Kingdoms of Erthia (LOE - Tactics Update)

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Kingdoms of Erthia (LOE - Tactics Update)

Unread postby legendoferthia » 29 May 2009, 04:40

Formerly known as LOE - Tactics.

Kingdoms of Erthia - Alpha 0.2 Video:

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It has been while since I works on this, but I decided to bring this project back to life. Kingdoms of Erthia is the tactical war game based off of Legend of Erthia. In the very earlier releases I only demonstrated tactical battles, but I decided to give this project a huge update by adding overland province warfare. You will have a choice to enter tactical battle or quick battle.

This video demonstrates recruiting, transferring armies, and attacking provinces (both victory and defeat). Note: I disables hiding unit names and amounts for non-friendly provinces to show that random province generation works. There is one bug with the assigning inits to move or attack. The "all" button vanishes, but not a biggie. quick battle works great!!! However, there is no real overland AI yet, for I just started it today. (July 24 2013)

* Only placeholder art is used at the moment
* Some of the words are shortened or cut off
* Music is from, "SSI's Fantasy Empires."

More information coming soon.


Last edited by legendoferthia on 26 Jul 2013, 05:52, edited 96 times in total.
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Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 29 May 2009, 06:26

Looks interesting! If ya get the project completed, I'll play it!

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Unread postby GrayFace » 30 May 2009, 13:29

Looks very interesting and nice. The only exception is grass with shadow - light dots make it look bad.
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Unread postby Lord13 » 30 May 2009, 13:54

Would be very interesting to see it completed!
I must say I am impresed from your screenshots
because I was using rpgmaker(the 2k version) to
create some games(i've finished some but are so
crappy that never share 'em), and I know needs a
lot of hard work to have results like your screenshots!
Good job and can't w8 to see it completed. :)

Btw, I love so much the oldschool pixel-graphicks,
i am happy that funs continue to use them at games :-D
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Unread postby koval321 » 02 Jun 2009, 05:08

Am playing every RPGs and even finished odd one like Aaron halls dungeon odyssey, so yes i would like to play your game, especially because its influenced by M&M

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Unread postby Macros the Black » 02 Jun 2009, 14:00

I don't know about this project, but reading through it, I wonder why your Ninja are good with Daggers? I would assume them to be good with Swords, Throwing Knives (if you got em), Staves and Polearms. Daggers... not so much. That's more of a thief/assassin type weapon.
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Unread postby Jac » 04 Jun 2009, 13:04

Looks great! I really think the Ninja class could use a name change though, like say Assassin/Rogue/Thief?

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Unread postby legendoferthia » 10 Jun 2009, 13:19

Okay, I have been working real hard on this game. I have added a lot more random treasure. I got rid of the ninja class and replaced it with the thief class. I did an entire overhall on the interface of the game. The battle code has been reprogrammed (less errors and bugs.) I have added a new skill to the game (armsmaster skill). I have changed all the character facesets. I have also completed more in the actual level design. A demo will be coming soon enough.

Please read the beginning of this topic, I have posted new screenshots and updated the information about the game.

Here is a screenshot of an indoor combat.

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Unread postby Lord13 » 10 Jun 2009, 19:37

Thx for the update, can't wait for the demo :)
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Unread postby legendoferthia » 22 Jun 2009, 15:50

I have another major update to share. I have decided to change the tactical engine o a rogue style engine. I felt that using the tactical engine it was more of a heroes of might and magic game rather than a might and magic game.

Whay I have done is tranferred all of the scripts into a brand new combat engine. I am now using party based rogue-like system which is turn based as well when it comes to the combats. I now have a system that is more realistic to the might and magic system. It is like playing might and magic in 2d.

As for additional content to the game itself.

- I have added random items to shops, just like in might and magic.
- I have added more treasure types.
- A large majority of the monsters are complete

I will post the new screenshots very shortly.

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Unread postby phamlongtuan » 22 Jun 2009, 16:58

Keep going sir. I have 20 men who interested in turn based strategy game like this in my hometown. :D

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Unread postby Lord13 » 22 Jun 2009, 17:59

Hey, thx for the update again, keep it up, we wait
for the continue ;)
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Unread postby pirvix » 22 Jun 2009, 19:44

Looks interesting! I'll keep checking on this :)
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Unread postby Corlagon » 23 Jun 2009, 11:31

Will download and praise excessively when done. :hoo:

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Unread postby legendoferthia » 25 Jun 2009, 18:45

Just another update. I have decided to switch back to the original idea of using the tactical engine. The rogue-like engine lacked many features. Hpwever, all the previous updates such as the purchase random treasure in the shops, etc have been applied. I have also added a new character class, "Angel." However, this class can only be aquired later in the game.

I was just wondering. Would you guys prefer learning spells throught purchasing spell books like in might and magic games, or would you like it so that skills can be learned in a matter similar to ff6 (Espers)?

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Unread postby pirvix » 25 Jun 2009, 19:01

Great! Looking forward to playing as an angel :hoo:

Oh, and I didn't really play any of ff, so could somebody please enlighten me :)
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Unread postby Storm-giant » 26 Jun 2009, 00:17

Looks awesome :hail: :hail:
The graphics looks just great and it seems to be quite long(YEAH!).
Keep up the good work, noone of here can wait for a demo :-D
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The demo is nearly complete... First ingame screenshots.

Unread postby legendoferthia » 26 Jun 2009, 18:42

The demo is almost ready to be released. Just fixing up a few more things. Here are two screenshots from the actual story and gameplay.



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Unread postby Corlagon » 26 Jun 2009, 20:18

savetara wrote:I was just wondering. Would you guys prefer learning spells throught purchasing spell books like in might and magic games, or would you like it so that skills can be learned in a matter similar to ff6 (Espers)?
Personally I'd prefer the spellbooks. This is Might and Magic, not Final Fantasy; I'd rather micromanage and customise my team without the game doing everything for me.

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Unread postby legendoferthia » 27 Jun 2009, 05:37

Another update.

I have decided to keep the spellbooks and scrap the idea of espers. After exploring through the game, I realized that equipment can be quite expensive, so I am now scripting in the merchant skill to help reduce costs. I have a few more bugs that crash the game I have to fix then I will release a demo.

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