Kingdoms of Erthia (LOE - Tactics Update)

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Unread postby Lord13 » 18 Jan 2010, 17:01

I saw the video, and although I am one of those who
will prefer the non-manga artwork, I am so impressed.
As I said and a past post I worked a lot with RPGMaker
and all those options,skills,elements etc you created are
so freaking hard and require huge amount of time. So,
many bravo for the progress so far, can't wait to see it
finished :)
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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 18 Jan 2010, 18:18

It's in the quickref menu, for example, at 0:55 in the video. There are more, like "Magery", the correct term would be "Sorcery" (1:23). Then, it's not "Etheral", but "Ethereal" (2:53)

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only little voice

Unread postby Mn » 18 Jan 2010, 18:39

I support every projects like this. You want to deal ranged weapons as helpfull as melee weapons? (Bowmanship@Armsmaster) Yes, Bows are my liked weapons from MM3 (I've played in MM2 and MM1, but has not finished theirs. My supporting is yours. I hope of your release of any test version.

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Unread postby Corlagon » 18 Jan 2010, 18:42

Looks just as great as I hoped when I first heard of it! It looks like you might have a hard time pulling off side- and front-views graphically though. If you're going to make the creatures graphically consistent with HoMM like the Black Dragon (which looks superb), you'll probably need some high-res images of all Heroes III creatures. Here is the biggest collection I know of. Add in the Heroes IV and Might and Magic 6-8 creatures and you'd be cooking with gas.

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Unread postby pirvix » 18 Jan 2010, 19:22

I saw the video, and it's jaw-dropping!
I'm just stunned by all the features that you presented in the video. It's always great to see a big amount of items with everything randomized. It just screams RPG quality ^^

Can't wait for this!
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Unread postby legendoferthia » 18 Jan 2010, 21:38

I actually got the term magery from Ultima online, it has to deal with increaing the effectivness of magic. Etheral is my own term which I made up. It is a new type of magic.
GreatEmerald wrote:It's in the quickref menu, for example, at 0:55 in the video. There are more, like "Magery", the correct term would be "Sorcery" (1:23). Then, it's not "Etheral", but "Ethereal" (2:53)
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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 18 Jan 2010, 21:43

Corlagon wrote:Here is the biggest collection I know of.
Woah, awesome 8| I haven't seen many of those! And Forge renders, too!

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Unread postby GrayFace » 19 Jan 2010, 04:29

My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Unread postby koval321 » 19 Jan 2010, 08:00

Already you follow usual style of game maker, what if change it? I mean instead of peoples and houses on map, use something like map in heroes. So your character will be horseman, you will not enter inside building, because everything will be very symbolic, house, castle, anything will have the same icon size as horseman. Instead of shoopkeeper inside shop building, just small icon of shack, tree, well, stuff like that.

Ok am not sure how its hard but such thing could be breaktrough, combine heroes strategy (travell map) with adventure rpg (which already you done) And graphic dont need to be very advancement, it could be like HoMM2 or worst, just in such style.

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Unread postby GrayFace » 19 Jan 2010, 15:41

What's the point? It would be a step back IMO.
I haven't played any games with this style, while 99% of those who played M&M also played Heroes I guess.

P.S. HoMM 2 has great graphics!
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Unread postby legendoferthia » 19 Jan 2010, 16:18

Unfortunately, due to the fact that rpg maker vx is not a 3d engine it will have its limits, but despite 3d based elements anything else is possible based on what I have seen and done. I am going to keep the map structure as it is, for if I change it it will kill the world which I have mostly created now. I have several towns, dungeons, etc created. They may be like final fantasy, but my focus on this project isn't really the mapping, but the combat, skills, treasure, and everything else like Might and Magic. However, there will be different versions such as the tactical version. The code is in place with all my versions. My priority is: Front View > Side View > Tactical. However, once I get a public demo out, I am sure you will enjoy it. In mattrer of fact I think the basic layout of rpg maker from the package with no scripts is not very good. The combat system is boring and dull. However, with this, it is much different. I know from my exerience by playing Might and Magic games since mm4-9 I am getting a might and magic feel from this. Also, I have been testing and creating this for a while, at least 2-3 years. I am still not bored due to the randomness.

LOL, please ignore the spelling mistakes in the post, I type too fast.

Thank you grayface for the link. I just found the griffin I was looking for for some time now.
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Unread postby koval321 » 20 Jan 2010, 05:43

GrayFace wrote:P.S. HoMM 2 has great graphics!
It was best graphic in HoMM serie. Probably the same situation will be here, am sugest dont overload it with graphics, it could be simple as early ultima, something different is important in rpgs, lot of possibilities.

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Tactical Version Update!

Unread postby legendoferthia » 22 Jan 2010, 06:47

Well I am getting a lot of work done with the front view version to the game, so I decided to spare some time for the tactical version. I did some major changes. The combat is at least 2.5x faster. A 10 minute battle will only take like 4 minutes. In addition all of the features that are in the front view version have been placed into the tactical version.
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Tactical Version Video

Unread postby legendoferthia » 24 Jan 2010, 15:55

I uploaded a video to the tactical version of The Legend of Erthia.
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Unread postby Lord13 » 24 Jan 2010, 18:05

The tactical version seems GREAT! Good work!!

edit: Btw, all this effort to create different versions of
the game to cover all tastes is so impressive!!!
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Unread postby legendoferthia » 24 Jan 2010, 20:03


Another update on the front view version:
Here is another video from the RPG version of the game.
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Unread postby koval321 » 27 Jan 2010, 11:23

Top view battle seem to be more tactic, am not really understand 3d combat, but look good.

Have question about how battle begin, player see monster walking on map (like Tibia) or they appear from nowhere in random moment?

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Unread postby Lord13 » 27 Apr 2010, 16:22's been awhile since I read an update for this
game. Is still in progress? I tried enter also at the home
page but seems to be down(if i still have the correct link).
Did I missed something? ;|

edit: page works fine, my net was freaked up after all :P
Still, can't wait to hear more news!! :P
Last edited by Lord13 on 27 Apr 2010, 20:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postby Nomad » 27 Apr 2010, 20:06

This is absolutely AWESOME!

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Unread postby Corlagon » 27 Apr 2010, 20:52

I'm impatiently waiting for this project too. I really hope Richard does manage to complete it - it's definitely going to be fun playing a true MM RPG in overhead style.

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