Koni - 264
Asheera - 255
Borsuc - 214
HodgePodge - 153
Asterot - 111
Avonu - 97
Milla - 62
SWST - 40
PhoenixReborn - 32
Lord Lakely - 21
a55a55in - 15
Panda Tar - 13
ThunderTitan - 13
Corribus - 2
Not very careful



Lord Lakely






Words Used (311)
yellow, lower, wergild, gilder, derby, bypass, password, swordbill, billion, lioness, nesses, sesame, samette, temporary, arytenoid, oidia, dial, dialect, lecture, tureen, reenact, enactable, tablecloth, clothes, these, theses, session, sionist, isthmus, mustard, stardust, duster, stere, stereo, reoriented, tedious, ousted, stedfast, faster, asterisk, risked, skedaddle, daddled, ledgeman, emancipation, ionic, niche, cheap, heaper, aperture, tureenful, fully, lysine, sinewed, wedding, dingle, dingleberries, estimate, matelote, tea, teacher, cherisher, sherry, sherryvallies, estuary, aryl, ylem, lemonade, monadelphous, house, username, namesake, sakes, kestrel, trelliswork, worker, keramic, amicable, cables, ablest, estate, stated, tedder, deranged, editress, tressing, singer, ingerminate, atelier, lierne, ernestful, fulfill, fillet, letter, lettern, ternary, arylamine, laminectomy, myopic, picaro, caroach, ache, achene, henequen, quench, enchant, chanting, tinge, ingeminate, nates, tesseract, actor, actorius, used, sedation, dations, onset, seta, etamine, amines, mineshaft, shafting, tingling, lingual, alarm, larmier, error, roridula, ulama, lamas, amass, massed, sedan, dance, ancestor, storage, raged, gedanite, item, tempo, temporary, arythmia, miasma, smasher, mashers, herself, selfness, essence, cent, centaur, auricula, auricular, larva, larvate, atemporal, rallicar, carabid, bidding, dinghy, hyena, enable, ablegate, legateship, shipmate, material, materialization, ionizer, zero, erosion, ionate, atelectasis, sissy, syllabism, bismuth, thrall, ralliform, formation, ionene, oneness, nesslerize, zealous, lousy, sycamine, aminergic, ice, icecream, creamcake, cakewalk, walking, kingly, lycanthropy, pylon, longevity, tycoon, cooncan, cancer, ceramic, mice, micelle, celler, leresis, resist, sister, sterile, riled, ledeburite, rites, tessellate, latecomer, merry, merrythought, thoughtful, full, fullback, backbone, bonehead, headache, hem, hematin, matinee, needlepuncher, punchers, erstwhile, whiled, ledger, gerade, radectomy, myopia, opiating, atingle, glee, gleed, editing, tingle, inglenook, okay, kayak, akaryote, otectomy, ectomycorrhizal, zalcitabine, tabinet, nettle, nettlecloth, clothes, thesis, sistering, ringleader, adermia, mianserin, anserine, serinette, test, testimonial, alabamium, umbel, belfry, frypan, panned, eddying, dyingly, lyrical, call, calligraph, graphical, calisthenics, csardas, dash, dasheen, sheens, enslave, avert, avertiment, mental, talent, lentil, tilasite, sites, testicles, lesbian, biannual, annualize, zeal, alacrity, tympan, pant, pantyhose, hosel, select, election, lectionary, arytenoidal, dalesman, manage, anagenesis, sisal, isallobar, allobarbitone, tones, oneself, selflessness, essential, allotment, mentor, entoretina, nap, napkin, kind, kindergarten, tentacle, clean, ant, antae, taenia, niacinamide, amides
No matter how powerful one becomes, there is always someone stronger. That's why I'm in a constant pursuit of power, so I can be prepared when an enemy tries to take advantage of me.