Caladont 4.0
- Sir William S Titan
- Round Table Hero
- Posts: 2046
- Joined: 09 Jan 2006
- Location: One second away from where I was one second ago
Apparently so, the round finally ended
Congratulations everyone for a new record of 514 words! And Koni for his 400-point record!
Koni - 400
Asheera - 391
Borsuc - 329
HodgePodge - 279
Asterot - 193
Avonu - 162
Milla - 103
Jonas - 84
SWST - 51
PhoenixReborn - 45
a55a55in - 27
Lord Lakely - 21
Panda Tar - 16
ThunderTitan - 13
Corribus - 2
Not very careful
a55a55in - ended round (-5 points)
Lord Lakely
Words Used (514)
yellow, lower, wergild, gilder, derby, bypass, password, swordbill, billion, lioness, nesses, sesame, samette, temporary, arytenoid, oidia, dial, dialect, lecture, tureen, reenact, enactable, tablecloth, clothes, these, theses, session, sionist, isthmus, mustard, stardust, duster, stere, stereo, reoriented, tedious, ousted, stedfast, faster, asterisk, risked, skedaddle, daddled, ledgeman, emancipation, ionic, niche, cheap, heaper, aperture, tureenful, fully, lysine, sinewed, wedding, dingle, dingleberries, estimate, matelote, tea, teacher, cherisher, sherry, sherryvallies, estuary, aryl, ylem, lemonade, monadelphous, house, username, namesake, sakes, kestrel, trelliswork, worker, keramic, amicable, cables, ablest, estate, stated, tedder, deranged, editress, tressing, singer, ingerminate, atelier, lierne, ernestful, fulfill, fillet, letter, lettern, ternary, arylamine, laminectomy, myopic, picaro, caroach, ache, achene, henequen, quench, enchant, chanting, tinge, ingeminate, nates, tesseract, actor, actorius, used, sedation, dations, onset, seta, etamine, amines, mineshaft, shafting, tingling, lingual, alarm, larmier, error, roridula, ulama, lamas, amass, massed, sedan, dance, ancestor, storage, raged, gedanite, item, tempo, temporary, arythmia, miasma, smasher, mashers, herself, selfness, essence, cent, centaur, auricula, auricular, larva, larvate, atemporal, rallicar, carabid, bidding, dinghy, hyena, enable, ablegate, legateship, shipmate, material, materialization, ionizer, zero, erosion, ionate, atelectasis, sissy, syllabism, bismuth, thrall, ralliform, formation, ionene, oneness, nesslerize, zealous, lousy, sycamine, aminergic, ice, icecream, creamcake, cakewalk, walking, kingly, lycanthropy, pylon, longevity, tycoon, cooncan, cancer, ceramic, mice, micelle, celler, leresis, resist, sister, sterile, riled, ledeburite, rites, tessellate, latecomer, merry, merrythought, thoughtful, full, fullback, backbone, bonehead, headache, hem, hematin, matinee, needlepuncher, punchers, erstwhile, whiled, ledger, gerade, radectomy, myopia, opiating, atingle, glee, gleed, editing, tingle, inglenook, okay, kayak, akaryote, otectomy, ectomycorrhizal, zalcitabine, tabinet, nettle, nettlecloth, clothes, thesis, sistering, ringleader, adermia, mianserin, anserine, serinette, test, testimonial, alabamium, umbel, belfry, frypan, panned, eddying, dyingly, lyrical, call, calligraph, graphical, calisthenics, csardas, dash, dasheen, sheens, enslave, avert, avertiment, mental, talent, lentil, tilasite, sites, testicles, lesbian, biannual, annualize, zeal, alacrity, tympan, pant, pantyhose, hosel, select, election, lectionary, arytenoidal, dalesman, manage, anagenesis, sisal, isallobar, allobarbitone, tones, oneself, selflessness, essential, allotment, mentor, entoretina, nap, napkin, kind, kindergarten, tentacle, clean, ant, antae, taenia, niacinamide, amides, desk, deskilled, lederhosen, senile, ilex, lexeme, emerald, alderfly, flying, lyingly, glycerine, inebriate, atenolol, lolly, lollygag, gagman, manbote, boteless, lesson, essonite, niter, iterative, ivermectin, tinfoil, foiled, ledge, edges, edgeshot, shotcrete, retem, temper, temperature, ureter, reterminating, atingle, tingler, lerots, tsar, saran, araneiform, format, formate, maternal, naled, editor, torment, mentalistic, stick, stickle, stickleback, backstab, stableboy, boycott, cottage, tagetes, etesian, ianfu, fuddle, length, thankful, fullfil, filler, lered, redder, derail, railway, waypoint, pointsman, manners, erst, styrafoam, foamy, amygdule, ulexine, exines, nest, nestle, leachability, tylosine, sinew, newest, westwardly, lycee, eerie, riel, electricity, citybilly, billycans, canst, canstick, sticklike, likeness, nesslerizing, zinger, ingerminate, atelia, telial, alright, righten, tender, tenderloin, loincloth, lothario, ariose, selection, electioneer, eradicate, cater, cateran, ranch, ranchslider, derate, rated, teddering, deringed, gedd, edder, deracinate, atelic, teliconograph, graphological, logically, allylic, lick, lickerish, rishi, ishihara, harass, rasse, assent, sentient, entertainment, menthol, thole, holereamer, amerciable, ablepsia, siamang, mangolds, oldster, sterculia, liability, tyke, keel, eellike, likeliest, ester, stereogram, gramary, aryanizing, zingiest, estimated, tedge, edgeless, lessen, senior, oracle, raclette, letterperfect, perfection, ionogen, generously, slyness, essoin, ointment, mentee, teen, teeny, nymphae, phaeton, tongue, tonguefish, fisheye, eyeball, ballismus, music, sicken, kendo, endocrine, net, network, workload, loaded, dedans, dansyl, syllabary, barycenter, centered, redneck, necktie, tiebar, bartender, tenderling, linger, lingerie, rief, effect, effector, torch, orchestra, estral, ale, alert
Congratulations everyone for a new record of 514 words! And Koni for his 400-point record!
Koni - 400
Asheera - 391
Borsuc - 329
HodgePodge - 279
Asterot - 193
Avonu - 162
Milla - 103
Jonas - 84
SWST - 51
PhoenixReborn - 45
a55a55in - 27
Lord Lakely - 21
Panda Tar - 16
ThunderTitan - 13
Corribus - 2
Not very careful
a55a55in - ended round (-5 points)
Lord Lakely
Words Used (514)
yellow, lower, wergild, gilder, derby, bypass, password, swordbill, billion, lioness, nesses, sesame, samette, temporary, arytenoid, oidia, dial, dialect, lecture, tureen, reenact, enactable, tablecloth, clothes, these, theses, session, sionist, isthmus, mustard, stardust, duster, stere, stereo, reoriented, tedious, ousted, stedfast, faster, asterisk, risked, skedaddle, daddled, ledgeman, emancipation, ionic, niche, cheap, heaper, aperture, tureenful, fully, lysine, sinewed, wedding, dingle, dingleberries, estimate, matelote, tea, teacher, cherisher, sherry, sherryvallies, estuary, aryl, ylem, lemonade, monadelphous, house, username, namesake, sakes, kestrel, trelliswork, worker, keramic, amicable, cables, ablest, estate, stated, tedder, deranged, editress, tressing, singer, ingerminate, atelier, lierne, ernestful, fulfill, fillet, letter, lettern, ternary, arylamine, laminectomy, myopic, picaro, caroach, ache, achene, henequen, quench, enchant, chanting, tinge, ingeminate, nates, tesseract, actor, actorius, used, sedation, dations, onset, seta, etamine, amines, mineshaft, shafting, tingling, lingual, alarm, larmier, error, roridula, ulama, lamas, amass, massed, sedan, dance, ancestor, storage, raged, gedanite, item, tempo, temporary, arythmia, miasma, smasher, mashers, herself, selfness, essence, cent, centaur, auricula, auricular, larva, larvate, atemporal, rallicar, carabid, bidding, dinghy, hyena, enable, ablegate, legateship, shipmate, material, materialization, ionizer, zero, erosion, ionate, atelectasis, sissy, syllabism, bismuth, thrall, ralliform, formation, ionene, oneness, nesslerize, zealous, lousy, sycamine, aminergic, ice, icecream, creamcake, cakewalk, walking, kingly, lycanthropy, pylon, longevity, tycoon, cooncan, cancer, ceramic, mice, micelle, celler, leresis, resist, sister, sterile, riled, ledeburite, rites, tessellate, latecomer, merry, merrythought, thoughtful, full, fullback, backbone, bonehead, headache, hem, hematin, matinee, needlepuncher, punchers, erstwhile, whiled, ledger, gerade, radectomy, myopia, opiating, atingle, glee, gleed, editing, tingle, inglenook, okay, kayak, akaryote, otectomy, ectomycorrhizal, zalcitabine, tabinet, nettle, nettlecloth, clothes, thesis, sistering, ringleader, adermia, mianserin, anserine, serinette, test, testimonial, alabamium, umbel, belfry, frypan, panned, eddying, dyingly, lyrical, call, calligraph, graphical, calisthenics, csardas, dash, dasheen, sheens, enslave, avert, avertiment, mental, talent, lentil, tilasite, sites, testicles, lesbian, biannual, annualize, zeal, alacrity, tympan, pant, pantyhose, hosel, select, election, lectionary, arytenoidal, dalesman, manage, anagenesis, sisal, isallobar, allobarbitone, tones, oneself, selflessness, essential, allotment, mentor, entoretina, nap, napkin, kind, kindergarten, tentacle, clean, ant, antae, taenia, niacinamide, amides, desk, deskilled, lederhosen, senile, ilex, lexeme, emerald, alderfly, flying, lyingly, glycerine, inebriate, atenolol, lolly, lollygag, gagman, manbote, boteless, lesson, essonite, niter, iterative, ivermectin, tinfoil, foiled, ledge, edges, edgeshot, shotcrete, retem, temper, temperature, ureter, reterminating, atingle, tingler, lerots, tsar, saran, araneiform, format, formate, maternal, naled, editor, torment, mentalistic, stick, stickle, stickleback, backstab, stableboy, boycott, cottage, tagetes, etesian, ianfu, fuddle, length, thankful, fullfil, filler, lered, redder, derail, railway, waypoint, pointsman, manners, erst, styrafoam, foamy, amygdule, ulexine, exines, nest, nestle, leachability, tylosine, sinew, newest, westwardly, lycee, eerie, riel, electricity, citybilly, billycans, canst, canstick, sticklike, likeness, nesslerizing, zinger, ingerminate, atelia, telial, alright, righten, tender, tenderloin, loincloth, lothario, ariose, selection, electioneer, eradicate, cater, cateran, ranch, ranchslider, derate, rated, teddering, deringed, gedd, edder, deracinate, atelic, teliconograph, graphological, logically, allylic, lick, lickerish, rishi, ishihara, harass, rasse, assent, sentient, entertainment, menthol, thole, holereamer, amerciable, ablepsia, siamang, mangolds, oldster, sterculia, liability, tyke, keel, eellike, likeliest, ester, stereogram, gramary, aryanizing, zingiest, estimated, tedge, edgeless, lessen, senior, oracle, raclette, letterperfect, perfection, ionogen, generously, slyness, essoin, ointment, mentee, teen, teeny, nymphae, phaeton, tongue, tonguefish, fisheye, eyeball, ballismus, music, sicken, kendo, endocrine, net, network, workload, loaded, dedans, dansyl, syllabary, barycenter, centered, redneck, necktie, tiebar, bartender, tenderling, linger, lingerie, rief, effect, effector, torch, orchestra, estral, ale, alert
No matter how powerful one becomes, there is always someone stronger. That's why I'm in a constant pursuit of power, so I can be prepared when an enemy tries to take advantage of me.
- Lord Lakely
- Round Table Hero
- Posts: 1740
- Joined: 02 Jul 2008
- Location: The Eleventh Dimension....
- HodgePodge
- Round Table Knight
- Posts: 3530
- Joined: 06 Jan 2006
- Sir William S Titan
- Round Table Hero
- Posts: 2046
- Joined: 09 Jan 2006
- Location: One second away from where I was one second ago
Asheera - 8
Koni - 7
Lord Lakely - 5
HodgePodge - 4
Jonas - 3
Borsuc - 2
Sir William S Titan - 2
Not very careful
Words Used (9)
starting, tingle, inglenook, okay, kayaker, akeratosis, sissy, system, stemmed
Asheera - 8
Koni - 7
Lord Lakely - 5
HodgePodge - 4
Jonas - 3
Borsuc - 2
Sir William S Titan - 2
Not very careful
Words Used (9)
starting, tingle, inglenook, okay, kayaker, akeratosis, sissy, system, stemmed
No matter how powerful one becomes, there is always someone stronger. That's why I'm in a constant pursuit of power, so I can be prepared when an enemy tries to take advantage of me.
- HodgePodge
- Round Table Knight
- Posts: 3530
- Joined: 06 Jan 2006
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