Other XP machines/ambushes that I know of:
Kriegspire well that generates 8 Energy Drakes with every useful sip - up to 400.
Rockham well that generates 8 Fire Archers each time touched - don't remember the limit.
White Cap well that generates 6 Magyar Matrons each time touched - don't remember the limit.
Castle Stone well that generates 6 Fire Archers each time touched - don't remember the limit.
Castle Alamos pool that generates 8 Air Elementals each time crossed - about 20-30.
Werewolf Lair points that generate 2 Wolfmen and 4 Expert Swordsmen when crossed - did not count them as it seemed endless at a point.
If you know more locations, further details, corrections or have any comments please share them with us.

RubiconIII the Heretic