Effects of enemy spells...and right click & mouse over

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Effects of enemy spells...and right click & mouse over

Unread postby Minmaster » 20 Apr 2006, 17:12

how do you tell what effect an enemy spell has on your units? for example, if the enemy casts suffering, it changes the color the # above my unit, but i cannot find out what it specifically does to my unit. in previous heroes, you can right click and mouse over to a spell thats cast and see its effects. but now, you can right click twice to see your detailed attributes, but you cannot mouse over and nothing shows up.

also a lot of other things that need explanation cannot be found out because lack of a right click or mouse over description. is this because the game is not final yet? compared to heroes4, it lacks detailed informations that we're used to by right clicking/mouse over.

also is there any way to show range of damage when mouse is over an enemy you're about to attack instead of how many kills you might get?

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 20 Apr 2006, 18:03

Yup, H5 does seem to suck at the giving you info thingy. I doubt that it's only for the demo, but one can hope. :devil:
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Unread postby HodgePodge » 20 Apr 2006, 18:08

Since it has been announced about 20 minutes thatHeroes 5 has gone gold, I doubt that UbiSoft or Nival took any pains to polish up the game from what was given in the demo. Anyhow, I'm looking forward to finally playing.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 20 Apr 2006, 18:37

Why am I not suprised?So,youll just have to get used to have nothing explained.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 20 Apr 2006, 18:42

Maybe it will all be in the manual, and this is a strategy to deprive pirates of some features. :devil:
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 20 Apr 2006, 19:15

ThunderTitan wrote:Maybe it will all be in the manual, and this is a strategy to deprive pirates of some features. :devil:
Pretty dumb strategy.I mean,sure we all know what "mass spellcaster" means now,but when enchanters first came to life,no one had a clue,but the developers.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 20 Apr 2006, 20:02

Seeing how they payed money for copy protection for years while the games got pirated anyway on almost the same day as they were released i don't give them much credit with anti-pirate strategies.
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Unread postby dragonn » 20 Apr 2006, 21:24

Hey, why are you complaining!? Heroes V, as our "Omnipotent Designers" wished for is a fast paced game. No descriptions on the adventure map is a move to make the game feel a "just a bit faster", and "faster to play, easier to access" (Fabrice's words), as a true turned-based strategy should be! Gosh, what is the problem with you guys? :D:D:D

Seriously, one of the aspects that I really liked about H4 was it's fantastic descriptions, even in the unit statistics and their abilities window.

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Unread postby Minmaster » 20 Apr 2006, 21:38

attention to those small details we saw from H4 is clearly needed after seeing them missing from H5. i think they were important way of clarifying and explaining a lot of ins and outs of the game that cannot be done otherwise. its sad that the developers failed to see the importance of this. most likely, they dont have time/resources to do this...this is a trend i saw with civilization games too; oversimplifying...

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Unread postby Kalah » 20 Apr 2006, 22:00

I noticed the lack of a spell effect description on the creature as well. At least you can see the actual effect; e.g. Vulnerability reducing defence.

One thing I miss from H4 is the "magic resisted" symbol above the creatures; in the demo it just says "spell resisted"..
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Unread postby Nebs » 21 Apr 2006, 03:58

Kalah wrote:I noticed the lack of a spell effect description on the creature as well. At least you can see the actual effect; e.g. Vulnerability reducing defence.
A bit tedious to check stats rather to see what spell is in effect on that creature. And for some other non stat changing spells don't even know if they are still in effect.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 21 Apr 2006, 06:20

You dont know how to see if a spell works? :| If you right click over a stack and see it has 5 in defence, throw the spell vurnerability on them, the number changes to red and shows 4, is it so hard to understand? I suppose not.

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Unread postby Ethric » 21 Apr 2006, 09:53

Orfinn wrote:You dont know how to see if a spell works? :| If you right click over a stack and see it has 5 in defence, throw the spell vurnerability on them, the number changes to red and shows 4, is it so hard to understand? I suppose not.
I suppose it is, for some ;|

If a creature is under the influence of a spell you don't know what does, for example one cast be the enemy, the quoted method is no help. And it is anyway far more tedious than simply being able to check right then and there what it is supposed to do.
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Unread postby dragonn » 21 Apr 2006, 13:12

Orfinn wrote:You dont know how to see if a spell works? :| If you right click over a stack and see it has 5 in defence, throw the spell vurnerability on them, the number changes to red and shows 4, is it so hard to understand? I suppose not.
Then how do you tell which spell has which effect when there are several of them affecting the unit at once. Ah, I know, the user's manual :D

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 21 Apr 2006, 13:24

But will the normal version have a paper manual or just s .pdf?

Also, does nyone else hate the fact that they just list the names of the creature special, without any description. Having descriptions for everything the creature did, even if it was just being ranged or a flyer was one of the best things in H4. But that would be breaking the "golden rule", wouldn't it.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 21 Apr 2006, 14:04

ThunderTitan wrote: Also, does nyone else hate the fact that they just list the names of the creature special, without any description. Having descriptions for everything the creature did, even if it was just being ranged or a flyer was one of the best things in H4. But that would be breaking the "golden rule", wouldn't it.
But of course!So,you are obliged to love it the way it is.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 21 Apr 2006, 15:18

dragonn wrote:
Orfinn wrote:You dont know how to see if a spell works? :| If you right click over a stack and see it has 5 in defence, throw the spell vurnerability on them, the number changes to red and shows 4, is it so hard to understand? I suppose not.
Then how do you tell which spell has which effect when there are several of them affecting the unit at once. Ah, I know, the user's manual :D
Well thats what manuals are for :D Bur seriously dude, the different spells shows up by right cliking twice on a friendly or enemy stack. And its pretty easly to learn which spells do what, especially since there are so few of them. Ooooh I forgot some people these day are soo lazy, even in games, to move just a little more with the mouse or key in commands to do the supposed things. Jeeez :rolleyes:

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 21 Apr 2006, 16:47

Orfinn wrote:
dragonn wrote:
Orfinn wrote:You dont know how to see if a spell works? :| If you right click over a stack and see it has 5 in defence, throw the spell vurnerability on them, the number changes to red and shows 4, is it so hard to understand? I suppose not.
Then how do you tell which spell has which effect when there are several of them affecting the unit at once. Ah, I know, the user's manual :D
Well thats what manuals are for :D Bur seriously dude, the different spells shows up by right cliking twice on a friendly or enemy stack. And its pretty easly to learn which spells do what, especially since there are so few of them. Ooooh I forgot some people these day are soo lazy, even in games, to move just a little more with the mouse or key in commands to do the supposed things. Jeeez :rolleyes:
Have you heard about something called a "friendly user interface"?It means that youll need to invest minimum energy using the interface to find out everything you need.They say that they want the game to be apealing to greater masses.Im not sure many people read the manuals thoroughly before playing the game.I myself prefer figuring everything on my own.Its more fun that way.But that means that youll need everything explained in the game.Each special ability,every spell,stat,creature,....needs a thorough explanation in the game itself,not just in the manual.

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Unread postby Nebs » 21 Apr 2006, 17:01

Orfinn wrote:You dont know how to see if a spell works? confused If you right click over a stack and see it has 5 in defence, throw the spell vurnerability on them, the number changes to red and shows 4, is it so hard to understand? I suppose not.
Is it so hard to understand posts you are replying to? I suppose not.
Orfinn wrote:Bur seriously dude, the different spells shows up by right cliking twice on a friendly or enemy stack.
Now that's an answer. Instead of posting your first reply, patronizing and talking about something already commented, you could've post this one, one that is helpful, and one that we were looking for.

Thanks for tip, no thanks for attitude.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 21 Apr 2006, 18:04

Nebs wrote:
Orfinn wrote:You dont know how to see if a spell works? confused If you right click over a stack and see it has 5 in defence, throw the spell vurnerability on them, the number changes to red and shows 4, is it so hard to understand? I suppose not.
Is it so hard to understand posts you are replying to? I suppose not.
Orfinn wrote:Bur seriously dude, the different spells shows up by right cliking twice on a friendly or enemy stack.
Now that's an answer. Instead of posting your first reply, patronizing and talking about something already commented, you could've post this one, one that is helpful, and one that we were looking for.

Thanks for tip, no thanks for attitude.
It was not my intent to be rough, if so well I must appologize but dragonn should have critizized me for that not you if he got offended. Im neither one of the yerks here around, but sometimes discussions can get pretty intense here :sweat: and some may say something they either didnt know was offending or offended on purpose.

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