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Unread postby Jonas » 18 Feb 2009, 23:17

:leo: A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
Mark Twain

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Unread postby Asheera » 19 Feb 2009, 02:26


Koni - 389
Asheera - 385
Borsuc - 319
HodgePodge - 264
Asterot - 191
Avonu - 162
Milla - 99
Jonas - 67
SWST - 49
PhoenixReborn - 45
a55a55in - 21
Lord Lakely - 21
Panda Tar - 16
ThunderTitan - 13
Corribus - 2

Not very careful
Avonu :x
Jonas :x :embarrased:

Koni :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Asheera :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
Milla :proud: :proudirule:
Lord Lakely :proud:
HodgePodge :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
ThunderTitan :proud: :proudirule:
Borsuc :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Asterot :proud: :proudirule:
a55a55in :proud:
Avonu :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Jonas :proud: :proudirule:

Words Used (498)
yellow, lower, wergild, gilder, derby, bypass, password, swordbill, billion, lioness, nesses, sesame, samette, temporary, arytenoid, oidia, dial, dialect, lecture, tureen, reenact, enactable, tablecloth, clothes, these, theses, session, sionist, isthmus, mustard, stardust, duster, stere, stereo, reoriented, tedious, ousted, stedfast, faster, asterisk, risked, skedaddle, daddled, ledgeman, emancipation, ionic, niche, cheap, heaper, aperture, tureenful, fully, lysine, sinewed, wedding, dingle, dingleberries, estimate, matelote, tea, teacher, cherisher, sherry, sherryvallies, estuary, aryl, ylem, lemonade, monadelphous, house, username, namesake, sakes, kestrel, trelliswork, worker, keramic, amicable, cables, ablest, estate, stated, tedder, deranged, editress, tressing, singer, ingerminate, atelier, lierne, ernestful, fulfill, fillet, letter, lettern, ternary, arylamine, laminectomy, myopic, picaro, caroach, ache, achene, henequen, quench, enchant, chanting, tinge, ingeminate, nates, tesseract, actor, actorius, used, sedation, dations, onset, seta, etamine, amines, mineshaft, shafting, tingling, lingual, alarm, larmier, error, roridula, ulama, lamas, amass, massed, sedan, dance, ancestor, storage, raged, gedanite, item, tempo, temporary, arythmia, miasma, smasher, mashers, herself, selfness, essence, cent, centaur, auricula, auricular, larva, larvate, atemporal, rallicar, carabid, bidding, dinghy, hyena, enable, ablegate, legateship, shipmate, material, materialization, ionizer, zero, erosion, ionate, atelectasis, sissy, syllabism, bismuth, thrall, ralliform, formation, ionene, oneness, nesslerize, zealous, lousy, sycamine, aminergic, ice, icecream, creamcake, cakewalk, walking, kingly, lycanthropy, pylon, longevity, tycoon, cooncan, cancer, ceramic, mice, micelle, celler, leresis, resist, sister, sterile, riled, ledeburite, rites, tessellate, latecomer, merry, merrythought, thoughtful, full, fullback, backbone, bonehead, headache, hem, hematin, matinee, needlepuncher, punchers, erstwhile, whiled, ledger, gerade, radectomy, myopia, opiating, atingle, glee, gleed, editing, tingle, inglenook, okay, kayak, akaryote, otectomy, ectomycorrhizal, zalcitabine, tabinet, nettle, nettlecloth, clothes, thesis, sistering, ringleader, adermia, mianserin, anserine, serinette, test, testimonial, alabamium, umbel, belfry, frypan, panned, eddying, dyingly, lyrical, call, calligraph, graphical, calisthenics, csardas, dash, dasheen, sheens, enslave, avert, avertiment, mental, talent, lentil, tilasite, sites, testicles, lesbian, biannual, annualize, zeal, alacrity, tympan, pant, pantyhose, hosel, select, election, lectionary, arytenoidal, dalesman, manage, anagenesis, sisal, isallobar, allobarbitone, tones, oneself, selflessness, essential, allotment, mentor, entoretina, nap, napkin, kind, kindergarten, tentacle, clean, ant, antae, taenia, niacinamide, amides, desk, deskilled, lederhosen, senile, ilex, lexeme, emerald, alderfly, flying, lyingly, glycerine, inebriate, atenolol, lolly, lollygag, gagman, manbote, boteless, lesson, essonite, niter, iterative, ivermectin, tinfoil, foiled, ledge, edges, edgeshot, shotcrete, retem, temper, temperature, ureter, reterminating, atingle, tingler, lerots, tsar, saran, araneiform, format, formate, maternal, naled, editor, torment, mentalistic, stick, stickle, stickleback, backstab, stableboy, boycott, cottage, tagetes, etesian, ianfu, fuddle, length, thankful, fullfil, filler, lered, redder, derail, railway, waypoint, pointsman, manners, erst, styrafoam, foamy, amygdule, ulexine, exines, nest, nestle, leachability, tylosine, sinew, newest, westwardly, lycee, eerie, riel, electricity, citybilly, billycans, canst, canstick, sticklike, likeness, nesslerizing, zinger, ingerminate, atelia, telial, alright, righten, tender, tenderloin, loincloth, lothario, ariose, selection, electioneer, eradicate, cater, cateran, ranch, ranchslider, derate, rated, teddering, deringed, gedd, edder, deracinate, atelic, teliconograph, graphological, logically, allylic, lick, lickerish, rishi, ishihara, harass, rasse, assent, sentient, entertainment, menthol, thole, holereamer, amerciable, ablepsia, siamang, mangolds, oldster, sterculia, liability, tyke, keel, eellike, likeliest, ester, stereogram, gramary, aryanizing, zingiest, estimated, tedge, edgeless, lessen, senior, oracle, raclette, letterperfect, perfection, ionogen, generously, slyness, essoin, ointment, mentee, teen, teeny, nymphae, phaeton, tongue, tonguefish, fisheye, eyeball, ballismus, music, sicken, kendo, endocrine, net, network, workload, loaded, dedans, dansyl, syllabary, barycenter
No matter how powerful one becomes, there is always someone stronger. That's why I'm in a constant pursuit of power, so I can be prepared when an enemy tries to take advantage of me.

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Unread postby Borsuc » 19 Feb 2009, 02:51


EDIT: wow this round is getting big :D
All humans do is to go to a place, bountiful of nature, and live there. Then the human multiplies and sucks all the wonders there. They move to the next. There is one thing that works the same way as that: a virus.

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Unread postby [T]osHiro » 19 Feb 2009, 03:49

Round Table Olympics '07 Image

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Unread postby HodgePodge » 19 Feb 2009, 05:51

Walk Softly & Respect All Life!

Click Here: Lords of War and Money … A Free & Fun Browser Game.

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Unread postby Koni » 19 Feb 2009, 07:33


@Avonu: You wrote in another thread: Don't you think that Caladont should to be ended (this round at least)?

I agree, this game should have a word limit, now that we've reached about 500 words, so new players and all others (like you!) get another chance.
What do YOU think, Asheera, as the game leader and arbitre, and all you others? ;)
Last edited by Koni on 19 Feb 2009, 13:36, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby Asheera » 19 Feb 2009, 13:35

Not sure about the word-limit, depends if people would be for or against this option. I don't really care much. :)


Koni - 392
Asheera - 388
Borsuc - 325
HodgePodge - 268
Asterot - 191
Avonu - 162
Milla - 99
Jonas - 67
SWST - 49
PhoenixReborn - 45
a55a55in - 24
Lord Lakely - 21
Panda Tar - 16
ThunderTitan - 13
Corribus - 2

Not very careful
Avonu :x
Jonas :x :embarrased:

Koni :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Asheera :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
Milla :proud: :proudirule:
Lord Lakely :proud:
HodgePodge :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
ThunderTitan :proud: :proudirule:
Borsuc :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Asterot :proud: :proudirule:
a55a55in :proud:
Avonu :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Jonas :proud: :proudirule:

Words Used (503)
yellow, lower, wergild, gilder, derby, bypass, password, swordbill, billion, lioness, nesses, sesame, samette, temporary, arytenoid, oidia, dial, dialect, lecture, tureen, reenact, enactable, tablecloth, clothes, these, theses, session, sionist, isthmus, mustard, stardust, duster, stere, stereo, reoriented, tedious, ousted, stedfast, faster, asterisk, risked, skedaddle, daddled, ledgeman, emancipation, ionic, niche, cheap, heaper, aperture, tureenful, fully, lysine, sinewed, wedding, dingle, dingleberries, estimate, matelote, tea, teacher, cherisher, sherry, sherryvallies, estuary, aryl, ylem, lemonade, monadelphous, house, username, namesake, sakes, kestrel, trelliswork, worker, keramic, amicable, cables, ablest, estate, stated, tedder, deranged, editress, tressing, singer, ingerminate, atelier, lierne, ernestful, fulfill, fillet, letter, lettern, ternary, arylamine, laminectomy, myopic, picaro, caroach, ache, achene, henequen, quench, enchant, chanting, tinge, ingeminate, nates, tesseract, actor, actorius, used, sedation, dations, onset, seta, etamine, amines, mineshaft, shafting, tingling, lingual, alarm, larmier, error, roridula, ulama, lamas, amass, massed, sedan, dance, ancestor, storage, raged, gedanite, item, tempo, temporary, arythmia, miasma, smasher, mashers, herself, selfness, essence, cent, centaur, auricula, auricular, larva, larvate, atemporal, rallicar, carabid, bidding, dinghy, hyena, enable, ablegate, legateship, shipmate, material, materialization, ionizer, zero, erosion, ionate, atelectasis, sissy, syllabism, bismuth, thrall, ralliform, formation, ionene, oneness, nesslerize, zealous, lousy, sycamine, aminergic, ice, icecream, creamcake, cakewalk, walking, kingly, lycanthropy, pylon, longevity, tycoon, cooncan, cancer, ceramic, mice, micelle, celler, leresis, resist, sister, sterile, riled, ledeburite, rites, tessellate, latecomer, merry, merrythought, thoughtful, full, fullback, backbone, bonehead, headache, hem, hematin, matinee, needlepuncher, punchers, erstwhile, whiled, ledger, gerade, radectomy, myopia, opiating, atingle, glee, gleed, editing, tingle, inglenook, okay, kayak, akaryote, otectomy, ectomycorrhizal, zalcitabine, tabinet, nettle, nettlecloth, clothes, thesis, sistering, ringleader, adermia, mianserin, anserine, serinette, test, testimonial, alabamium, umbel, belfry, frypan, panned, eddying, dyingly, lyrical, call, calligraph, graphical, calisthenics, csardas, dash, dasheen, sheens, enslave, avert, avertiment, mental, talent, lentil, tilasite, sites, testicles, lesbian, biannual, annualize, zeal, alacrity, tympan, pant, pantyhose, hosel, select, election, lectionary, arytenoidal, dalesman, manage, anagenesis, sisal, isallobar, allobarbitone, tones, oneself, selflessness, essential, allotment, mentor, entoretina, nap, napkin, kind, kindergarten, tentacle, clean, ant, antae, taenia, niacinamide, amides, desk, deskilled, lederhosen, senile, ilex, lexeme, emerald, alderfly, flying, lyingly, glycerine, inebriate, atenolol, lolly, lollygag, gagman, manbote, boteless, lesson, essonite, niter, iterative, ivermectin, tinfoil, foiled, ledge, edges, edgeshot, shotcrete, retem, temper, temperature, ureter, reterminating, atingle, tingler, lerots, tsar, saran, araneiform, format, formate, maternal, naled, editor, torment, mentalistic, stick, stickle, stickleback, backstab, stableboy, boycott, cottage, tagetes, etesian, ianfu, fuddle, length, thankful, fullfil, filler, lered, redder, derail, railway, waypoint, pointsman, manners, erst, styrafoam, foamy, amygdule, ulexine, exines, nest, nestle, leachability, tylosine, sinew, newest, westwardly, lycee, eerie, riel, electricity, citybilly, billycans, canst, canstick, sticklike, likeness, nesslerizing, zinger, ingerminate, atelia, telial, alright, righten, tender, tenderloin, loincloth, lothario, ariose, selection, electioneer, eradicate, cater, cateran, ranch, ranchslider, derate, rated, teddering, deringed, gedd, edder, deracinate, atelic, teliconograph, graphological, logically, allylic, lick, lickerish, rishi, ishihara, harass, rasse, assent, sentient, entertainment, menthol, thole, holereamer, amerciable, ablepsia, siamang, mangolds, oldster, sterculia, liability, tyke, keel, eellike, likeliest, ester, stereogram, gramary, aryanizing, zingiest, estimated, tedge, edgeless, lessen, senior, oracle, raclette, letterperfect, perfection, ionogen, generously, slyness, essoin, ointment, mentee, teen, teeny, nymphae, phaeton, tongue, tonguefish, fisheye, eyeball, ballismus, music, sicken, kendo, endocrine, net, network, workload, loaded, dedans, dansyl, syllabary, barycenter, centered, redneck, necktie, tiebar, bartender
No matter how powerful one becomes, there is always someone stronger. That's why I'm in a constant pursuit of power, so I can be prepared when an enemy tries to take advantage of me.

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Unread postby Jonas » 19 Feb 2009, 13:47


I think Asheera's trying to get Koni at the top :P

I personally don't care if this round ends or not at this point :yes: :no:
:leo: A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
Mark Twain

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Milla aka. the Slayer
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Unread postby Milla aka. the Slayer » 19 Feb 2009, 22:52


I think it's gets to be too hard to keep track of what words have been used. But I like that we have to get more creative with our choice of words.
I hope mine doesn't fail this time. I haven't the time to look through all those words...
This minor magical charm captures the viewer's attention and distra... ooo, pretty...
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Unread postby Jonas » 19 Feb 2009, 23:25

Milla aka. the Slayer wrote:
I think it's gets to be too hard to keep track of what words have been used. But I like that we have to get more creative with our choice of words.
I hope mine doesn't fail this time. I haven't the time to look through all those words...
I just copy and paste Asheeras list into notepad and from there I make a search for the word. Actually I search for the first half of the word, just to be sure it haven't been posted in a different form. :creative:

I have already been burned two times, so I'm a bit cautious :scared:
:leo: A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
Mark Twain

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Unread postby HodgePodge » 20 Feb 2009, 00:03

Jonas wrote:
Milla aka. the Slayer wrote:
I think it's gets to be too hard to keep track of what words have been used. But I like that we have to get more creative with our choice of words.
I hope mine doesn't fail this time. I haven't the time to look through all those words...
I just copy and paste Asheeras list into notepad and from there I make a search for the word. Actually I search for the first half of the word, just to be sure it haven't been posted in a different form. :creative:

I have already been burned two times, so I'm a bit cautious. :scared:
Exactly what I do too Jonas. I've been 'burned' enough times too, so I try to remember to 'Find' any word I want to post. Good advice Jonas. :)


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Unread postby Borsuc » 20 Feb 2009, 01:30

I can't find a word. There's nothing that I know of that starts with ie and riel has already been said (the only one I know that starts with rie). Going further I guess makes it more complicated.

Probably just my bad english or searching skills...
All humans do is to go to a place, bountiful of nature, and live there. Then the human multiplies and sucks all the wonders there. They move to the next. There is one thing that works the same way as that: a virus.

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Unread postby Asheera » 20 Feb 2009, 02:12

@Jonas: Why don't you use the find function of your browser? Well, at least with Firefox (the one I have) it works fine without notepad.
No matter how powerful one becomes, there is always someone stronger. That's why I'm in a constant pursuit of power, so I can be prepared when an enemy tries to take advantage of me.

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Unread postby HodgePodge » 20 Feb 2009, 04:52

Asheera wrote:@Jonas: Why don't you use the find function of your browser? Well, at least with Firefox (the one I have) it works fine without notepad.
Ooooooh, thanks for the great tip Asheera. I didn't know you could do that. :-D Woo Hoo!
Walk Softly & Respect All Life!

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Unread postby Avonu » 20 Feb 2009, 06:35

Borsuc wrote:I can't find a word. There's nothing that I know of that starts with ie and riel has already been said (the only one I know that starts with rie). Going further I guess makes it more complicated.
Maybe i it time to finish this round?

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Unread postby Koni » 20 Feb 2009, 07:07

Avonu wrote:
Borsuc wrote:I can't find a word.
Maybe i it time to finish this round?
There are only a few. So I say
rief --> robbery

I agree, Avonu. But we still need 2 penalties! I won't do one (willingly)! ;)

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Unread postby Asterot » 20 Feb 2009, 11:43


For the sake of commercials:
Opera rules!
"The elements compose a Magnum Opus my modus operandi is amalgam..."

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Unread postby Jonas » 20 Feb 2009, 12:49

effector :S
Asheera wrote:@Jonas: Why don't you use the find function of your browser? Well, at least with Firefox (the one I have) it works fine without notepad.
Well :embarrased: , why make life easy?
:leo: A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
Mark Twain

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Unread postby Asheera » 20 Feb 2009, 14:10


Koni - 395
Asheera - 391
Borsuc - 325
HodgePodge - 279
Asterot - 193
Avonu - 162
Milla - 103
Jonas - 84
SWST - 49
PhoenixReborn - 45
a55a55in - 24
Lord Lakely - 21
Panda Tar - 16
ThunderTitan - 13
Corribus - 2

Not very careful
Avonu :x
Jonas :x :embarrased:

Koni :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Asheera :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
Milla :proud: :proudirule:
Lord Lakely :proud:
HodgePodge :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
ThunderTitan :proud: :proudirule:
Borsuc :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Asterot :proud: :proudirule:
a55a55in :proud:
Avonu :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Jonas :proud: :proudirule: :proud:

Words Used (510)
yellow, lower, wergild, gilder, derby, bypass, password, swordbill, billion, lioness, nesses, sesame, samette, temporary, arytenoid, oidia, dial, dialect, lecture, tureen, reenact, enactable, tablecloth, clothes, these, theses, session, sionist, isthmus, mustard, stardust, duster, stere, stereo, reoriented, tedious, ousted, stedfast, faster, asterisk, risked, skedaddle, daddled, ledgeman, emancipation, ionic, niche, cheap, heaper, aperture, tureenful, fully, lysine, sinewed, wedding, dingle, dingleberries, estimate, matelote, tea, teacher, cherisher, sherry, sherryvallies, estuary, aryl, ylem, lemonade, monadelphous, house, username, namesake, sakes, kestrel, trelliswork, worker, keramic, amicable, cables, ablest, estate, stated, tedder, deranged, editress, tressing, singer, ingerminate, atelier, lierne, ernestful, fulfill, fillet, letter, lettern, ternary, arylamine, laminectomy, myopic, picaro, caroach, ache, achene, henequen, quench, enchant, chanting, tinge, ingeminate, nates, tesseract, actor, actorius, used, sedation, dations, onset, seta, etamine, amines, mineshaft, shafting, tingling, lingual, alarm, larmier, error, roridula, ulama, lamas, amass, massed, sedan, dance, ancestor, storage, raged, gedanite, item, tempo, temporary, arythmia, miasma, smasher, mashers, herself, selfness, essence, cent, centaur, auricula, auricular, larva, larvate, atemporal, rallicar, carabid, bidding, dinghy, hyena, enable, ablegate, legateship, shipmate, material, materialization, ionizer, zero, erosion, ionate, atelectasis, sissy, syllabism, bismuth, thrall, ralliform, formation, ionene, oneness, nesslerize, zealous, lousy, sycamine, aminergic, ice, icecream, creamcake, cakewalk, walking, kingly, lycanthropy, pylon, longevity, tycoon, cooncan, cancer, ceramic, mice, micelle, celler, leresis, resist, sister, sterile, riled, ledeburite, rites, tessellate, latecomer, merry, merrythought, thoughtful, full, fullback, backbone, bonehead, headache, hem, hematin, matinee, needlepuncher, punchers, erstwhile, whiled, ledger, gerade, radectomy, myopia, opiating, atingle, glee, gleed, editing, tingle, inglenook, okay, kayak, akaryote, otectomy, ectomycorrhizal, zalcitabine, tabinet, nettle, nettlecloth, clothes, thesis, sistering, ringleader, adermia, mianserin, anserine, serinette, test, testimonial, alabamium, umbel, belfry, frypan, panned, eddying, dyingly, lyrical, call, calligraph, graphical, calisthenics, csardas, dash, dasheen, sheens, enslave, avert, avertiment, mental, talent, lentil, tilasite, sites, testicles, lesbian, biannual, annualize, zeal, alacrity, tympan, pant, pantyhose, hosel, select, election, lectionary, arytenoidal, dalesman, manage, anagenesis, sisal, isallobar, allobarbitone, tones, oneself, selflessness, essential, allotment, mentor, entoretina, nap, napkin, kind, kindergarten, tentacle, clean, ant, antae, taenia, niacinamide, amides, desk, deskilled, lederhosen, senile, ilex, lexeme, emerald, alderfly, flying, lyingly, glycerine, inebriate, atenolol, lolly, lollygag, gagman, manbote, boteless, lesson, essonite, niter, iterative, ivermectin, tinfoil, foiled, ledge, edges, edgeshot, shotcrete, retem, temper, temperature, ureter, reterminating, atingle, tingler, lerots, tsar, saran, araneiform, format, formate, maternal, naled, editor, torment, mentalistic, stick, stickle, stickleback, backstab, stableboy, boycott, cottage, tagetes, etesian, ianfu, fuddle, length, thankful, fullfil, filler, lered, redder, derail, railway, waypoint, pointsman, manners, erst, styrafoam, foamy, amygdule, ulexine, exines, nest, nestle, leachability, tylosine, sinew, newest, westwardly, lycee, eerie, riel, electricity, citybilly, billycans, canst, canstick, sticklike, likeness, nesslerizing, zinger, ingerminate, atelia, telial, alright, righten, tender, tenderloin, loincloth, lothario, ariose, selection, electioneer, eradicate, cater, cateran, ranch, ranchslider, derate, rated, teddering, deringed, gedd, edder, deracinate, atelic, teliconograph, graphological, logically, allylic, lick, lickerish, rishi, ishihara, harass, rasse, assent, sentient, entertainment, menthol, thole, holereamer, amerciable, ablepsia, siamang, mangolds, oldster, sterculia, liability, tyke, keel, eellike, likeliest, ester, stereogram, gramary, aryanizing, zingiest, estimated, tedge, edgeless, lessen, senior, oracle, raclette, letterperfect, perfection, ionogen, generously, slyness, essoin, ointment, mentee, teen, teeny, nymphae, phaeton, tongue, tonguefish, fisheye, eyeball, ballismus, music, sicken, kendo, endocrine, net, network, workload, loaded, dedans, dansyl, syllabary, barycenter, centered, redneck, necktie, tiebar, bartender, tenderling, linger, lingerie, rief, effect, effector, torch
No matter how powerful one becomes, there is always someone stronger. That's why I'm in a constant pursuit of power, so I can be prepared when an enemy tries to take advantage of me.

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Round Table Hero
Round Table Hero
Posts: 2218
Joined: 07 Jul 2008
Location: Bucharest, Romania

Unread postby Borsuc » 20 Feb 2009, 15:55

All humans do is to go to a place, bountiful of nature, and live there. Then the human multiplies and sucks all the wonders there. They move to the next. There is one thing that works the same way as that: a virus.

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