MM6 - Cursed. What exactly does it do?

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MM6 - Cursed. What exactly does it do?

Unread postby forbjok » 22 Apr 2010, 23:30

When leeroying through Frozen Highlands, I got inflicted with a condition called "Cursed".

What exactly does the condition do, other than make the characters look constipated?
I noticed that it made spells fail frequently, but surely it does something more than just that?
Does it have any permanent negative effects?

I got rid of it at a temple, but just curious...

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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 23 Apr 2010, 00:09

AFAIK it does just that, makes your spells and physical attacks fail often.

What I'd like someone to explain to me though, is what is the point of the Poison and Insane status ailments.
Insane makes your physical attacks STRONGER at the expense of a few max MP loss, and poison... what does it do exactly? It doesn't even gradually reduce your HP like in 99% of RPGs ever made.

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Unread postby forbjok » 23 Apr 2010, 00:52

Interesting. I thought Poison was supposed to do damage, but now that I think of it I've never actually seen it do anything apparent.

Never really tried fighting while any characters were insane.
Only happened a few times when waiting too long without sleeping. :)

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Unread postby phamlongtuan » 23 Apr 2010, 03:52

forbjok wrote:Interesting. I thought Poison was supposed to do damage, but now that I think of it I've never actually seen it do anything apparent.

Never really tried fighting while any characters were insane.
Only happened a few times when waiting too long without sleeping. :)
A research showed that people get so sensitive and easy to fall into angry without sleep for long time. That makes sense for me why insane lose your concentration but greater damage sometime. It makes game more realistic for me since each people have their different statistic.


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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 23 Apr 2010, 04:01

Poison reduces your stats, much like disease, just different ones.

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Unread postby Macros the Black » 23 Apr 2010, 05:03

GreatEmerald wrote:Poison reduces your stats, much like disease, just different ones.
Yep and if you try sleeping while poisoned or diseased you can only regain about half your hit and spell points.
Also I find it odd how curse makes you miss physical attacks and spells but bless only affects physical attacks.
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Unread postby mkienenb » 23 Apr 2010, 12:22

If I recall, curse makes your attacks and spells fail 50% of the time.

There are also three types of poison and disease.

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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 23 Apr 2010, 16:32

Indeed, green, yellow and red IIRC, and you can have those up simultaneously.

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Unread postby Sure Valla » 24 Apr 2010, 11:44

I hate being cursed 8|

They were always screwing around with me when i had 4 sorcerers :disagree:

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Unread postby Macros the Black » 24 Apr 2010, 21:33

I hate it when they curse my cleric and I end up casting cure curse 10 times before it works, then immediately getting cursed again :D
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Unread postby Jymbob » 25 Apr 2010, 08:40

For the various conditions in MM7:

This page is btw great for MM7 players, theres IMO only a few fauls in the instructor list, else its perfect...

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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 25 Apr 2010, 14:44

Yesterday while cleaning out Castle Darkmoor I found the only true nasty side effect of Insanity: you can't regenerate ANY mana while resting (which was irrevelant for my knight, but my paladin woke up with 0 mana)

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Unread postby Macros the Black » 25 Apr 2010, 14:50

Very interesting, according to that page there's three different types of poison and disease statusses: weak, moderate and severe, and the worse the condition the worse the effects are...
So does it depend on which creature poisons or diseases you, or does it depend on how long you've been poisoned/diseased without getting it cured?

Edit: nm, looking over the monster list on that site confirmed it depends on which enemy inflicts the condition. Cool site btw :)
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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 25 Apr 2010, 16:41

Like I've said, it's green, yellow and red. You can find them out by right-clicking on your condition.

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I find Harpy Witches are most annoing with Mass Curse

Unread postby Rune_Caster » 16 May 2010, 23:28

Mass Curse
SP cost: 40 Damage type: Magic
Inflicts the cursed condition on all monsters in the sight of the caster
Normal: Duration 2 minutes per point of skill
Expert: Duration 3 minutes per point of skill
Master: Duration 4 minutes per point of skill

So does a curse ever go away naturally from a Harpy Witch? (causes by Mass Curse)

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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 17 May 2010, 00:03

I'm pretty sure that it doesn't. Not by sleeping either.
Only 3 ways is by the remove curse spell, restoration Potion, or temple

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Unread postby tolich » 17 May 2010, 19:23

...and Divine Intervention.

In MM6, bad conditions do never wear off themselves.

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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 17 May 2010, 20:44

drunk, weakness disappear with sleep.
sleep disappears once hit by an enemy.

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Unread postby Macros the Black » 18 May 2010, 00:41

tolich wrote:...and Divine Intervention.
Or healer NPC.
drunk, weakness disappear with sleep.
sleep disappears once hit by an enemy.
Or, strangely, by sleeping. (And the aforementioned temple, healer NPC and Divine Intervention ofc)

*awaits someone to quote me and add more ways of curing these conditions* :D
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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 18 May 2010, 06:38

In older MMs, sleeping also cured paralysis.

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