Sanctuary Announced

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Sanctuary Announced

Unread postby Kalah » 10 Mar 2011, 18:41

Ubisoft have now officially announced what some fans have known <a href="/">for some time</a>: the final faction of <i>Heroes VI</i> is the <b>Sanctuary</b>.

With inspiration drawn from Eastern culture, the creatures bear strong resemblance with Chinese and Japanese elements; katanas, Chinese dragons, kimonos and water-based spirits. Fans have <a href="/viewtopic.php?t=11322">for some time</a> speculated on the possibility of a “naga town”, and it is indeed confirmed that two naga-like creatures will take their place in the Sanctuary town: one of them being the <b>Kensei</b>, which – unlike the female, more medusa-like creature – carries somewhat purer naga elements blended with samurai traits.

<center><img src="/ ... g"</center>

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
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Sanctuary Announced

Unread postby Angelspit » 10 Mar 2011, 19:28

Interesting. It seems the fans' call for nagas has been heard.
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Sanctuary Announced

Unread postby danijel1990 » 10 Mar 2011, 22:49

oh yes, since there's no academy in mmh6, sanctuary will definitely be my favorite faction :)

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Unread postby jeff » 11 Mar 2011, 00:21

That's their naga omg it looks like a snake with arms.
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Sanctuary Announced

Unread postby Ryder » 11 Mar 2011, 02:51

Sounds and looks pretty ordinary.

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Sanctuary Announced

Unread postby Kalah » 11 Mar 2011, 09:50

Transcript from the video:

Erwan: "Welcome to Hashima, the Eight Petal Lotus, kingdom of the Naga, also known as the Sanctuary faction. It is the fifth, and final, warring nation in Might & Magic: Heroes VI.

The Nagas' creatures are already familiar to the Heroes series, but it's the first time they're unified as a faction. What the Sanctuary creatures have in common is their allegiance to Shalassa, the Dragon Goddess of Water, and their sworn fealty to the Eternal Empress, who is both the military and the spiritual head of the Naga society."

Kurt: "Think Japan, China, India, Thailand. The inspiration for the Naga came from Asia. They're amphibious creatures that live in and around water. They're striving for purity, and harmony. They strive for that inner peace, through the mastery of swordplay, and kung-fu. After a combat, you'll find them strolling around some cool lake, or a gentle stream, speaking to some water spirit, or in prayer to Shalassa, the Dragon Goddess of Water."

Erwan: "Irina is the elder daughter of Duke Slava Griffin, and she's the tomboy of the family. Instead of spending her waking hours in the castle's shrine or library, like her mother Cate or her younger sister Anastasya, she fell in with her rough-and-tumble half-brother Sandor. Betrothed to the vicious Duke Gerhart of the Wolf, she assaulted and injured him on their wedding night."

Kurt: "Irina's story starts in a dungeon. She runs into trouble with the Duke of Wolf. She probably would've rotted away in that cell if her brother Sandor hadn't broken her out. She escapes to the Jade Sea: there, she gets split up with Sandor - he runs off with the Orcs, but you already know that story - and she ends up in the kingdom of Hashima. She becomes this powerful Naga warlord. She hardens her heart, to turn it into a weapon to use against Gerhart, the Duke of Wolf."

Erwan: "The Naga strategy on the battlefield is to focus support on one Champion creature. and to limit the enemy's movement with various crowd-control abilities. Sanctuary creatures are deadly duelists, at their best when they focus on a single enemy. Balanced between offense and defense, they favor coordination and precision over brute strength. Their water-based magic provides them with various means to disrupt the enemy movement, and rearrange its placement on the battlefield. The faction ability, called Honor, grants them an all-purpose defensive blessing when they're engaged in a fair fight."
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Sanctuary Announced

Unread postby DanTanna » 11 Mar 2011, 16:37

So they nixed Academy? My excitement of Heroes VI just plummeted.

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Sanctuary Announced

Unread postby Kalah » 11 Mar 2011, 17:01

I wonder what happens to the Sanctuary in the story line, since it's not in H5. Maybe they were annihilated?
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Re: Sanctuary Announced

Unread postby Infiltrator » 11 Mar 2011, 17:37

Kalah wrote:I wonder what happens to the Sanctuary in the story line, since it's not in H5. Maybe they were annihilated?
Maybe they left Ashan and went to Ashian? :D
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Unread postby klaymen » 11 Mar 2011, 18:32

Too many Wapanese in dev team obviously isn't that good as one might think. (and yes, I know that they contain Chinese/other Asian elements too)
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Sanctuary Announced

Unread postby vicheron » 11 Mar 2011, 21:40

I wonder what happens to the Sanctuary in the story line, since it's not in H5. Maybe they were annihilated?

Maybe they left Ashan and went to Ashian? :D

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Edited on Fri, Mar 11 2011, 16:42 by vicheron

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Re: Sanctuary Announced

Unread postby Dalai » 11 Mar 2011, 21:41

Kalah wrote:I wonder what happens to the Sanctuary in the story line, since it's not in H5. Maybe they were annihilated?
Those people called original lore messed up. Yeah, sure... :devious:
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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 11 Mar 2011, 21:50

Sandor... Sandor. That name tastes bad in my mouth. These story writers sure do know how to indulge themselves in great originality.
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