Well I am glad you got it to work, the scripts can be changed to check Karth and Lorelei as opposed to most/least powerful. There are several conditionals associated with that and many now may not be needed. Orginially I did not have Karth start map 1 with nature magic, so the scripts you were seeing were put there allowing you to hire a hero and hopefully develop them to expert level and therefore the most/least conditional. As I said I will of course check it and see if any of the scripting can now be removed.Ynhockey wrote:I reached the part on Map 3 where I need to get the faerie scroll.
I have already contacted Faros, Lemarr, etc., did all the side quests up to that point, and Karth has Expert NM. Also I got rid of each additional hero because the map properties say Least Powerful Hero should have the NM at level 2 (or more). Since the hero portrait shows Lorelei, clearly Karth is the least powerful hero (accoding to the game, actually he is much more powerful).
Is there something else I need to do? The conservatory says that it's temporarily closed because of a fire.
EDIT: I misread the conditions and now realize that if either hero has expert NM, this should work. But it doesn't. Please help
EDIT 2: Just tried placing Karth in front of Lorelei in the army order so Karth becomes 'more powerful'. Apparently this has made the script work. This is probably a bug and should be fixed.
In fact since this is the spoiler thread, I have safeguards in map 3 ensuring Karth will be an expert, so that whole script can now be greatly simplified.