Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby DaveHer » 08 Nov 2022, 11:45

No it does not break the Tamara Quest and I do not know of any other thing you must do first. At the beginning of the game you are instructed to go there first (Ellesia) :D. Oh, I also most forgot, make sure that you knock on all doors there. There are more instructions in one of the houses.

About the palettes, yes, I look for images that have about the same colors as my new image. It works 99% of the time. I worry about memory. More palette, more memory used.

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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby Echo » 08 Nov 2022, 18:04

DaveHer wrote: 08 Nov 2022, 11:45 About the palettes, yes, I look for images that have about the same colors as my new image. It works 99% of the time. I worry about memory. More palette, more memory used.
That's a healthy approach. I'll learn it too one day, when my game dies due to memory fail :D

Horror story time: when I was first modding M&M, I was replacing ground and building textures and I didn't know how to make palettes at all, barely knew what indexed images were. I used a program called LOD Merge or something like that (ooooold Grayface utility) and it would upload all the new textures into the bitmaps.lod and it would add palettes to make them work, but it generated 1 palette per file! :tired: So if I added idk 16 squares of grass tiles, instead of 1 palette, it would add 16! :-D

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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby Echo » 08 Nov 2022, 19:05

Hmm, how exactly does the Meanest MF difficulty work? I wanted to see if it would spam enemies in a dungeon, went to Tortuga Hall so that in case is spawned plenty I could still clean it without issue later, but going in and out and saving and reloading inside didn't spawn any more pirates. Does it only affect some specific dungeons?

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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby DaveHer » 08 Nov 2022, 21:21

Echo wrote: 08 Nov 2022, 19:05 Hmm, how exactly does the Meanest MF difficulty work? I wanted to see if it would spam enemies in a dungeon, went to Tortuga Hall so that in case is spawned plenty I could still clean it without issue later, but going in and out and saving and reloading inside didn't spawn any more pirates. Does it only affect some specific dungeons?
The trick is you must finish the dungeon the first time without getting killed. If you get killed without finishing the dungeon, then you will have a big surprise when you load the game and go into the dungeon again. :D I think this is for all the dungeons I am not sure. I know for sure that some of the maps have extra monsters at the MF level and some do not. Sutter's Bay is one that has extra monsters. Kat'an does not. If you want to know what each dungeon does check out GrayFace Decompiled Scripts @ scroll down a little.
They are not difficult to understand. It will tell you what happens in each of the two levels for each of the maps and dungeons (the medium and the hard only because nothing happens in the easy level). Big Daddy Jim made it this way. Not Me.

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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby Echo » 08 Nov 2022, 22:11

Hmm, I tried to do it in the Tortuga Hall but failed (as in tested the dying), but maybe they do spawn, just somewhere deeper in, idk :D

Arriving at Sutter's Bay was sure a surprise! Instantly mauled, haha, especially since I started by selling all my items, including spell books, and then removing the gold and skills with the editor to start from 0 xd

It's was a fun start for sure. Hope I get to see the dungeon trick at some point. I don't quite want to browse the files, because it would ruin the surprise ^^

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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby DaveHer » 08 Nov 2022, 23:02

Echo wrote: 08 Nov 2022, 22:11 Hmm, I tried to do it in the Tortuga Hall but failed (as in tested the dying), but maybe they do spawn, just somewhere deeper in, idk :D

Arriving at Sutter's Bay was sure a surprise! Instantly mauled, haha, especially since I started by selling all my items, including spell books, and then removing the gold and skills with the editor to start from 0 xd

It's was a fun start for sure. Hope I get to see the dungeon trick at some point. I don't quite want to browse the files, because it would ruin the surprise ^^
Sorry you had to learn the hard way. lol :D I always play the easy level. Call me a coward. lol :D

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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby Echo » 09 Nov 2022, 08:15

DaveHer wrote: 08 Nov 2022, 23:02 Sorry you had to learn the hard way. lol :D I always play the easy level. Call me a coward. lol :D
Don't be sorry, it was great :-D I just played these games too many times to enjoy anything but brutal difficulty at this point. I need a challenge to have motivation to play haha.

I also sold that random +12 sword I found in Sutter's Bay :tongue:

No coward-calling tho, everyone should enjoy the game as they please. That's what's it's here for ;)

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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby DaveHer » 09 Nov 2022, 09:24

About the coward, thanks for being unstanding.

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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby GrayFace » 10 Nov 2022, 10:12

DaveHer wrote: 06 Nov 2022, 17:45 No, because of the way Part 2 is installed with an installer created by Big Daddy Jim and for that reason I can not modify part 2. :( Sorry.
Don't bother with BDJ's installer. I can help you do without it.
Echo wrote: 06 Nov 2022, 23:15The disappearing ground is quite troubling though, Ellesia is really flickery. The entire gate and the town hill is going missing when looking from some angles 8| . I'm trying to think whether I could find some way to find out if it's fixable, by throwing in some old bitmpaps or sth :disagree: Probably not, if you and Grayface didn't manage to figure it out I don't really stand a chance either.
I wasn't even aware of it ([edit] oh, I remember somebody reported whole ground disappearing somewhere, it was weird). If you save the game when the ground isn't visible, would it be invisible when you load the game later? If so, I'd like to have such a save file.
DaveHer wrote: 07 Nov 2022, 11:15
Echo wrote: 07 Nov 2022, 08:27
DaveHer wrote: 07 Nov 2022, 03:21 @Echo
About your question (What do the difficulty settings change by the way?) Quit some time ago, I studied the decompiled EVT scripts for TCC1 and it is clear that more monsters are added to the maps and dungeons when you select a harder level. Be careful, there is a post in the TCC redone thread of a player that selected the hardest level and what happen is that all of her party members got kill while in a dungeon. She reloaded the save game and when into the dungeon and the number of monsters increased. She was unable to finish the dungeon. See if you can find the post. It is in the TCC redone (not the enhanced nor the Ultimate). I need to send GrayFace an email about the disappearing ground. It did bother me a little.
Hey, that sounds like a good time! I hope I get that bug too haha, I'd have a blast trying to figure out a way to survive that bugged dungeon lol :D
It is not a bug. It was intended that way by big Daddy Jim, and this is for all the dungeons.
It is a bug. He intended monster-spawning events to be one-time affairs, but some of them trigger every time you enter an area. And The Hive has it the other way around - it doesn't spawn infinitely on the hardest difficulty, but spawns 4 draws on the Hard one. Still, I like the buggy hardest difficulty the way it is.
DaveHer wrote: 08 Nov 2022, 21:21 The trick is you must finish the dungeon the first time without getting killed. If you get killed without finishing the dungeon, then you will have a big surprise when you load the game and go into the dungeon again. :D
It mostly happens in some outdoor areas like Bootleg Bay. The trigger for spawning monsters is any reload, that is: a) save/loading, b) leaving the area and entering again.
Echo wrote: 07 Nov 2022, 21:32 Oh, and side for me half the fun of playing M&M is playing around with some art files, I made alternative versions of the welcome signs this time. Maybe you'll like one too, so I uploaded them with palettes, free for grabs :) ... p=share_li
Nice ones! Do you have them before the conversion to palettes?
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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby DaveHer » 10 Nov 2022, 21:15

Thank you for cleaning up some questions. If you have something to take the place of the installer, I would like to make it available to everyone concerned. :tsup: I have a new email address. click on Daveher under the icon (avatar) to send email.

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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby Echo » 11 Nov 2022, 19:30

GrayFace wrote: 10 Nov 2022, 10:12
Echo wrote: 06 Nov 2022, 23:15The disappearing ground is quite troubling though, Ellesia is really flickery. The entire gate and the town hill is going missing when looking from some angles 8| . I'm trying to think whether I could find some way to find out if it's fixable, by throwing in some old bitmpaps or sth :disagree: Probably not, if you and Grayface didn't manage to figure it out I don't really stand a chance either.
I wasn't even aware of it ([edit] oh, I remember somebody reported whole ground disappearing somewhere, it was weird). If you save the game when the ground isn't visible, would it be invisible when you load the game later? If so, I'd like to have such a save file.
It's not a persistent thing in any way - saving and reloading doesn't affect it at all. So far I've only encountered these issues in Sutter's Bay and Ellesia, they're veeeery visibile in these places, you can't miss it (if you have the bug). In Sutter's Bay just go beyond the fountain, towards the temple, and turn around (it also works from many other angles, but that's the quick one). In Ellesia, it happens right away when you get off the ship.
GrayFace wrote: 10 Nov 2022, 10:12 It is a bug. He intended monster-spawning events to be one-time affairs, but some of them trigger every time you enter an area. And The Hive has it the other way around - it doesn't spawn infinitely on the hardest difficulty, but spawns 4 draws on the Hard one. Still, I like the buggy hardest difficulty the way it is.
Ye, the hard difficulty is fun. Shame about the Hive :tongue: Though I wouldn't mind random dungeons having "the bug" to catch me offguard and hand slap for reloading :devious:
Echo wrote: 07 Nov 2022, 21:32 Oh, and side for me half the fun of playing M&M is playing around with some art files, I made alternative versions of the welcome signs this time. Maybe you'll like one too, so I uploaded them with palettes, free for grabs :) ... p=share_li
Nice ones! Do you have them before the conversion to palettes?

I'm sorry, I don't :( I just saved them as indexed .bmps right away.

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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby DaveHer » 11 Nov 2022, 20:28

I sent GrayFace a save game that shows the ground missing.

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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby GrayFace » 11 Nov 2022, 20:33

DaveHer wrote: 10 Nov 2022, 21:15 If you have something to take the place of the installer, I would like to make it available to everyone concerned. :tsup:
Yes, when all's done I'll also make available for standard TCC.
DaveHer wrote: 10 Nov 2022, 21:15 I have a new email address. click on Daveher under the icon (avatar) to send email.
Got the save file, so I have the email :)

I've dealt with the ground problem: ... Limits.lua
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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby Echo » 11 Nov 2022, 21:45

GrayFace wrote: 11 Nov 2022, 20:33 I've dealt with the ground problem: ... Limits.lua
I tried to add it to my install but it doesn't let me launch the game then (probably did something wrong, I just copy-pasted it over the other file of this name :tongue: )

Code: Select all

... Enhanced]\Scripts\Structs\After\RemoveOutdoorLimits.lua:22: attempt to call local 'BatchAdd' (a nil value)

stack traceback:
	... Enhanced]\Scripts\Structs\After\RemoveOutdoorLimits.lua:22: in function 'dofile'
	Scripts\Core\main.lua:484: in main chunk

local variables of 'dofile':
	i4 = (table: 0x030ebb50)
	i2 = (table: 0x03092130)
	i1 = (table: 0x03091fb0)
	u4 = (table: 0x030ec188)
	u2 = (table: 0x030ec008)
	u1 = (table: 0x030ebe88)
	i8 = (table: 0x030ebcb0)
	u8 = (table: 0x030ec2e8)
	mmver = 6
	OldCount = 2000
	NewCount = 24576
	BatchAdd = nil
	PolySize = 84
	dn = 22576
	Offset = 51385416
	Offset2 = 53085992
	counts = (table: 0x03510950)
	refs = (table: 0x035109c0)
	endrefs = (table: 0x0324f650)
	refs2 = (table: 0x0289b6a8)
	(*temporary) = nil
	(*temporary) = (table: 0x03510950)
	(*temporary) = 22576
	(*temporary) = 1
	(*temporary) = 0
	(*temporary) = 60620832
	(*temporary) = 2064384
	(*temporary) = 4
	(*temporary) = 51318952
	(*temporary) = 51318952
	(*temporary) = 60620832
	(*temporary) = 0
	(*temporary) = 2064384
	(*temporary) = 51318952
	(*temporary) = 4482812
	(*temporary) = nil
	(*temporary) = ("cdata<int *>: 0x004466f8")
	(*temporary) = 4482808
	(*temporary) = 4
	(*temporary) = 1.9721960235392e-296
	(*temporary) = 2.4193286428314e-312
	(*temporary) = nil
	(*temporary) = 4482808
	(*temporary) = "attempt to call local 'BatchAdd' (a nil value)"

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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby DaveHer » 11 Nov 2022, 23:38

I too get the same error. :(

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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby GrayFace » 12 Nov 2022, 11:34

Ah, then you'd either need to replace "local BatchAdd = mem.BatchAdd" with definition from the older file or upgrade to new MMExt, which I'm hoping to release very soon.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby DaveHer » 12 Nov 2022, 16:32

The old RemoveOutdoorLimits .lua has nothing about "local BatchAdd = mem.BatchAdd" :|

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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby Echo » 12 Nov 2022, 17:59

GrayFace wrote: 12 Nov 2022, 11:34 Ah, then you'd either need to replace "local BatchAdd = mem.BatchAdd" with definition from the older file or upgrade to new MMExt, which I'm hoping to release very soon.
If you'd like, you can put the new MMExt somewhere and drop me a line in private, I'll happilly toss it in and report if anything goes wonky while I play TCCREU :creative:

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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby Tomsod » 12 Nov 2022, 18:05

It's actually not secret at all:

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Re: Chaos Conspiracy Redone Enhanced Ultimate

Unread postby Echo » 12 Nov 2022, 18:18

Tomsod wrote: 12 Nov 2022, 18:05 It's actually not secret at all:
Is that the new version that can help with the disappearing ground?

Also, side question, is "Horn of Ros" present in TCC? Or removed entirely?

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