Story Synopsis

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Unread postby protecyon » 22 May 2005, 15:43

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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Unread postby Monastor » 22 May 2005, 15:43

King, queen, Nicolai...

It reminds me something :rolleyes:
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Unread postby CloudRiderX » 22 May 2005, 16:48

I believe Nicolai is the son of Roland and Catherine Ironfist. She mentions it in the opening cinematic in Heroes III. But, one source of information states that no heroes from II, III, or IV will be in this game. But why would Nicolai and Roland and Cathrine be in it, when all the others were alive at that time too? The secrets will be revealed in time.
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Unread postby Echo_ » 22 May 2005, 19:19

SO is H5 set in Axeoth?
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Unread postby Morannon » 22 May 2005, 20:54

I'm no expert on the Lord of the Rings, but it's what I come to think of when I read the background HoMMV story. Mostly because in both stories, a good human empire are desperately trying to imprison the ultimate evil at the cost of their king.

Even though the story is pretty basic fantasy stuff it sounds interesting to me. I just hope that the characters in the game are believable and react realistically to the world around them. The characters should be deeper than the purest of good and evil and have rich story about them selves that make them worthy of remembrance.

(Sorry that I posted this twice, I'm new to the comment system)

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Unread postby JSE » 22 May 2005, 20:54

It would be a cool thing of course if this Nicolai was Nicolai Ironfist from Enroth. Heroes V surely isn't set on Axeoth where Nicolai was seen last time (in MM9) as official announcment tells us of a completely new world, however, maybe it's still set in the same universe and maybe Nicolai managed to travel to this new world through a portal or the like...

Otherwise, it would be a strange coincidence and — together with the fact that the Heroes V story has striking similarity to the Heroes III ROE story — would suggest that Nival isn't really inspired.

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Unread postby Vitirr » 22 May 2005, 22:30

I doubt Nicolai is "our" Nicolai. Otherwise his father would be Roland and it's said that he sacrificed himself to end with the demon menace, something that doesn't really happen in HOMM3 and expansions nor in M&M7 and 8. Besides Roland wasn't the Griffin King at all, in that case it could be Catherine but not him.

Said this it all seems to look like we'll have a completely new world, with completely new heroes and perhaps even in a completely different timeline. This isn't that bad as long as they create a world that we get to like and love as we did with Enroth and Erathia.

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Unread postby vervmeister » 23 May 2005, 08:42

I recall in MM9 there's a Nicolai Ironfist...but he's just a stupid NPC with a generic peasant model and he says that he joined the circus after running away from the Erathian demon sad is that! There's no way it's the same Nicolai.

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Unread postby gwaihir » 23 May 2005, 08:59

The story is basically OK I justr hope that the game will be playable as the HOMM3 and more similar to it than the HOMMIV. It really looks like the Lord of the Rings, but we will wait and see.

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Unread postby Marzhin » 23 May 2005, 11:45

As long as they keep the Might and Magic universe - the Ancients, the Kreegans... - it's OK for me. I guess naming the king Nicolai is a way to appeal the Might and Magic fans.
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Unread postby theGryphon » 23 May 2005, 14:40

Oh yes, I believe that it's the case. Btw, I'm really happy to see that the Griffin kings are back :)
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Unread postby JSE » 23 May 2005, 17:34

I think Nival should decide for either of the following alternatives and stick to it:

1.) Continue the original universe and let familiar concepts and characters reappear (my favourite alternative).

2.) Create a completely new universe from scratch (with no elements from the previous games) and at the same time try to avoid obvious similarities and allusions to the previous games; i.e., no remake of the ROE campaign, no King Nicolai etc.

They shouldn't try to have their cake and eat it, too. ;)

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Unread postby Marzhin » 24 May 2005, 12:17

Well, actually, NWC did this all the time. For instance...

In the first Might and Magic, there was a Lord Ironfist...

In Might and Magic IV and V, one of the main character was a King Roland (and NOT the Roland of Enroth)...
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Unread postby HodgePodge » 02 Jun 2005, 15:28

Well, I for one hope the Nicolai in Heroes V is OUR Nicolai. For one reason, I was quite disappointed, even angry with the way 3do just kind of dropped him off in the new world, where not a soul heard of him.

Anyhow, one of the things Nicolai was attempting to do after the Reckoning was to raise an army to defeat the demons; but he needed money; that's why he was looking for a job, if I recall from MM9.

3do could've done so much with the Nicolai character. They really dropped the ball badly in this case. No wonder they went bankrupt. Seems like 3do didn't care at all about what their fan-base thought or how we felt.
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Unread postby Vitirr » 02 Jun 2005, 16:22

Well I really doubt that 3DO had anything to do with the world destruction or Nicolai story in M&M9. For once I must say it was all NWC fault and not 3DO.

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Unread postby CloudRiderX » 03 Jun 2005, 23:26

Yeah, whatever the case, I'm gonna miss Enroth and Erathia. I'll also miss all the cool heroes that built up to IV through II and III. Its either gonna be a big disappointment, or a great new adventure. But H4 already had a brand new world, i would hate to get it changed so quickly. But i guess they would rather make a new world that they could mold then try to shape around a world that fans and creators are familiar with, especially when they would be taking the chance of messing it up and nobody wanting to play it anymore.
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Unread postby lpatenaude » 05 Jun 2005, 15:00

I really don't think about a major disappointment here.

I see this new revival of the franchise of HoMM as a breath of fresh air and having both of kings'/queens' feet on the ground, just like his hired heroes having to do all the dirty work for him/her.

Really do think that the greatest survivor-like player during the towns' sieges should be the one having the greatest primary skills, spells and army to back everything all up.

I'm talking about the new possibility to attack the same town's castle walls by as many as 4 different factions, all at the same time.

The overall landscape seen horizontally from ground up and straight forward is quite realistic enough in order to bring another kind of adventure/strategy player into this marvelous and fantastic fantasy world of HoMM.

The people whom never really played any strategy PC games and consider themselves "both feet on the ground of our lives' reality" could see this game as a chance to slowly but surely immerse themselves into this totally new fantasy world such as HoMM5.

In conclusion, let's see upon the release of it and how the marketing dept of Ubi will handle its approach towards a widely new market of players of all kinds.
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Unread postby CloudRiderX » 07 Jun 2005, 14:08

I'm not saying that the game is going to be bad, I'm just saying it's going to be like saying goodbye to a good friend and making a new one. Yeah it will bother me for a while, but when the game comes out, I'm sure I won't care. Everything I've seen is great, most of the things i've heard are good(except for the "we'll be discussing that later" stuff). I'm waiting for later to come so we hear some exciting news.
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Unread postby Orfinn » 29 Aug 2005, 15:58

Remember that there may be plenty (at least more than 2 i guess) planets created by the Ancestors in different solar systems.So as we know that Ashan is our new might & magic world dosent mean that the old worlds/planets Antagrich (Antagrich was the world with the continents Enroth,Erathia etc right?) and Axeoth are forgotten,its just another story on another planet i guess.Maybe the story switch back to Axeoth and continues from where the story ended in H4 and when that chapetr ends then the last part of the game continues on Ashan

But the problem would be too many factions,creatures etc both for Axeoth and Ashan in one game,so unless Ubi can do it i guess the story continues and switch back to the story of Axeoth in H6.

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Unread postby george137 » 28 Sep 2005, 00:05

Story sounds the same as any other fantasy game. (Must stop evil people from taking over the world again.)

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