Caladont 4.0

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Caladont 4.0

Unread postby Kalah » 01 Feb 2009, 21:14

Caladont's Rules:
1) You need to create a word that starts with at least the two last letters of the previous word (example hat -> attractive).

2) The order of the letters should not be changed (morning -> ingenious) is ok, but (morning -> ignite) isn't.

3) You must add at least one letter, so (hat -> at) is a no no.

4) You can use more than just the two last letters,and it gives you additional points (example: cape -> apes gives you 3 points, while pea gives you just 2).

5) Proper nouns (nouns that label a specific thing, like Earth, Microsoft, Belgium, etc), and non-english words are not allowed, and neither are abbreviations.

6) A single word cannot be repeated twice in the same round (a word is considered repeated even if you post a plural of it, but the singular form was posted earlier)

7) A word cannot be strongly tied with the previous word (meaning its meaning has to completely differ from all of the previous words meanings) if its used whole (so adding a suffix ly, ing, ed, or anyone like thats inst allowed, turning a verb into a noun, or similar is also not allowed).

8) For each letter of the previous word you use, you get one point. If you use the whole previous word in the new word,you get five extra points (example:mist -> mistaken gives you 9 points, not 4).

9) The round ends when there are no words that can be posted.The one that ends the round gets -5 points (so that users are encouraged to prolong the game)

10) The one with the most points at the end of the round starts the new round. In the case of a tie, the one with the lowest number of words wins.

11) You cannot post two words without at least 4 posts between them.
Rule Changed: May 5, 2008

12) If you misspell the word, you are penalized one point.

13) If someone breaks a rule, he is penalized one point. When five penalties are issued, the round ends.

14) You cannot use hyphenated words. (On the grounds that hyphenated words have multiple words, and you can only post one word at a time. )

15) Any player who is forced to use a word for which he/she is later penalized will receive 0 points (instead of the normal -1) if the word prevents the round from ending.
Note that this still counts as a round penalty.
Also the word must not break rules 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13 or 14.
Asheera wrote:oneself

Koni - 251
Asheera - 242
Borsuc - 207
HodgePodge - 139
Asterot - 104
Avonu - 88
Milla - 62
SWST - 36
PhoenixReborn - 32
Lord Lakely - 21
a55a55in - 15
Panda Tar - 13
ThunderTitan - 13
Corribus - 2

Not very careful
Avonu :x

Koni :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Asheera :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Milla :proud:
Lord Lakely :proud:
HodgePodge :proud: :proudirule:
ThunderTitan :proud:
Borsuc :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
Asterot :proud:
a55a55in :proud:

Words Used (295)
yellow, lower, wergild, gilder, derby, bypass, password, swordbill, billion, lioness, nesses, sesame, samette, temporary, arytenoid, oidia, dial, dialect, lecture, tureen, reenact, enactable, tablecloth, clothes, these, theses, session, sionist, isthmus, mustard, stardust, duster, stere, stereo, reoriented, tedious, ousted, stedfast, faster, asterisk, risked, skedaddle, daddled, ledgeman, emancipation, ionic, niche, cheap, heaper, aperture, tureenful, fully, lysine, sinewed, wedding, dingle, dingleberries, estimate, matelote, tea, teacher, cherisher, sherry, sherryvallies, estuary, aryl, ylem, lemonade, monadelphous, house, username, namesake, sakes, kestrel, trelliswork, worker, keramic, amicable, cables, ablest, estate, stated, tedder, deranged, editress, tressing, singer, ingerminate, atelier, lierne, ernestful, fulfill, fillet, letter, lettern, ternary, arylamine, laminectomy, myopic, picaro, caroach, ache, achene, henequen, quench, enchant, chanting, tinge, ingeminate, nates, tesseract, actor, actorius, used, sedation, dations, onset, seta, etamine, amines, mineshaft, shafting, tingling, lingual, alarm, larmier, error, roridula, ulama, lamas, amass, massed, sedan, dance, ancestor, storage, raged, gedanite, item, tempo, temporary, arythmia, miasma, smasher, mashers, herself, selfness, essence, cent, centaur, auricula, auricular, larva, larvate, atemporal, rallicar, carabid, bidding, dinghy, hyena, enable, ablegate, legateship, shipmate, material, materialization, ionizer, zero, erosion, ionate, atelectasis, sissy, syllabism, bismuth, thrall, ralliform, formation, ionene, oneness, nesslerize, zealous, lousy, sycamine, aminergic, ice, icecream, creamcake, cakewalk, walking, kingly, lycanthropy, pylon, longevity, tycoon, cooncan, cancer, ceramic, mice, micelle, celler, leresis, resist, sister, sterile, riled, ledeburite, rites, tessellate, latecomer, merry, merrythought, thoughtful, full, fullback, backbone, bonehead, headache, hem, hematin, matinee, needlepuncher, punchers, erstwhile, whiled, ledger, gerade, radectomy, myopia, opiating, atingle, glee, gleed, editing, tingle, inglenook, okay, kayak, akaryote, otectomy, ectomycorrhizal, zalcitabine, tabinet, nettle, nettlecloth, clothes, thesis, sistering, ringleader, adermia, mianserin, anserine, serinette, test, testimonial, alabamium, umbel, belfry, frypan, panned, eddying, dyingly, lyrical, call, calligraph, graphical, calisthenics, csardas, dash, dasheen, sheens, enslave, avert, avertiment, mental, talent, lentil, tilasite, sites, testicles, lesbian, biannual, annualize, zeal, alacrity, tympan, pant, pantyhose, hosel, select, election, lectionary, arytenoidal, dalesman, manage, anagenesis, sisal, isallobar, allobarbitone, tones, oneself
Asterot wrote:selflessness
Carry on.
In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Goodwill.

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Unread postby HodgePodge » 01 Feb 2009, 22:05

Walk Softly & Respect All Life!

Click Here: Lords of War and Money … A Free & Fun Browser Game.

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Unread postby Koni » 01 Feb 2009, 22:39


Kind of you, Milla and Kalah!

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Unread postby Kalah » 01 Feb 2009, 22:43

Yes, we really are quite something... :)
In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Goodwill.

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Unread postby Borsuc » 02 Feb 2009, 00:24

All humans do is to go to a place, bountiful of nature, and live there. Then the human multiplies and sucks all the wonders there. They move to the next. There is one thing that works the same way as that: a virus.

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Unread postby Asheera » 02 Feb 2009, 00:36

Aaaaand we reached the 300th word :D


Koni - 253
Asheera - 247
Borsuc - 211
HodgePodge - 142
Asterot - 108
Avonu - 88
Milla - 62
SWST - 36
PhoenixReborn - 32
Lord Lakely - 21
a55a55in - 15
Panda Tar - 13
ThunderTitan - 13
Corribus - 2

Not very careful
Avonu :x

Koni :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Asheera :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Milla :proud:
Lord Lakely :proud:
HodgePodge :proud: :proudirule:
ThunderTitan :proud:
Borsuc :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
Asterot :proud:
a55a55in :proud:

Words Used (300)
yellow, lower, wergild, gilder, derby, bypass, password, swordbill, billion, lioness, nesses, sesame, samette, temporary, arytenoid, oidia, dial, dialect, lecture, tureen, reenact, enactable, tablecloth, clothes, these, theses, session, sionist, isthmus, mustard, stardust, duster, stere, stereo, reoriented, tedious, ousted, stedfast, faster, asterisk, risked, skedaddle, daddled, ledgeman, emancipation, ionic, niche, cheap, heaper, aperture, tureenful, fully, lysine, sinewed, wedding, dingle, dingleberries, estimate, matelote, tea, teacher, cherisher, sherry, sherryvallies, estuary, aryl, ylem, lemonade, monadelphous, house, username, namesake, sakes, kestrel, trelliswork, worker, keramic, amicable, cables, ablest, estate, stated, tedder, deranged, editress, tressing, singer, ingerminate, atelier, lierne, ernestful, fulfill, fillet, letter, lettern, ternary, arylamine, laminectomy, myopic, picaro, caroach, ache, achene, henequen, quench, enchant, chanting, tinge, ingeminate, nates, tesseract, actor, actorius, used, sedation, dations, onset, seta, etamine, amines, mineshaft, shafting, tingling, lingual, alarm, larmier, error, roridula, ulama, lamas, amass, massed, sedan, dance, ancestor, storage, raged, gedanite, item, tempo, temporary, arythmia, miasma, smasher, mashers, herself, selfness, essence, cent, centaur, auricula, auricular, larva, larvate, atemporal, rallicar, carabid, bidding, dinghy, hyena, enable, ablegate, legateship, shipmate, material, materialization, ionizer, zero, erosion, ionate, atelectasis, sissy, syllabism, bismuth, thrall, ralliform, formation, ionene, oneness, nesslerize, zealous, lousy, sycamine, aminergic, ice, icecream, creamcake, cakewalk, walking, kingly, lycanthropy, pylon, longevity, tycoon, cooncan, cancer, ceramic, mice, micelle, celler, leresis, resist, sister, sterile, riled, ledeburite, rites, tessellate, latecomer, merry, merrythought, thoughtful, full, fullback, backbone, bonehead, headache, hem, hematin, matinee, needlepuncher, punchers, erstwhile, whiled, ledger, gerade, radectomy, myopia, opiating, atingle, glee, gleed, editing, tingle, inglenook, okay, kayak, akaryote, otectomy, ectomycorrhizal, zalcitabine, tabinet, nettle, nettlecloth, clothes, thesis, sistering, ringleader, adermia, mianserin, anserine, serinette, test, testimonial, alabamium, umbel, belfry, frypan, panned, eddying, dyingly, lyrical, call, calligraph, graphical, calisthenics, csardas, dash, dasheen, sheens, enslave, avert, avertiment, mental, talent, lentil, tilasite, sites, testicles, lesbian, biannual, annualize, zeal, alacrity, tympan, pant, pantyhose, hosel, select, election, lectionary, arytenoidal, dalesman, manage, anagenesis, sisal, isallobar, allobarbitone, tones, oneself, selflessness, essential, allotment, mentor, entoretina
No matter how powerful one becomes, there is always someone stronger. That's why I'm in a constant pursuit of power, so I can be prepared when an enemy tries to take advantage of me.

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Sir William S Titan
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Unread postby Sir William S Titan » 02 Feb 2009, 01:07

This is a block of text that can be added to posts you make. There is a 500 character limit

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Unread postby HodgePodge » 02 Feb 2009, 07:14


Thank you Sir William. :)
Walk Softly & Respect All Life!

Click Here: Lords of War and Money … A Free & Fun Browser Game.

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Unread postby Koni » 02 Feb 2009, 07:30

kind ;)

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Unread postby Avonu » 02 Feb 2009, 09:41


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Unread postby Asheera » 02 Feb 2009, 13:12


Koni - 256
Asheera - 250
Borsuc - 211
HodgePodge - 150
Asterot - 108
Avonu - 97
Milla - 62
SWST - 38
PhoenixReborn - 32
Lord Lakely - 21
a55a55in - 15
Panda Tar - 13
ThunderTitan - 13
Corribus - 2

Not very careful
Avonu :x

Koni :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Asheera :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Milla :proud:
Lord Lakely :proud:
HodgePodge :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
ThunderTitan :proud:
Borsuc :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
Asterot :proud:
a55a55in :proud:
Avonu :proud:

Words Used (305)
yellow, lower, wergild, gilder, derby, bypass, password, swordbill, billion, lioness, nesses, sesame, samette, temporary, arytenoid, oidia, dial, dialect, lecture, tureen, reenact, enactable, tablecloth, clothes, these, theses, session, sionist, isthmus, mustard, stardust, duster, stere, stereo, reoriented, tedious, ousted, stedfast, faster, asterisk, risked, skedaddle, daddled, ledgeman, emancipation, ionic, niche, cheap, heaper, aperture, tureenful, fully, lysine, sinewed, wedding, dingle, dingleberries, estimate, matelote, tea, teacher, cherisher, sherry, sherryvallies, estuary, aryl, ylem, lemonade, monadelphous, house, username, namesake, sakes, kestrel, trelliswork, worker, keramic, amicable, cables, ablest, estate, stated, tedder, deranged, editress, tressing, singer, ingerminate, atelier, lierne, ernestful, fulfill, fillet, letter, lettern, ternary, arylamine, laminectomy, myopic, picaro, caroach, ache, achene, henequen, quench, enchant, chanting, tinge, ingeminate, nates, tesseract, actor, actorius, used, sedation, dations, onset, seta, etamine, amines, mineshaft, shafting, tingling, lingual, alarm, larmier, error, roridula, ulama, lamas, amass, massed, sedan, dance, ancestor, storage, raged, gedanite, item, tempo, temporary, arythmia, miasma, smasher, mashers, herself, selfness, essence, cent, centaur, auricula, auricular, larva, larvate, atemporal, rallicar, carabid, bidding, dinghy, hyena, enable, ablegate, legateship, shipmate, material, materialization, ionizer, zero, erosion, ionate, atelectasis, sissy, syllabism, bismuth, thrall, ralliform, formation, ionene, oneness, nesslerize, zealous, lousy, sycamine, aminergic, ice, icecream, creamcake, cakewalk, walking, kingly, lycanthropy, pylon, longevity, tycoon, cooncan, cancer, ceramic, mice, micelle, celler, leresis, resist, sister, sterile, riled, ledeburite, rites, tessellate, latecomer, merry, merrythought, thoughtful, full, fullback, backbone, bonehead, headache, hem, hematin, matinee, needlepuncher, punchers, erstwhile, whiled, ledger, gerade, radectomy, myopia, opiating, atingle, glee, gleed, editing, tingle, inglenook, okay, kayak, akaryote, otectomy, ectomycorrhizal, zalcitabine, tabinet, nettle, nettlecloth, clothes, thesis, sistering, ringleader, adermia, mianserin, anserine, serinette, test, testimonial, alabamium, umbel, belfry, frypan, panned, eddying, dyingly, lyrical, call, calligraph, graphical, calisthenics, csardas, dash, dasheen, sheens, enslave, avert, avertiment, mental, talent, lentil, tilasite, sites, testicles, lesbian, biannual, annualize, zeal, alacrity, tympan, pant, pantyhose, hosel, select, election, lectionary, arytenoidal, dalesman, manage, anagenesis, sisal, isallobar, allobarbitone, tones, oneself, selflessness, essential, allotment, mentor, entoretina, nap, napkin, kind, kindergarten, tentacle
No matter how powerful one becomes, there is always someone stronger. That's why I'm in a constant pursuit of power, so I can be prepared when an enemy tries to take advantage of me.

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Unread postby Borsuc » 02 Feb 2009, 15:36

All humans do is to go to a place, bountiful of nature, and live there. Then the human multiplies and sucks all the wonders there. They move to the next. There is one thing that works the same way as that: a virus.

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Sir William S Titan
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Unread postby Sir William S Titan » 02 Feb 2009, 15:43

This is a block of text that can be added to posts you make. There is a 500 character limit

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Unread postby Koni » 02 Feb 2009, 16:02


Thanks, SWST. :-D

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Unread postby HodgePodge » 02 Feb 2009, 18:31

Walk Softly & Respect All Life!

Click Here: Lords of War and Money … A Free & Fun Browser Game.

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Unread postby Asterot » 02 Feb 2009, 19:32

"The elements compose a Magnum Opus my modus operandi is amalgam..."

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Unread postby Asheera » 02 Feb 2009, 19:46


Koni - 264
Asheera - 255
Borsuc - 214
HodgePodge - 153
Asterot - 111
Avonu - 97
Milla - 62
SWST - 40
PhoenixReborn - 32
Lord Lakely - 21
a55a55in - 15
Panda Tar - 13
ThunderTitan - 13
Corribus - 2

Not very careful
Avonu :x

Koni :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
Asheera :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Milla :proud:
Lord Lakely :proud:
HodgePodge :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
ThunderTitan :proud:
Borsuc :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
Asterot :proud:
a55a55in :proud:
Avonu :proud:

Words Used (311)
yellow, lower, wergild, gilder, derby, bypass, password, swordbill, billion, lioness, nesses, sesame, samette, temporary, arytenoid, oidia, dial, dialect, lecture, tureen, reenact, enactable, tablecloth, clothes, these, theses, session, sionist, isthmus, mustard, stardust, duster, stere, stereo, reoriented, tedious, ousted, stedfast, faster, asterisk, risked, skedaddle, daddled, ledgeman, emancipation, ionic, niche, cheap, heaper, aperture, tureenful, fully, lysine, sinewed, wedding, dingle, dingleberries, estimate, matelote, tea, teacher, cherisher, sherry, sherryvallies, estuary, aryl, ylem, lemonade, monadelphous, house, username, namesake, sakes, kestrel, trelliswork, worker, keramic, amicable, cables, ablest, estate, stated, tedder, deranged, editress, tressing, singer, ingerminate, atelier, lierne, ernestful, fulfill, fillet, letter, lettern, ternary, arylamine, laminectomy, myopic, picaro, caroach, ache, achene, henequen, quench, enchant, chanting, tinge, ingeminate, nates, tesseract, actor, actorius, used, sedation, dations, onset, seta, etamine, amines, mineshaft, shafting, tingling, lingual, alarm, larmier, error, roridula, ulama, lamas, amass, massed, sedan, dance, ancestor, storage, raged, gedanite, item, tempo, temporary, arythmia, miasma, smasher, mashers, herself, selfness, essence, cent, centaur, auricula, auricular, larva, larvate, atemporal, rallicar, carabid, bidding, dinghy, hyena, enable, ablegate, legateship, shipmate, material, materialization, ionizer, zero, erosion, ionate, atelectasis, sissy, syllabism, bismuth, thrall, ralliform, formation, ionene, oneness, nesslerize, zealous, lousy, sycamine, aminergic, ice, icecream, creamcake, cakewalk, walking, kingly, lycanthropy, pylon, longevity, tycoon, cooncan, cancer, ceramic, mice, micelle, celler, leresis, resist, sister, sterile, riled, ledeburite, rites, tessellate, latecomer, merry, merrythought, thoughtful, full, fullback, backbone, bonehead, headache, hem, hematin, matinee, needlepuncher, punchers, erstwhile, whiled, ledger, gerade, radectomy, myopia, opiating, atingle, glee, gleed, editing, tingle, inglenook, okay, kayak, akaryote, otectomy, ectomycorrhizal, zalcitabine, tabinet, nettle, nettlecloth, clothes, thesis, sistering, ringleader, adermia, mianserin, anserine, serinette, test, testimonial, alabamium, umbel, belfry, frypan, panned, eddying, dyingly, lyrical, call, calligraph, graphical, calisthenics, csardas, dash, dasheen, sheens, enslave, avert, avertiment, mental, talent, lentil, tilasite, sites, testicles, lesbian, biannual, annualize, zeal, alacrity, tympan, pant, pantyhose, hosel, select, election, lectionary, arytenoidal, dalesman, manage, anagenesis, sisal, isallobar, allobarbitone, tones, oneself, selflessness, essential, allotment, mentor, entoretina, nap, napkin, kind, kindergarten, tentacle, clean, ant, antae, taenia, niacinamide, amides
No matter how powerful one becomes, there is always someone stronger. That's why I'm in a constant pursuit of power, so I can be prepared when an enemy tries to take advantage of me.

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Unread postby Avonu » 02 Feb 2009, 20:00


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Unread postby Borsuc » 02 Feb 2009, 20:37

All humans do is to go to a place, bountiful of nature, and live there. Then the human multiplies and sucks all the wonders there. They move to the next. There is one thing that works the same way as that: a virus.

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Unread postby Koni » 02 Feb 2009, 21:00

another word with German origin :D


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