Heroes 6 wishlist (draft)

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby Tress » 25 Sep 2010, 19:54

My main wish is that they dumb down the graphics and other drap, so the game runs fast.
It is not graphics that lags gameplay. It is poorly designed AI that takes ages in its turn. Maps like warlords are simply impossible to play. Course game engine lags if you take too big scale and look at 45 degree angle, but generally on mid level pc you can play comfortably as far as it's graphic wise. KB is ALOT more demanding on resources.

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Unread postby Thelonious » 30 Sep 2010, 20:53

King Imp wrote:We need a minimum of 6 factions to start, not 5 like we've been hearing.
I just feel that there needs to be an even amount so each faction has another to directly oppose them.
Why? I see no reason. Why should there be a 'good - evil' 'order - chaos' etc etc axis? Why can't it just be 5 factions who just can't get along? It doesnt have to be all black and white you know...

I just hope that when they do do 5 factions, they do them properly. And when they do make this game, they make it a nice game with an original story line. Oh and it wouldn't hurt if the editor is good as well. And if the AI is fast yet good. But perhaps I'm hoping for to much?

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Unread postby MattII » 30 Sep 2010, 22:50

Agreed, 'good' and 'evil' are old and tired ideas that ought to have been dropped long ago. If I really want angels I want them to be at least slightly Knight Templars, and make Nagas Xenophobes, and Elves Well Intentioned Extremists. on the counter, make the 'evil' races less evil, like making the Necropolis True Markists and Necropolis Amoral Scientists.

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Unread postby Tress » 01 Oct 2010, 08:46

make the 'evil' races less evil, like making the Necropolis True Markists and Necropolis Amoral Scientists.
Necromancers in ubi universe are already in very gray area rather than homm3 style evil. Apart from fact that they fill that race with cliche evil necromancers(Markal), race itself is portrayed as a race that operates on higher level than rest. And Have faction is shown as "order rather than good", and TOE avenging angel units, and fallen knight perks makes faction much less one sided.

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Unread postby Nelgirith » 01 Oct 2010, 09:28

tress wrote:And Have faction is shown as "order rather than good", and TOE avenging angel units, and fallen knight perks makes faction much less one sided.
Not really. The renegade units were just more extreme in the Order scheme, kinda like the Spanish Inquisition.

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Unread postby Zenofex » 01 Oct 2010, 10:23

I don't mind some "pure good" and "pure evil" factions and ideologies, but I want their alignment to be intelligently explained. I detest these marginal categories, but I can tolerate them in the fantasy worlds in case they can justify their existence with some clever arguments. The current practice however is the bad guys to be some "Killkillkillkillbloodbloodrampagerevengedeathblooooooood!!!!" idiots which differ too little from a random frenzied animal (and a pack of rabid wolves aren't the most interesting antagonists, you know); and the good guys to be some "For the empire!; For the clan!; For the fluffy kittens!; insert random "For something trivial" clones, which overwhelm the evil with bravery and togetherness (and with the evil being almost always intellectually retarded, that's not hard at all). This is NOT what a "good" or "evil" faction should look like.

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Unread postby Variol » 03 Oct 2010, 19:11

I'm actually not holding out much hope TBH. I see fire lizards with dwarf armies; vampires with swords...?

What have they done to this great game.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 04 Oct 2010, 07:36

Oh, i almost forgot: MAKE TITANS HAVE THE SAME HEALTH AS THE BLACK DRAGON AGAIN... and give them more the 5 shots... kthnx.
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Unread postby Asterix » 04 Oct 2010, 13:44

Just one tiny little wish:

I would really, really like to have the Dwarf faction in Heroes VI. :-D

It was my favorite faction in Heroes V, and it's one of the main reasons why I loved the game. :D

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