I wouldn't assume that. Note all the circles at the bottom of the window- the first one looks like the "Unearthed Graves" from the town screen of the H3 necropolis, indicating skeletons. The other buttons are all locked. I'm guessing these are quick buttons for various town actions (that first is probably recruit creatures, but might be the skeleton transformer). In that case, then this is very new town.yodus wrote:http://www.drachenwald.net/gamescom/097.JPG - according to latest news this is town window. This is what i was worried about, interface cut-down to minimumNo place for artistic landscapes and views. So disappointing..
Being a new town is also evidenced by the top of the window which says "level 4" If this level has the same meaning as in H5, then there are only 4 structures in town.
With an income of 4000 per day, the economy has definitely changed, since in H5 you would need at least a level 16 town to get that income.My guess is the town has the following structures:
--4 total because of level
1: village hall (default)
2: skeleton recruitment (by the unlocked button)
3: necromantic amplifier (by the big glowing towers in the picture)
4: town hall (by the income, assuming that town hall requires level 3 town first)
This tells me that the town screen is similar to the old 2-D screens, except that there are buttons for the commands at the bottom, rather than having town abilities attached to the appropriate buildings. Since it is windowed, rather than full screen, it makes sense to have the buttons on the bottom, rather than within the border as in previous games.
As for the size, what resolution is the game running at here? For example, my monitor has a native 1440x900 resolution, so if the window is 1200x900 (it appears roughly 4:3 aspect ratio), on my screen it will be almost full screen (even at 1024x768 it will be close) If this is some huge resolution (which I would assume is the case if this is on a development computer), then this may be a big window. Also, who is to say it can't be re-sized?