word of Light or use deflect missiles on his own men on his turns.

Also, you probably raised a large number of Wights from fights, so using Earthquake to break open Godric's castle to send them in isn't such a bad idea. I had 72 of them, and they were single handedly able to kill almost everyone in any stack they attacked.

(Note I did this on hard)

Edit: Another piece of advise on the Hill Fort, the upgrade costs depend on tier level of the creature

-Tier 1: Free

-Tier 2: 50% Normal Cost

-Tier 3: 100% Normal Cost

-Tier 4: 125% Normal Cost

-Tier 5: 150% Normal Cost

-Tier 6: 175% Normal Cost

-Tier 7: 200% Normal Cost

So It's not true that it's cheaper to upgrade units all the time at the Hill Fort, however unless you're upgrading a lot units it is cheaper to just use the Hill Fort, due to the cost of building the upgraded builds in Markal's town.
Edited on Tue, Oct 02 2012, 10:10 by ShadowLiberal

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The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh

Unread postby ShadowLiberal » 22 Jan 2012, 01:47

OMG, I just replayed this mission on Heroic, and attacked Godric at the end of Month 2, Week 1, Day 7. His academy army was a decent size, and started ripping my stacks of dead apart, to the point that I had only 33 Wraiths, 400 zombies, 60 liches, and 400 skeleton archers left, and falling fast. For some reason Godric kept on casting deflect missle on each individual unit, rather than use the mass version of it.

Then I started summon in reinforcements, 100 fire elements, and a super phoenix with 88 attack/defense and over 600 damage an attack, and man did things start to turn in my favor quick! Especially once the phoenixes took out of the Titans. I used Vampirism on my Wraiths and regained the 15+ I lost earlier to the titans to, plus thanks to Earthquakes Godric's castle was completely demolished. Things were really looking up!

Then Godric's haven units showed up, and my jaw dropped. 140 Angels! 1300+ Footmen! 54 Paladins, and 370 archers! Since I knew the paladins could undo a puppet master on the angels I puppet mastered the Paladins and got them killed fighting the footmen. The Angels on the other hand ripped my 52+ Wraiths to shreds in one hit! And then they took out the zombies.

I puppet mastered the angels and had them and the Phoenix slowly take out the 1300+ footmen. Godric used Frenzy on my Skeleton Archers, which caused them to die attacking the fire elements, so then I started reviving dead troops to prevent an instant lost if he did the same thing to my liches. Eventually I managed to kill all 140 puppet mastered angels, and won the campaign.

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The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh

Unread postby xiilus » 30 Mar 2013, 06:15

This is possibly the most likely map for the ToE mod to backfire on you. I am a big fan of using it, mainly for having options in what troops to field; alternate upgrades gave Heroes V much higher replay value for me. In many cases it makes the campaign easier, but when the enemy uses Divine Vengeance, beware!

I had made Godric quite a potent Light magic caster, and even as Markal was wreaking havoc with dark magic, Godric was punishing the hell out of my units. I had to replay the fight a few times to prevent my troops from doing any damage at all; his fliers would cross the field quickly, and before I knew it my troops would retaliate and become vulnerable to Godric's unspeakable wrath. My Wraiths killed just 12 Sultans, and that was was enough for Divine Vengeance to kill a dozen Wraiths per cast, and he had the mana to cast it about 20 times

Although as bad as DV can be, I shudder to think what would happen if Godric realized he had Word of Light.

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The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh

Unread postby Wheeler Dealer » 26 Oct 2013, 06:50

I'm replaying, it's still fun and it's been so long I don't remember most of the details. I'm patched to 1.6 this time around and playing on Hard, not Heroic.

I didn't rush until I got the message telling me I had to finish before the double eclipse in one month, Ended on day 2, week 3 month 2. Godric was as well built as I could make him, maxed out in both his earlier appearances.

Markal Was quite the magic user, Expert Dark and Expert Summoning supported by Expert Sorcery and Expert Enlightenment. Spellpower 34 and never a mana concern.

I used Puppet Master 1st, Frenzy 2nd then summoned an Phoenix and some elementals (fire). After that I just cast Raise Dead every turn. Well, I did use Puppet Master again when the 22 angels showed up.

I didn't see the huge numbers in the Haven reinforcements that I've read about here. He had 22 angels (not archangels) and 25 paladins plus some footmen and archers, There seemed to be something wrong with my Phoenix. It took down all 25 paladins with one attack, over 3400 damage on a lucky hit!

I think all through this campaign I had an easier time because I gave Markal Scholar. He got all the adventure spells from Isabel and then passed on Summon boat to the hired heroes. I don't think anything but Summon Creatures was available without Scholar.

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The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh

Unread postby vil2 » 05 Mar 2014, 21:52

I can't believe how easy I just beat this mission just by changing my strategy.

I followed this guide and tried to rush Godric but I was utterly destroyed again and again every time his Castle troops spawned, at week 2 or 3.

After many, many tries, I decided to explore the map. So my Markal went by sea north, while a secondary hero went south for the ring of Sar Issus and the Sphinx.

After a quick cleaning of the island (and a good bunch of resurrected troops on day 1 - mainly Wraiths and Lichs), I visited the prison, took the wings, and went for Godric's castle.

Due to a bug (game crash), I couldn't kill the attacking orange hero. But nevermind, I rushed Godric and put isabel in the sanctuary.

With roughly 50 wraiths and 50 lichs, I have totally humiliated Godric. I couldn't believe I've had so much trouble with the other strategy. I think that the stat boosts (knowledge, especially) and the ring of sar issus (50% reduced mana costs) made the fight extremely easy because I was really able to spam my spells and replenish mana with mark of necromancer.

So if you have trouble like me, just get those bonuses, visit the prison, and storm Godric's castle.
Edited on Wed, Mar 05 2014, 16:53 by vil2

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The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh

Unread postby Felix Krull » 05 Sep 2014, 13:44

Whee! That was easy.

I took my own good time and only attacked Godric after cleaning up the map, by when I had 100 arch liches, 12 black dragons, 1k archers and 100 vampire lords. Godric messed up his spellcasting bad, doing deflect missile while there were vampires and dragons loose inside his walls, even dropped two curse of the netherworld, the clown.

PM on the 150(!) angels, and that was all, she wrote. I lost my stack of vampires to the 2.5k footmen, but I figure I could have taken it home with zero casualties, if I hadn't stepped on their corpses.
Edited on Fri, Sep 05 2014, 11:01 by Felix Krull

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Unread postby Kalah » 09 Sep 2014, 19:53

It sure is fun watching these articles still being used and discussed. :)
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The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh

Unread postby Ansive » 06 Dec 2014, 21:23

Damn. Was not expecting that.

147 angels, 1900 footmen and 60 paladins. (day 6, w2, m2)

No chance without frenzy.

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Re: The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh

Unread postby Moondragon » 29 Jun 2020, 00:03

This mission on heroic was laughably easy for me . . . and now I know why. When I fought Godric, I wasn't expecting the Haven reinforcements, so troop conservation wasn't a huge concern. When the Haven reinforcements showed up, they had a HUGE army, but it disappeared instantly and it went to the cut scene. Earlier in the mission, it took a lot of maneuvering to get the Angel Wings, as the angel ambush did not trigger automatically as I returned to Lorekeep. Overall, I think this whole mission was bugged for me. I'm simultaneously relieved and disappointed.

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Re: The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh

Unread postby ShadowLiberal » 24 Oct 2021, 19:43

Unfortunately I ran into the same issue as Moondragon, I beat Godric's Academy troops in a laughably easy fight. His Haven troops showed up for a split second (with much greater numbers than his Academy troops) only for the battle to end prematurely with me victorious.

I'm not sure what exactly changed about my Heroes 5 installation from years ago compared to now. I briefly had the heroes 5.5 patch installed, but I didn't like it so I uninstalled it, not sure if that somehow caused this bug even though I already uninstalled it? I'm using the all campaigns in TOTE mod to play through the campaigns.

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Re: The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh

Unread postby Wheeler Dealer » 20 Oct 2023, 20:46

The Lord of Hersch, Heroic,

Week 1, gave Isabel a caddy to hold her army between turns. Day three, picked up Fryda. Fought the angels and got the wings.

Week 2, Isabel defeated Narxes near Newpost. Isabel defeated Maahir in a bloody battle from behind castle walls. Orange is done.

My plan at this point was to have Markal tour the map while buying ip the finishing army. Two towns can outproduce one. Try to get all the creatures from Lorekeep along with the converted creatures from Newpost. Problem is, I'm not collecting enough money to buy and upgrade the creatures I'm building. Should have settled for the top 4 tiers and Skeleton Archers w/o upgrading the bone dragons, or maybe just don't upgrade anything.

Won @ 2,2,2.

That last battle was scary. It was rated low and seemed like a pushover with Godric casting Curse of the Netherworld a few times! He couldn't be bothered to cast cleansing on my Puppet Master or Magic Immunity. Then when I killed his last stack an army bigger than the first one appeared, 145 angels, 750 archers and maybe 80 Paladins. I prevailed with generous use of Puppet Master and Raise Dead but I would have lost to a better AI general.

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Re: The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh

Unread postby Near » 21 Jul 2024, 15:22

Apparently if you play with tribes of the east all campaign mod you don’t fight godric second haven army, you just see it for a split second as soon as you defeat the academy army and the fight ends and cutscene starts. He had like 50 angels and 300 hundred something of the tier1-3.

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