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Unread postby Variol » 23 Oct 2008, 20:51

It would be nice to fix the Pandora's box with respect to the AI heroes. They already know the box is empty and never open it.

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Unread postby Muszka » 29 Oct 2008, 23:21

AI sometimes opens Pandora's Boxes sometimes not, even if they are empty.
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Unread postby Variol » 22 Nov 2008, 12:01

It would be nice to fix the "ballistics" skill as well. What's the point of being able to control it, if it never hits where you want it to??

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Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 22 Nov 2008, 13:02

Variol wrote:It would be nice to fix the "ballistics" skill as well. What's the point of being able to control it, if it never hits where you want it to??
If you are talking about the original ballistics skill, then the control makes it more likely to hit where you want it to- never a guarantee, but it is more accurate. Also, you get extra shots with the catapult at advanced level.

If you are talking about any of the existing war machines scripts, which alter the skill, then which one is not working as described? Or was this a request, and not a bug report?

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Unread postby darknessfood » 22 Nov 2008, 17:49

Variol wrote:It would be nice to fix the "ballistics" skill as well. What's the point of being able to control it, if it never hits where you want it to??
I hated that as well. It's the only part of HoMM 3 that I hate. It messes up your battle plan BIG TIME.
You can either agree with me, or be wrong...

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Unread postby Variol » 23 Nov 2008, 22:53

Well, I see it as a bug. If you can aim your catapult at the gate or towers and just end up hitting walls all the time, get rid of the stupid thing. Or, have it hit exactly where you are aiming.

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Unread postby Salamandre » 23 Nov 2008, 23:21

yeah, indeed. Among all bugs who lead to lethal crash: clone bug, sorceress ability bug, ressurect bug, dispel bug, recurring events bug, all we need is working on BIG BUG catapult. WoG can't live if catapult is not aiming well.

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Unread postby Variol » 24 Nov 2008, 01:03

Well, if there's gonna be a patch anyway...

..and I have never encountered any of what you're talking about.

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Unread postby Salamandre » 24 Nov 2008, 01:27

Clone bug:

1) casting berserk on clone crash the game
2) Casting clone when the targeted creature is surrounded from every adjacent hexes will kill the creature
3) Automatic clones will hidden other creatures in same circumstances, so you will not be able to attack with them, except quick combat.

Sorceress bug:

With its initial ability not removed (mass clone) any creature in the corner squares of the battle field when targeted will crash the game, because its clone will go outside the screen.

Ressurect bug:

If the targeted creature has the ability of healing it will freeze when its turn.
Often when AI cast ressurect, the same freeze thing happens, the creature gets its turn ad infinitum and does not move anymore.

Dispel bug:

If more than 3 enchanted spells are on the creature, casting dispel from the AI side will make the game crash in more than half of battles.

Recurrent events:

If you enable a customized battle setup at x/y/z after killing that neutral stack it will be enabled again if your or any AI hero is standing on that square but will be now part of the army of that hero.

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Unread postby Storm-giant » 15 Jan 2009, 22:50

Important!!:If you have placed a custom artraits.txt inside your data folder and run WoG, the new artifacts either they won't be placeable(magic wand, gold tower arrow&crimson shield of retrubition, and their have as descriptions either nothing(a blank text) or ''this artifact is a kick-ass'') or they will force the game to crash. H3WMAPED may no work too if you have artrait in data folder.
And the kick ass was written by NWC :D

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Unread postby doom3d » 24 Jan 2009, 14:29

The following code:
!!IF:M^error flag:%Y1^;

will generate erm error message ONLY at first click after mapstart, but
will not. A second CM5 trigger in the same erm file will run propely, so it occurs only with the first trigger.

Therefore it's adviseable to use

Test system was Ubuntu Linux 8.10, Wine 1.1.13 running in WinXP mode, WoG 3.58f +script update on H3 Complete (english version).
Please, anybody with "real" windows could check it? :creative:

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Unread postby sick-boy » 22 May 2009, 13:35

looks nice :D

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Unread postby Pol » 31 Jan 2010, 18:33

Is the following true?
Did anyone try the HENCHMEN option? It is super cheap if you pick a ghost as your henchmen. The henchmen should only be one creature but the ghost ability allows you to have a horde of advanced level creatures.
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Unread postby Zamolxis » 31 Jan 2010, 21:33

Not really true (if I understand the reported issue correctly). At least in my version - 3.58f+ScriptUpdate - The Ghost hanchman may grow during a battle, but it loses all HP/size bonuses at the end of the battle (nothing is carried over, except the regular bonus of any hanchman).

So yeah, you can say that we can exploit a bit the creature ability for the duration of 1 battle, but then again, it's one of the weakest creatures I could think of choosing as hanchman, so I don't think it needs any further tweaking.
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Unread postby emrysblack » 08 Jan 2011, 07:18

I'm not sure if this is the place to post this, but I've found a problem with first aid tents. It is impossible to do anything besides heal or skip tents action (hero cannot cast spell, cannot retreat, or surrender while it is first aid tent's turn)
This is present in unwogified maps with all scripts turned off. Has anyone else noticed this?

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Unread postby Pol » 08 Jan 2011, 08:53

Yes, but very long time ago. It was 2005 I think. Later I didn't encounter it.
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Unread postby emrysblack » 08 Jan 2011, 17:29

really? I can't seem to get mine to work normally at all. It's driving me crazy. Thanks for the feedback though

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Unread postby Pol » 09 Jan 2011, 00:09

Really. It sounded off with something. Don't remember with what, maybe that I enabled some scripts or did some minor wogification in the end. Try it. :)
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Unread postby djs64 » 25 Feb 2011, 19:57

new bug???

cannot play multiplayer (3 or more "human" players)

sometimes we are able to start the game but right after player 2 has finished his/her round the game crashes...

we have been trying many times and still cannot get it working.

any fixing possible?

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Unread postby Kalah » 08 May 2011, 19:18

Just thought I'd bring thisto your attention, in case you only read the WoG forum ...
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