The Demo thread

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Bandobras Took
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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 10 May 2006, 01:05

DaemianLucifer wrote:And I am now sure that they have played HIV lots of times,because avoiding all of those helpfule features so skillfully is hardly a coincidence.
Why? It took NWC three games and three expansions before it felt ready to try them. :)
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Unread postby magritte2 » 10 May 2006, 13:11

Overall, I'm favorably impressed with the demo. The maps aren't all that interesting, but the game itself is recognizably a heroes game--both in gameplay and (despite the 3D) graphical style. I didn't like the look of the underground very much. The interface is fine once you get used to it. I don't think we can really judge the balance issue until we have the full game in our hands, and even if it does turn out as unbalanced as many think, it may be addressable with a patch. Anyway, Heroes II really wasn't well-balanced and it was still an excellent game.

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Unread postby Kareeah Indaga » 10 May 2006, 18:41

Bandobras Took wrote:
DaemianLucifer wrote:And I am now sure that they have played HIV lots of times,because avoiding all of those helpfule features so skillfully is hardly a coincidence.
Why? It took NWC three games and three expansions before it felt ready to try them. :)
But NWC had to think of them first, yes? Nival had them out in the open, along with any problems the general public had and several solutions and suggestions to fix them. (Caravans, anyone?)

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 10 May 2006, 19:22

H4 bad.... keep it away.... was probably the Prime Directive.
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 11 May 2006, 16:33

Mod Note: Disussion about H4 has been split off. Some messages that got sent in during the process were deleted and reposted.
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raise dead

Unread postby JackieLGW » 12 May 2006, 10:50

I'm wondering why the corpses of my army disappears whenever any army walks through them....

that hurts me a lot because I can't raise them =(

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Unread postby Ethric » 12 May 2006, 12:27

Didn't notice any of that... sounds like a bug though. Have you tried raising from the point where they were? In case it's just a visual bug.
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Unread postby RommeL_666 » 12 May 2006, 12:36

I think the Death is to weak,and they moral (iniative) is to weak..or that`s only in the demo?
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jeff wrote:Me to, I usually hire the two best looking female heroes. Ok a bit of a sexist, but if I am going to stare a pictures all day, I might as well enjoy the view. :devious:

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Unread postby JackieLGW » 13 May 2006, 05:30

Ethric wrote:Didn't notice any of that... sounds like a bug though. Have you tried raising from the point where they were? In case it's just a visual bug.
Play the duel mode with the necromancer...
If one of your stacks are killed,
and someone stepped on it, and move away,
the stack disappear and you can't cast the raise dead spell :(

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Unread postby Ethric » 13 May 2006, 08:53

That demo got boring quickly, I take your word for it ;)

One can always hope that this isn't present in the released game, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Glaring bugs like these are typical in games of today.
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Unread postby WretchedGnu » 14 May 2006, 05:48

I hope not to beat what might be a severely wounded horse here but...

How about that nonexistent AI in the "custom scenario"....?

The enemy hero simply won't attack me, despite the fact that his stack is 7 times as large as my own. Then, while I'm standing three inches from his castle (the mission objective) he takes his massive army out of his garrison -- not to attack me, but to go recapture some ore mines... I walk into the castle and it's mine.

So whether you call it scripting or AI -- if the single-player scenarios don't have the ability to recognize the presence of enemies -- and the scenario I just played clearly didn't -- then what you have is a coaster, not a strategy game.

I'm no programmer -- so am I wrong in thinking that some basic method of evaluating nearby heroes is so basic to a game like this that, if it exists, it would probably be part of the "core" game code, and therefore be inherent in the demo?

And if not -- if a simple comparison of army stacks is a separate element that has to be "plugged into" the fundamental structure of the code -- then what does it say about Ubisoft that this, of all things -- the only thing that would make this game a strategy game as opposed to just random images moving about on the screen -- is the one thing they didn't feel was important enough to include?

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Unread postby dragonn » 14 May 2006, 09:23

WretchedGnu wrote: How about that nonexistent AI in the "custom scenario"....?

The enemy hero simply won't attack me, despite the fact that his stack is 7 times as large as my own. Then, while I'm standing three inches from his castle (the mission objective) he takes his massive army out of his garrison -- not to attack me, but to go recapture some ore mines... I walk into the castle and it's mine.
The AI is poor as for now, but look for the demos Readme, there is an known issue mentioned that the AI may decide not to recapture it's castle...
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Unread postby Veldrynus » 14 May 2006, 09:53

dragonn wrote: The AI is poor as for now, but look for the demos Readme, there is an known issue mentioned that the AI may decide not to recapture it's castle...
Do you think this is a good excuse ? :|
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 14 May 2006, 12:52

Veldrynus wrote: Do you think this is a good excuse ? :|
It would be if they had let's say 2 weeks - 1 month in between v0.9 - v1.0 to fix it.
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