Unread postby legendoferthia » 19 Jan 2010, 16:18
Unfortunately, due to the fact that rpg maker vx is not a 3d engine it will have its limits, but despite 3d based elements anything else is possible based on what I have seen and done. I am going to keep the map structure as it is, for if I change it it will kill the world which I have mostly created now. I have several towns, dungeons, etc created. They may be like final fantasy, but my focus on this project isn't really the mapping, but the combat, skills, treasure, and everything else like Might and Magic. However, there will be different versions such as the tactical version. The code is in place with all my versions. My priority is: Front View > Side View > Tactical. However, once I get a public demo out, I am sure you will enjoy it. In mattrer of fact I think the basic layout of rpg maker from the package with no scripts is not very good. The combat system is boring and dull. However, with this, it is much different. I know from my exerience by playing Might and Magic games since mm4-9 I am getting a might and magic feel from this. Also, I have been testing and creating this for a while, at least 2-3 years. I am still not bored due to the randomness.
LOL, please ignore the spelling mistakes in the post, I type too fast.
Thank you grayface for the link. I just found the griffin I was looking for for some time now.