The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh
- Bandobras Took
- Genie
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The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh
If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
Far too many people speak their minds without first verifying the quality of their source material.
- Bandobras Took
- Genie
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- Joined: 06 Jan 2006
The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh
On the other hand, if you don't max Godric, you won't have as strong an advantage in the Wizard Campaign.
Far too many people speak their minds without first verifying the quality of their source material.
The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh
Don't dismiss the Haven troops straight off; the trick is to leave the Angels/whatnot in the castle, and Isabel outside empty-handed.
They won't defect if they're not in Isabel's army. Tested multiple times.
You can then later convert them to Undead units with that converter thingy in the Necropolis. Just don't touch them until the "defected" thing appears, but none will go if they're in the castle and not with Isabel. After that you're free to use them.
I had a tough time, Markal had the Tainted Earth skill which kept breaking my Puppets whenever they moved, and my Godric had somehow thought Magic Resistance would be a good idea at the time, which made everything I cast go to hell,
Edited on Sat, Jun 17 2006, 12:07 by UnDefiler
They won't defect if they're not in Isabel's army. Tested multiple times.
You can then later convert them to Undead units with that converter thingy in the Necropolis. Just don't touch them until the "defected" thing appears, but none will go if they're in the castle and not with Isabel. After that you're free to use them.
I had a tough time, Markal had the Tainted Earth skill which kept breaking my Puppets whenever they moved, and my Godric had somehow thought Magic Resistance would be a good idea at the time, which made everything I cast go to hell,
Edited on Sat, Jun 17 2006, 12:07 by UnDefiler
- Leprechaun
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The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh
You can enven use your haven troops with Isabel if you buy a second hero to move them along with her. The second hero follows Isabel, she takes the troops, attack anything, then gives the troops back to the sec. hero for the end of the turn, and she can take them back the next turn. I did this as i wanted to level her and take all bonuses, i guess she will come back later as the campaign is "Queen Isabel's War". I'll see later if i'm right.
The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh
Huh, why is the haven town orange in the map?
The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh
Oh, the orange took it over.. Should of read first...
The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh
The above walkthrough states that "Attacking Godric this soon is the best way to win this scenario". I don't think this is true.
I fought a well-built (lv 24+10) Godric twice (on heroic), one on Day 1 Week 2 with 549 skeleton archers, and the other on Day 5 Week 3, with 1760 skeleton archers. I barely made it in the first case, while I won way too easily in the latter case. The skeleton archers rule! If you have difficulty beating Godric on Day 1 Week 2, try to come back later with much more skeleton archers. The island on the north not only has some Paladins to join you, but also has some 300+ Minotaurs, which is a very nice boost (plus some stats upgrades).
I fought a well-built (lv 24+10) Godric twice (on heroic), one on Day 1 Week 2 with 549 skeleton archers, and the other on Day 5 Week 3, with 1760 skeleton archers. I barely made it in the first case, while I won way too easily in the latter case. The skeleton archers rule! If you have difficulty beating Godric on Day 1 Week 2, try to come back later with much more skeleton archers. The island on the north not only has some Paladins to join you, but also has some 300+ Minotaurs, which is a very nice boost (plus some stats upgrades).
- Ozymandias
- Leprechaun
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The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh
I'm confused. the walkthrough says that Markal should collect all the troops from Necropolis, then that I should hire another hero at Lorekeep, to collect all the troops there. But Lorekeep is the only Necropolis I see, and there aren't any troops left after Markal takes them. What am I missing?
- Gaidal Cain
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The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh
> ... you’re stupid enough to max him on level 2
(spoiler follows)
Well, after finishing the Academy campaign I think those who max Godric whenever possilbe is the smartest (at least not stupid).
Edited on Mon, Jul 31 2006, 10:13 by maltz
(spoiler follows)
Well, after finishing the Academy campaign I think those who max Godric whenever possilbe is the smartest (at least not stupid).
Edited on Mon, Jul 31 2006, 10:13 by maltz
Errr... I'm currently busy with the battle with Godric.
After defeating his academy army (11 titans etc.) Godric summons :
192 angels
xxx champions (I forgot)
1k archers
2k squires
Which is fine by itself, if it were not for the facts that :
- my army is about 5% of his
- his army resists frenzy
- his army resists puppet master
I still think I'll be able to beat him, but these are some insane odds. Seems like a bug to me. Anyone else got such numbers?
After defeating his academy army (11 titans etc.) Godric summons :
192 angels
xxx champions (I forgot)
1k archers
2k squires
Which is fine by itself, if it were not for the facts that :
- my army is about 5% of his
- his army resists frenzy
- his army resists puppet master
I still think I'll be able to beat him, but these are some insane odds. Seems like a bug to me. Anyone else got such numbers?
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?
The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh
> to wimfrits:
Wow that looks weird. I played this mission twice on heroic, facing him Day 1 Week 2, and Day 5 Week 3, respectively. He both had about 25 AA and 30 PL, and about 100 others. Let's say his angels grow at 11% per week (heroic growth for neutrals), then it would take about 19-20 weeks to do that! Surely you didn't battle him on month 6...
Maybe it is just a coincidence, but some people have also reported HUGE finall boss armies on the Sylvan campaign. Perhaps you can install the latest patch and try this mission again.
Edited on Wed, Jul 26 2006, 08:29 by maltz
Wow that looks weird. I played this mission twice on heroic, facing him Day 1 Week 2, and Day 5 Week 3, respectively. He both had about 25 AA and 30 PL, and about 100 others. Let's say his angels grow at 11% per week (heroic growth for neutrals), then it would take about 19-20 weeks to do that! Surely you didn't battle him on month 6...
Maybe it is just a coincidence, but some people have also reported HUGE finall boss armies on the Sylvan campaign. Perhaps you can install the latest patch and try this mission again.
Edited on Wed, Jul 26 2006, 08:29 by maltz
- Gaidal Cain
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Re: The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh
Meh. Getting him to the pont were he doesn't have any free skill/ability slots is easy enough anyway. Zehir has a much harder time.maltz wrote:Well, after finishing the Academy campaign I think those who max Godric whenever possilbe is the smartest.(I doubt the author, at the time when (s)he wrote this, finished the entire campaign.)
You don't want to make enemies in Nuclear Engineering. -- T. Pratchett
The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh
Since I started replaying all campaigns due to patch issue, this is the one scenario I've really been dreading. I played this map for untold hours on normal the first time thru, and somewhere around 2 a.m. was thinking I had finally beat my perfectly designed, max leveled Godric, when he summoned his HUGE army of Haven troops, swollen by all the high level units that had defected over the course of a long, long game with Isobel. Should have read this walkthru first
Thanks for all the help.

The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh
I just fought this Godric myself with patch 1.2 (heroic). I went there on Week 3 Day 6. This Godric was lv 24, with stats 26 23 13 12 and Light, Luck, Enlightenment, Attack.
Godric's Academy army isn't a concern, but his Haven army was way bigger than I knew before: 95 archangels, 38 paladins, 450 archers and 1000+ footman. That footman stack was a moving nuke! I frenzied this stack and wiped out every other Godric's stack, and it still had 1000+ left! (Due to his enraged ability, this footman stack has an attack value of 98!)
Thanks to spirit link, with virtually unlimited mana I was able to out-run Godric's 180 mana (!) and wear this stack down with one phoenix after one. At several points I had to keep myself alive by raising the sepctre stack and flee like no tomorrow. It was really fun! Great adjustment with patch 1.2.
Edited on Tue, Aug 01 2006, 21:09 by maltz
Godric's Academy army isn't a concern, but his Haven army was way bigger than I knew before: 95 archangels, 38 paladins, 450 archers and 1000+ footman. That footman stack was a moving nuke! I frenzied this stack and wiped out every other Godric's stack, and it still had 1000+ left! (Due to his enraged ability, this footman stack has an attack value of 98!)
Thanks to spirit link, with virtually unlimited mana I was able to out-run Godric's 180 mana (!) and wear this stack down with one phoenix after one. At several points I had to keep myself alive by raising the sepctre stack and flee like no tomorrow. It was really fun! Great adjustment with patch 1.2.
Edited on Tue, Aug 01 2006, 21:09 by maltz
The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh
Another good scenario, giving new things not met in earlier maps: defecting troops, ambushing angels, flying heroes.
At Hard, you don't need to be quite so clever. I had built Godric to be good but not fantastic, and he ran out of mana at the crucial moment.
Alternate strategy that worked for me (but might not be enough at Heroic): base Isabel in Newpost and build to defeat the Orange invasion when it comes (you won't accumulate anything huge enough to help Godric when they defect, and you can use the 'not with Isabel' trick if you want, though it's a bit too gamey for my liking). Meanwhile, Markal roams around building up skeleton archers and strength. An Orange hero will land from the SE (curiously, when you beat him and explore, you'll find he started in a lagoon with no exits): beat him and use the hill fort in the SE to make up for whatever higher level capability you didn't build at Lorekeep. Then fly in and fight Godric. At Hard, fighting around week 5, I found the Haven reinforcements were 25 each of angels and cavaliers, which I was just able to beat by constantly reviving dead wraiths - very cose thing though. Although I did take Puppetmaster in the previous scenario, it didn't seem available this time - perhaps I have the wrong prerequisites. But at Hard, at least, you don't need it (or frenzy either). As in other areas of the game, there is more than one way to fight: heroic might for your forces, decay for the enemy titans, and constantly restoring the dead.
At Hard, you don't need to be quite so clever. I had built Godric to be good but not fantastic, and he ran out of mana at the crucial moment.
Alternate strategy that worked for me (but might not be enough at Heroic): base Isabel in Newpost and build to defeat the Orange invasion when it comes (you won't accumulate anything huge enough to help Godric when they defect, and you can use the 'not with Isabel' trick if you want, though it's a bit too gamey for my liking). Meanwhile, Markal roams around building up skeleton archers and strength. An Orange hero will land from the SE (curiously, when you beat him and explore, you'll find he started in a lagoon with no exits): beat him and use the hill fort in the SE to make up for whatever higher level capability you didn't build at Lorekeep. Then fly in and fight Godric. At Hard, fighting around week 5, I found the Haven reinforcements were 25 each of angels and cavaliers, which I was just able to beat by constantly reviving dead wraiths - very cose thing though. Although I did take Puppetmaster in the previous scenario, it didn't seem available this time - perhaps I have the wrong prerequisites. But at Hard, at least, you don't need it (or frenzy either). As in other areas of the game, there is more than one way to fight: heroic might for your forces, decay for the enemy titans, and constantly restoring the dead.
The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh
I've just finished the mission last night, but how come I did not see what you guys have described? I did max Godric in previous mission and I waited until the last day to fight him. After I beat his academy army, his haven troop only had 5 angels, 2 cavaliers, 6? footman and ?? archer. This is too easy. I don't have the patch and playing with normal difficulty.
- Lurker
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The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh
the same thing like khlo happened to me also. at the first time i thought that godric's haven army is that the haven army which defects isabel. moreover, i think his academy army is stronger than his haven army.
The understanding I have of this is Godrick starts with a certain number of haven troops, and adds what deffects from Isabel. So if you have a large number of deffections, the haven is going to be more powerful. If you have few, it will be weaker. So for those who use the ability to add army to Isabel (through cheats) or just keeps piling army onto isabel to keep her doing things, this will cause the last army to be stronger. Only Haven troops defect, so giving her a different type of army helps. Also I believe if she is garrisoned they don't defect (I never garrisoned her so I dont have a clue). Also, if you are down to a few of one stack they do not defect.
Warning, may cause confusion, blindness, raising of eybrows, and insanity. 

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