[Tote] Commands not specified anywere

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[Tote] Commands not specified anywere

Unread postby Jonas » 17 Feb 2009, 22:22

There are some commands in the editor that is not specified in either the manual and on this forum. I have tried them all but only got a few answers. :wall: Have anyone else got a grip of them?

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Tried with heroName, objectName, but just got errors

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CreateTreasure("scriptName", TYPE, count, x, y, floor;)
It works partly. It creates a treasure, but not the right one (6=WOOD, 2=GOLD, etc). It even seems to miss one o more factors 'cause it displays an error even if the treasure itself is created correctly.

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Returns an array in whitch I can't get the pattern. It seems that it have something to do with uppgrades. :?

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Returned an empty table, maybe only because I couldn't find the right "Type" as statement.

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What could this be good for?

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Did just get errors from testing in cosole.

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Returns map-size; 72,72 and so on.

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IsTilePassable(x, y, floor);
Returns nil if not passable and 1 if passable.

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Code: Select all

Didn't try it. Guess it's the same as set a trigger to nil.
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Re: [Tote] Commands not specified anywere

Unread postby Franzy » 18 Feb 2009, 09:04

Code: Select all

Returns an average level of neutral creatures on the map (can be not an integer).

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CreateTreasure("scriptName", TYPE, count, x, y, floor;)
Never tried this one.

Code: Select all

Possibly returns levels of creatures in the garrison.

Code: Select all

I guess it's an alias of GetAllNames( nFilterCode ). As it returns a string, it's for debugging purposes only.

Code: Select all

Returns an array of object, hero will pass by on his way to destination. Good for programming AI. Full sintaxis:
tsObjects GetObjectsFromPath( sHeroName, nX, nY, nFloorID = -1 )

Code: Select all

Stand - is a state of an object. I think in the beginning devs thought their objects would have several states which you can change in the game. Every state could have a different look and behaivior. For example, unvisited Elven Garden would show a dancing leprechon, and visited - no leprechon (as in previous games). In the end they skipped this idea, sticking to different effects instead. Now there is only ONE object that has states - Tieru's Hut (rock with tieru, empty rock).

Code: Select all

Didn't try it. Guess it's the same as set a trigger to nil.[/quote]

This function should be avoided totally, it's buggish.

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Unread postby Jonas » 18 Feb 2009, 13:56

Thanks for your answer Franzy. It's just interesting to know the behaviors of the commands if they should be needed. :)

Interesting to hear about the state-command. Maybe I shall try to make a mod (safe :D ) of an object with added state-lines in the properties xdb-file. Even if it's a time-consuming operation to change objects like this, it open up a lot of possibilities to change the look of the map during play.
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Unread postby edwin_yang » 19 Feb 2009, 04:31

How about the SetObjectiveProsses() function? I think it is like the print() function just be used for testing the map. didnt know the real use of this function ;|

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Unread postby Franzy » 19 Feb 2009, 08:23

You must be kidding. This is a very important function if you use multistaged objectives (usually manual). Open any objective and find property ProgressMessages. There you can specify any number of progress messages (stages) to mark player's progress in the quest.

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Unread postby edwin_yang » 19 Feb 2009, 09:05

Thanks,will try it . but I never seen the messageboxes showed up when use this function,and when I start a multistep objective I usually use SetObjectiveStat( COMPLETED ) to end the last step and SetObjectiveStat( ACTIVE ) to start the next step... :)

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