Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby TheAnyKey » 19 Feb 2020, 14:19

TheAnyKey wrote:
eilacomeva wrote:
Templayer wrote: The input bug should already be fixed, I think, but I do not remember anybody reporting that second thing with a Path change.
Added to the Bug Tracker and as an GitLab Issue.

Character allignment change also removes the opposite allignment spells from other party members (while their class stays)

cthscr commented on the GitLab Issue:
It's done for Game.CurrentPlayer only (if we speak about Enroth). Is it reproducible?
That's how it was in August 2019; I didn't keep a savegame from back then and I'm not sure if it's still the case with the updated version.
@TheAnyKey do you have a game where you can verify that? Assuming you want light GM, you need to have two characters with a cheap dark spell, switch ONE character to the light path, and check if the OTHER still has that dark spell.

Otherwise I'll try starting a game to check.

I've already overwritten the "before" save file. But upon selecting the "Light Path" my Dark skill disappeared from my skill list and with it the Dark magic index in my spellbook. I don't know whether it erases everyone's spell skill. I'm almost at the choosing point again. So I'll check. I don't have a second starting Light/Dark character though. Shouldn't you be able to hire a Lich after you chose the Light path or deposit your Dark caster in an inn while you choose your path?
I have hired a Necromancer and selected for my Priest the Light Path (Ki Lo Nee - Eel Infested Waters). Only the priest lost his Dark Magic skill, the Necromancer remained unchanged.
LadySoulCrystal wrote:I'm not sure if this would help simply because of how that section of the game works, but using the CheatEngine program and the appropriate MM8 merge cheat table you can give the plans back to yourself. My guess is that your entire party was supposed to die there forcing a reload but your troll prevented that. If that is something you want to do I can get the links to the program and the pre-formatted table, but if the game registered that you gave the plans to Catherine I don't know if you can give the plans to anyone else (if the dialogue prompt is still there).
I suppose I just restart. Life is short, better waste it while you can. :|
Last edited by TheAnyKey on 19 Feb 2020, 14:25, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby cthscr » 19 Feb 2020, 14:31

TheAnyKey wrote:I think I`ve broken my MM7. I've gotten the Fort Riverstride plans and confessed, with them in my inventory, to Queen Cathrine. My Troll survived the execution and so I went to the nearby temple and had his four beheaded companions revived instead of reloading a save state. What I did not realize was, that Cathrine took the plans from us.

Now we don't have the plans to deliver to the Elf King. Judge Grey does not "retrieve" the plans for us and the vault within Fort Riverstride does not open any longer. Hence I can't finish that quest and neither the Trumpet incidence nor Judge Grey's death trigger. I cannot progress in the main questline.

Is it possible to edit the plans in or skip the quest? I'd be happy about any solution.
I think it's not that easy. There were several QBits set or subtracted, Elf King topics has been changed (nevermind, that was Queen).

Code: Select all

evt[0].Add{"Inventory", 1507}
Probably (I'm not sure):

Code: Select all

For fake plans Inventory is 1508 and QBit is 606, if I got it right.

Note to self: global events 876, 879, 883, 886 are broken due to fifth party member.

PS. Timer on plans should expire in 28 days. Expiration does the same as execution event (except execution itself).
Last edited by cthscr on 19 Feb 2020, 15:10, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby joanthedark » 19 Feb 2020, 18:10

Thief to Rogue promotion cannot seem to be completed in the Merge mod, as there's no Image (and no campfire either) in Lord Markham's estate in Tatalia:


For comparison here's how the room should be (vanilla mm7):


These characters started in Antagarich continent so it's not like I missed the Emerald Island fetch quest or anything. I entered Markham's estate a few months ago (for the Norbert Thrush's quill pen quest) without talking to Lasker (Thief to Rogue promotion quest), so maybe it has something to do with that, then again I never did this promotion quest with the party below (vanilla mm7) and the vase was there regardless, so it seems to be a legitimate issue.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 19 Feb 2020, 21:29

I've read 100+ of GitLab comments and replied to some of them, so I am rather spent. I know there are posts here that I haven't read but they will have to wait a little bit longer.
MMMerge Tracker (= Info + Paint Tracker + Missing Features + Suggestions):
Anybody can view or suggest edits.

Dedicated MMMerge Forum (Bug Tracker included): shorturl.at/lryAF

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby cthscr » 20 Feb 2020, 06:19

joanthedark wrote:Thief to Rogue promotion cannot seem to be completed in the Merge mod, as there's no Vase (and no campfire either) in Lord Markham's estate in Tatalia

Code: Select all

print(Party.QBits[616], Party.QBits[653], Party.QBits[724])
If the latter is true - try to ask Seer for "I lost it".
If the first one is true - then it looks (to me) like vanilla bug that hasn't been fixed.
joanthedark wrote:These characters started in Antagarich continent so it's not like I missed the Emerald Island fetch quest or anything. I entered Markham's estate a few months ago (for the Norbert Thrush's quill pen quest) without talking to Lasker (Thief to Rogue promotion quest), so maybe it has something to do with that,
It definitely can:

Code: Select all

evt.map[376] = function()
	if not evt.Cmp{"QBits", Value = 724} then         -- Vase - I lost it
		evt.Set{"QBits", Value = 724}         -- Vase - I lost it
	if not evt.Cmp{"QBits", Value = 653} then         -- Only give Markham's vase once (Markham's manor, Thief promo).
		evt.Add{"Inventory", Value = 1426}         -- "Vase"
		evt.Set{"QBits", Value = 653}         -- Only give Markham's vase once (Markham's manor, Thief promo).
		evt.SetSprite{SpriteId = 2, Visible = 0, Name = "0"}
		evt.CastSpell{Spell = 15, Mastery = const.Master, Skill = 20, FromX = -1132, FromY = 1001, FromZ = 374, ToX = 0, ToY = 0, ToZ = 0}         -- "Sparks"
Though I can't tell which place exactly this event is applied to.
joanthedark wrote:then again I never did this promotion quest with the party below (vanilla mm7) and the vase was there regardless, so it seems to be a legitimate issue.
Speaking about vanilla bug:

Code: Select all

evt.map[1] = function()  -- function events.LoadMap()
	if evt.Cmp{"QBits", Value = 616} then         -- "Go to Colony Zod in the Land of the Giants and slay Xenofex then return to Resurectra in Castle Lambent in Celeste."
		evt.SetSprite{SpriteId = 2, Visible = 0, Name = "0"}
To me it should be 'if evt.Cmp{"QBits", Value = 653}'

All the code is from decompiled 7d18.evt. Vanilla MM7 decompiled d18.evt has the same code except for (obviously) different QBits number.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby andrey » 20 Feb 2020, 19:42

New bug report: MM6 - Game crash in the hive after destroying reactor

Is it possible for GitLab to automatically post here notifications about new bug reports? I guess, GitLab webhooks might help, but I have no idea how to configure it on this end. (see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project ... ues-events).

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby tomchen1989 » 20 Feb 2020, 20:27

andrey wrote:New bug report: MM6 - Game crash in the hive after destroying reactor

Is it possible for GitLab to automatically post here notifications about new bug reports? I guess, GitLab webhooks might help, but I have no idea how to configure it on this end. (see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project ... ues-events).
Chrome extension:
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/deta ... bobi?hl=en

If you want to auto-post to Celestial Heavens, well, it's technically possible using your computer or a server or asking CH webmaster to find or develop some phpBB gitlab module, but I don't see it's of that much interest...

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby andrey » 20 Feb 2020, 21:47

tomchen1989 wrote: Chrome extension:
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/deta ... bobi?hl=en

If you want to auto-post to Celestial Heavens, well, it's technically possible using your computer or a server or asking CH webmaster to find or develop some phpBB gitlab module, but I don't see it's of that much interest...
Thanks! I'll take a look.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby joanthedark » 20 Feb 2020, 22:32

cthscr wrote:If the latter is true - try to ask Seer for "I lost it".

Code: Select all

Debug Mode Started. Press Ctrl+Enter to execute commands.
> print(Party.QBits[616], Party.QBits[653], Party.QBits[724])
---- Log File Output: ------------------------------------------------------------
false	false	false
I still tried to get the Vase from the Seer, just in case:


Those are all the items he got me until he started saying "You never had it".
cthscr wrote:It definitely can:
I made a new save and made sure to talk to Lasker before entering Lord Markham's estate, sure enough, it was there:


I guess another way to "fix" it on my other save without using the command console to generate the Vase would be to wait until the dungeon resets in 1-2 years, since the Thief to Rogue Promotion quest will already be on my log.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby toreadorlelder » 21 Feb 2020, 01:34

MMExtension is giving this:

D:\gog\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:14: array index (-78854.255144033) out of bounds [0, 499]

stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1342: in function '__index'
D:\gog\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:14: in function 'GetMonster'
D:\gog\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:405: in function <D:\gog\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:404>
[C]: in function 'pcall'
Scripts/Core/Common.lua:102: in function 'pcall2'
Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1653: in function <Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1650>
[C]: in function 'call'
D:\gog\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\Global\Editor Navigate.lua:209: in function <D:\gog\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\Global\Editor Navigate.lua:184>
[C]: in function 'pcall'
Scripts/Core/Common.lua:102: in function 'pcall2'
Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1653: in function <Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1650>

arguments of 'GetMonster':
p = 5363952

local variables of 'GetMonster':
i = -78854.255144033
(*temporary) = (table: 0x22028b10)
(*temporary) = (table: 0x2e4fb608)
(*temporary) = 1.1592168290791e-280

It's happening in Alamos, down by the monster release pool...which I did step in, so it might be trying to spawn there? It did create a ton of the air elementals that split into the secondary critters. Dunno, but it's basically freezing the game. Tried quitting and restarting; druther not go all the way back to the autosave, which'd be at the start of Alamos; suppose I could, tho. Not like I'd lose *that* much.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby toreadorlelder » 21 Feb 2020, 02:11


So I exited Alamos using Lloyd's, then headed right back in. Repeating the route...from the entrance, head west, across the bridge to the south, back east towards the big center area. Turn south there. I'm in the main hall, just north of that pool, and it starts up again. Same spot it started last time.

Exit again. Head back in. This time, go north up that little stair off the entrance, loop my way down until I'm at the base of the big center room, about to use the double narrow corridor to enter...and boom. Happens here.

Also of note, if I go into turn-based mode, it happens occasionally. Maybe every 3-4 rounds.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby toreadorlelder » 21 Feb 2020, 03:04

And now in the tomb of VARN...in the northern pool area, heading to the room with the 3 codes, it just started again.

D:\gog\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:14: array index (-78854.255144033) out of bounds [0, 499]

stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1342: in function '__index'
D:\gog\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:14: in function 'GetMonster'
D:\gog\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:405: in function <D:\gog\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:404>
[C]: in function 'pcall'
Scripts/Core/Common.lua:102: in function 'pcall2'
Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1653: in function <Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1650>
[C]: in function 'call'
D:\gog\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\Global\Editor Navigate.lua:209: in function <D:\gog\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\Global\Editor Navigate.lua:184>
[C]: in function 'pcall'
Scripts/Core/Common.lua:102: in function 'pcall2'
Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1653: in function <Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1650>

arguments of 'GetMonster':
p = 5363952

local variables of 'GetMonster':
i = -78854.255144033
(*temporary) = (table: 0x22028b10)
(*temporary) = (table: 0x050a98a8)
(*temporary) = 1.1592168290791e-280
I'm speculating it's simply a badly created monster, but now it's impacting me in a totally different dungeon.

I'm hosed right now.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby joanthedark » 21 Feb 2020, 03:26

toreadorlelder wrote:MMExtension is giving this:

D:\gog\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:14: array index (-78854.255144033) out of bounds [0, 499]
I had that issue happen as well, use the file provided by cthscr:
cthscr wrote:I'm not sure if this help or bring more problem: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1B3cEs ... 0WBPM7cfq6 (replaces Scripts/General/ExtraEvents.lua)
It happens because the dungeons have a cap of 500 monsters and when it tries to spawn anything else after that the out of bounds error pops up
cthscr wrote:Also, can you please do in Debug Console:

Code: Select all

Try doing this as well, you can open the Debug Console with Control + F1, just to make sure the amount is also 500 in your playthrough.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby toreadorlelder » 21 Feb 2020, 04:35

OK, I'll give that a shot...tomorrow.

It's somewhat curious that it didn't happen in the area by the Back Door, cuz that spawns one of the bigger hoards of monsters I can recall anywhere.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby joanthedark » 21 Feb 2020, 05:06

Because it depends on which type of enemy is doing the summoning (for example in Tomb of VARN the Genies are the ones who summon Dust Devils).

In the merge mod there are some types of enemies that will have the ability to spawn other enemies, and the dungeon already has a set number of enemies inside it (you can know this number with the command above), that number only increases when you're close enough so the enemies turn hostile and start attacking/summoning, not when you have a sight of them (like the back door you mentioned).

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby cthscr » 21 Feb 2020, 07:40

joanthedark wrote:

Code: Select all

Debug Mode Started. Press Ctrl+Enter to execute commands.
> print(Party.QBits[616], Party.QBits[653], Party.QBits[724])
---- Log File Output: ----------------------------------------------------
false	false	false
Oops. That's strange.
joanthedark wrote:I still tried to get the Vase from the Seer, just in case:
No, he shouldn't be able if no item QBits was set.
joanthedark wrote:
cthscr wrote:It definitely can:
I made a new save and made sure to talk to Lasker before entering Lord Markham's estate, sure enough, it was there:
I wonder how map event 376 triggers... Btw, will vase disappear on leaving Manor and reentering it?
joanthedark wrote:I guess another way to "fix" it on my other save without using the command console to generate the Vase would be to wait until the dungeon resets in 1-2 years, since the Thief to Rogue Promotion quest will already be on my log.
Can you try to put this file 7d18.lua into Scripts/Maps directory and reenter Manor? (At least this file didn't break the game for me, but I wasn't in 7d18.)
Last edited by cthscr on 21 Feb 2020, 07:41, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby joanthedark » 21 Feb 2020, 08:17

cthscr wrote:Btw, will vase disappear on leaving Manor and reentering it?
That is correct! In fact, I did another test without grabbing Lasker promotion quest and the Vase was there the first time I entered, it disappears after you re-enter. That scraps my first theory post saying you need the Thief quest before attempting to enter. Also worth to point out vanilla mm7 does not have this behavior (Vase still there no matter how many times I re-enter the estate).
cthscr wrote:Can you try to put this file 7d18.lua into Scripts/Maps directory and reenter Manor? (At least this file didn't break the game for me, but I wasn't in 7d18.)
It didn't break the game for me either, sadly the Vase still disappears upon reentering.

Here's the savefile if you want to make further tests while being in 7d18: https://www.mediafire.com/file/2rw3z2my ... 0.dod/file
Last edited by joanthedark on 21 Feb 2020, 08:24, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby cthscr » 21 Feb 2020, 11:03

joanthedark wrote:
cthscr wrote:Btw, will vase disappear on leaving Manor and reentering it?
That is correct! In fact, I did another test without grabbing Lasker promotion quest and the Vase was there the first time I entered, it disappears after you re-enter. That scraps my first theory post saying you need the Thief quest before attempting to enter. Also worth to point out vanilla mm7 does not have this behavior (Vase still there no matter how many times I re-enter the estate).
I can't reproduce this from that save. Vase is always on its place to me (even without 7d18.lua). Any particular way to reproduce?

And while inside manor please do:

Code: Select all

There is some related code ("Fix monsters flickering in indoor maps") that may affect vase appearance. Besides of this I have no ideas.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby toreadorlelder » 21 Feb 2020, 14:32

OK, made the changes to ExtraEvents.lua.

Now, tho, SpellTweaks.lua is bombing on a null pointer, in events.MonsterCanCastSpell.

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