Your likes/dislikes in Heroes6 game design

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Re: Town window

Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 22 Aug 2010, 14:15

yodus wrote: - according to latest news this is town window. This is what i was worried about, interface cut-down to minimum :( No place for artistic landscapes and views. So disappointing..
I wouldn't assume that. Note all the circles at the bottom of the window- the first one looks like the "Unearthed Graves" from the town screen of the H3 necropolis, indicating skeletons. The other buttons are all locked. I'm guessing these are quick buttons for various town actions (that first is probably recruit creatures, but might be the skeleton transformer). In that case, then this is very new town.

Being a new town is also evidenced by the top of the window which says "level 4" If this level has the same meaning as in H5, then there are only 4 structures in town.
With an income of 4000 per day, the economy has definitely changed, since in H5 you would need at least a level 16 town to get that income.My guess is the town has the following structures:
--4 total because of level
1: village hall (default)
2: skeleton recruitment (by the unlocked button)
3: necromantic amplifier (by the big glowing towers in the picture)
4: town hall (by the income, assuming that town hall requires level 3 town first)

This tells me that the town screen is similar to the old 2-D screens, except that there are buttons for the commands at the bottom, rather than having town abilities attached to the appropriate buildings. Since it is windowed, rather than full screen, it makes sense to have the buttons on the bottom, rather than within the border as in previous games.

As for the size, what resolution is the game running at here? For example, my monitor has a native 1440x900 resolution, so if the window is 1200x900 (it appears roughly 4:3 aspect ratio), on my screen it will be almost full screen (even at 1024x768 it will be close) If this is some huge resolution (which I would assume is the case if this is on a development computer), then this may be a big window. Also, who is to say it can't be re-sized?
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Unread postby DANZA » 22 Aug 2010, 18:27

- Nice non cartoony graphics
- Hero customization. In WOG I allways put my name to my stronger hero, so even with a mere rename hero option I'll be happy.
- Town conversion. YES!! I hate having 3 different town types, instead of being loyal to my chosen town and reinforce my main army. However the system should be something like this:
1. Price of conversion varies according to town level.
2. Conversion process should allways last a week!!!
3. If the former owner of the town captures it before the end of the conversion process, the process is cancelled and the enemy would have lost his money.

- Only 5 starter races. Seeing as the whole game turned out to be a lot simplier (town windows, I'm looking at you) I don't see any reason for it.
- No hexes. Some people say that hexes would be to difficult to execute in 3D.... but there is kings bounty.
- Small battlefield.
- At first sight/read the gameplay it's aimed to be a lot faster...

- Mark of Chaos had long loading times, that might be the reason behind the 2D town window, to avoid the loading of a new 3D instance inside the engine (besides combat screen) everytime you click on town, so now, everything happens on the adventure map.
- Seems that Black Hole really liked the Warhammer designs, as I'm seeing on the unit design, and especially on the egiptian undead. Anyway, that's a good thing in my book.
Warhammer Undead Building
W40K Necron Monolith
HOMMVI Undead town
Last two are pretty similar...

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Unread postby Znork » 22 Aug 2010, 19:58

Just som feed back for old celestialheven:)

The demo we played was very unfhinsihed, it was basacly a proff of concept.

It was just to show the concept and ment to show the press. We got to play and it was a good tease.

1 the townscreen i just place holer.
2 the buttons are borrowd for h5 and will be remaid
3 towns graphics not fhinished.

so there are lots more to do. So dont read to muche in to this pictures

the dev team are real hero fans so we are in for lots of coolnes as time goes one.

Ps did not notice my titel loong time since i posted her.

feel fre to ask questions ill try to anwer the qustions about the demo and what has been shown so far.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 22 Aug 2010, 20:10


So where Nival...

And welcome back...


Why does everyone keep saying they're not cartoony when they mean they're not warcraft3-y... GAHHHHHHHHHH.....
Last edited by ThunderTitan on 22 Aug 2010, 20:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postby Znork » 22 Aug 2010, 20:13

time will tell but i have a better fealing withe black hole now then i hade withe nival then
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Unread postby yodus » 22 Aug 2010, 20:40


- Was Necropolis town window animated or it was static art?
- Had you have chance to build any buildings in the demo?
- How about battlefield-in or terrain animation, really so detailed ?
- Was any music in demo?
- Lich or Vampire is higher leveled unit?
- They allowed any one to film the demo?

Thanks for answering any question ;-)

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Unread postby Znork » 23 Aug 2010, 05:13

yodus wrote:
- Was Necropolis town window animated or it was static art?
- Had you have chance to build any buildings in the demo?
- How about battlefield-in or terrain animation, really so detailed ?
- Was any music in demo?
- Lich or Vampire is higher leveled unit?
- They allowed any one to film the demo?

Thanks for answering any question ;-)
1 it was static but it was just a place holder so it was not the fhinished produckt
2 no
3 We saw som betl fields and they where good. BUt again we saw only on sett of tails.
4 just music stolen from h5 there will be new music
5 im not shure bute i would say mid level.
6 We asked ubi to relase films of the thing we thought where cool. I hope will get to see somting this week.

We did get to play a very smal part of the game. And muche of the art where just h5 art that will be changed.
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Unread postby MistWeaver » 23 Aug 2010, 09:14


with what you just said:
Znork wrote: The demo we played was very unfhinsihed, it was basacly a proff of concept.
do you have the feeling that spring 2011 is a bit optimistic date ?

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 23 Aug 2010, 09:29

To be fair, any playable demo right now must be an old build they worked over to make it playable as a demo.
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Unread postby DemonHunter » 23 Aug 2010, 12:03

Some things I like:
- 2D-town screen, for shorter loading times
- town conversion (Alltough I hope it's a feature that can be turned of, as suggested on page 1.)
- graphics
- Most of the info on the factions untill now (from the pdf's from the 'Some new information (with images)'-topic )
- better might/magic difference
- area of control for towns, alltough I hope there will be some uncontrolled area on the map too

not sure:
- 5 factions, If they are well balanced I could like it
- 1 unit upgrade/creature, in V there was a problem that you could switch too easy, or just combine the best. Perhaps a solution would have been that you needed to pick between 2 'paths' at the beginning wich would give a slightly different set of units. If these would be balanced there would 5 factions with different playing styles+ a path to be chosen, wich alters the playing style less dramatically.
- 4 resources, I think that's more something for an rts, where things need to go faster sometimes. Alltough if they do it right somehow I won't complain.
- battle rounds, It wasn't a must but I liked it that fast but perhaps weaker units could attack more. Alltough it's propably easier for balancing the units this way..

Many good things and a lot of doubts. No dislikes yet for me since we don't know much about the game and only saw some pre-alpha screenshots. I'll have to see the final game first. Alltough I think that, if it is done well, this could be really good :) .

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 23 Aug 2010, 12:21

The 5 faction thing would be fine if they'd add 2 factions per expansion... shouldn't be very hard if they went with less buildings per town as they seemed to have.
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Unread postby Znork » 23 Aug 2010, 13:12

MistWeaver wrote:

do you have the feeling that spring 2011 is a bit optimistic date ?
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Unread postby Nelgirith » 23 Aug 2010, 13:33

MistWeaver wrote:do you have the feeling that spring 2011 is a bit optimistic date ?
There are games that were designed AND developped in a 6 monthes timespan (some good, some bad). The thing with H6 is that the design work is done and even if the game is only in a pre-alpha version, it's in a quite advanced state already for a release in March 2011.

Also keep in mind that most developpers are usually only showing a game that is a stable old build (several monthes old) in games conventions. If you look at Blizzard, the playable Diablo 3 version from the Gamescon 2010 was exactly the same they made available at the Blizzcon in October 2009.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 23 Aug 2010, 16:02

Why do people keep repeating what i just said?!
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Unread postby alma » 23 Aug 2010, 18:57

I am excited about every new things. I hope always the best so I hope every announced innovation will be good.

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Unread postby Magelord » 24 Aug 2010, 03:36

Hey Znork

Long time no see? One question if you have a chance or even an answer. Warlock faction seems to be gone do we know who gets the Black Dragons or if they are even still in the game?

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Unread postby Znork » 24 Aug 2010, 05:04

We only saw heven and necro faction
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 24 Aug 2010, 06:32

No Black Dragons = BLASPHEMY....
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Unread postby Znork » 24 Aug 2010, 07:20

ThunderTitan wrote:No Black Dragons = BLASPHEMY....
I could also inform we did not see any top tear units. So we realy dont know.
Start a fans for balck dragons post:)
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 24 Aug 2010, 07:37

Well they also need to be in the right faction too (Warlock/Dungeon), so it's more about whether or not that one is in.
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