Heroes 6 Random Map Generator RMG

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Will you buy the H6 expansion without an RMG?

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Heroes 6 Random Map Generator RMG

Unread postby PlanesWalker » 29 Oct 2012, 20:31

Can anyone confirm that the expansion will or wont have the RMG built into it? I can tell you that I wont buy it unless it does.

People in the community have been requesting this feature since the beginning and I believe it is CRITICAL to the game. Older games have released the RMG on the first expansion and this expansion should follow suit.

I personally love this series and play it mostly for the hotseat play. Without a rmg there really is no reason to play hotseat again as you learn where everything is and there is no replayability.

I think Heroes 6 is a really good game and could be great with continued bugfixing AND an RMG.
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Unread postby jeff » 30 Oct 2012, 01:14

I have not bought H-6 yet; but IMHO since a fan friendly campaign editor is not a priority; a good RMG is one way to give H-6 more shelf life.
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Unread postby Elvin » 30 Oct 2012, 18:35

Not gonna happen in H6 as officially confirmed. It has turned out a lot more complicated than expected and messing with the already messed up code with the game is more likely to break the game. I like to think that someone lost his head over that..
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Unread postby PlanesWalker » 31 Oct 2012, 18:43

It's beyond ridiculous that the RMG is not to be included. Im not buying the expansion until its created.

Back to Heroes 5 for me.
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Unread postby Kalah » 31 Oct 2012, 18:58

Yes, we all agree on that - even the developers. Sadly, BH made such a mess of the code that nothing can be done about this. It's like having the foundations of your house built poorly; it seriously limits what you can do with the house above the ground.
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Unread postby parcaleste » 31 Oct 2012, 19:58

So this game was stillborn after all? :outoforder:

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Unread postby Kalah » 31 Oct 2012, 20:13

I don't think so. It can be played and the Limbic patches gets rid of a lot of the biggest bugs.
As for longevity, well, that's the problem. As I've said, the lack of an RMG and editor makes this game something that doesn't last long.
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Unread postby jeff » 31 Oct 2012, 20:23

Kalah wrote:I don't think so. It can be played and the Limbic patches gets rid of a lot of the biggest bugs.
As for longevity, well, that's the problem. As I've said, the lack of and RMG and editor makes this game something that doesn't last long.
Unfortunately without the RMG and good editor it makes the game a very expensive investment just to play the campaign and maps provided.
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Unread postby parcaleste » 31 Oct 2012, 21:11

It makes me feel sick to my stomach...

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Unread postby Kalah » 31 Oct 2012, 21:25

If there's a positive note, I do have the feeling that the dev team have learned from the experience. Hopefully, they will integrate the Community's feedback regarding this matte into the next game, at least. We've had two games with poor editors now. They know this.
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Unread postby parcaleste » 31 Oct 2012, 21:29

Didn't the integrated the community for this game as well?

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Unread postby Kalah » 31 Oct 2012, 21:33

Not really. They listened to our advice and decided to ignore most of it.
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Unread postby Dalai » 31 Oct 2012, 21:35

Kalah wrote:If there's a positive note, I do have the feeling that the dev team have learned from the experience. Hopefully, they will integrate the Community's feedback regarding this matte into the next game, at least. We've had two games with poor editors now. They know this.
Yeah, sure :D They learn fast :D
The most important lesson they learned is that fans will buy anything "just to support the series, so that Ubi does not abandon it altogether". As for lack of content - they learned that they just have to milk fans more often. B-)
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Unread postby Kalah » 31 Oct 2012, 21:58

Yeah, Ubi are big on the "milking the franchise" - the developers, though (as you can see in the video Q&As) are in agreement that H6 has been anything but a success.
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Unread postby jeff » 31 Oct 2012, 22:06

Well in baseball terms that two strikes, but I will wait and see if H-7 is finally the game we all hoped for when UBI swooped in.
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Unread postby Kalah » 31 Oct 2012, 22:49

If the next game has a good editor, you'll buy it. That's an order, soldier! ;)
(otherwise we won't get the good Jeff-campaigns) :beg:

The major point for me is that when fans can make maps for the game quite easily, you'll get a lot of variety and the fans can compensate for shortcomings of the game by adapting their maps (for instance manually correcting for lack of balance). RMGs don't do that.
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Unread postby PlanesWalker » 06 Jan 2013, 21:28

I remember when HOMM 5 was released and it had its share of problems, but Nival did, eventually, get it right. Based on the horrible support/problems Homm 6 has had and the length of time its had to deal with it, Im starting to believe that Black Hole will never get this one right.

In retrospect Nival did do a pretty good job with 5 in regards to updating the franchise/listening to the community.

Im going back to 5 and staying there.
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Unread postby jeff » 06 Jan 2013, 23:47

UBI fired Black Hole months ago; so they will never get it right. While still filled with bugs, the replacement company gave a good (even though too short) effort trying to fix the mess.
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Unread postby Avonu » 07 Jan 2013, 10:52

Black Hole wasn't fired, it sunk - went bancrupt. That's the reason why we have third studio by now to do expansion pack.

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Unread postby mordredrs » 13 May 2013, 18:16

There is a lot of things i like in heroes VI: i do prefer sanctuary over academy, i like the dinasty system, schools of magic, tears and blood...

There is some units i miss (zombie!) and one faction (sylvan).

But the absence of RMG is off-putting
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