[ Heroes II ] TCP/IP multiplayer

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[ Heroes II ] TCP/IP multiplayer

Unread postby Matt.J » 15 Nov 2008, 01:55


I'm attempting to play Heroes II with a friend over WAN, yet after the initial phase of "Waiting for players" and subsequently accepting my friend, both games are unresponsive and the host machine claims "Error sending data to client!" and the client a similiar message.

I discovered that the game uses UDP 2000, strictly, and have configured as such on both network's NAT -- I have also monitored network traffic and can detect no packet loss (by comparison of sent/recv).

Any ideas?



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Unread postby Kristo » 15 Nov 2008, 02:04

H2 networked multiplayer has always been flaky at best. The best success I've had is with the IPX protocol over a LAN. Also, UDP is not listed as one of the protocol choices (IPX, TCP/IP, NetBIOS), so I'm wondering if maybe your research isn't correct.
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Unread postby Matt.J » 15 Nov 2008, 02:12

Hmm, unfortunately IPX isn't an option for WAN -- and I doubt a 1996 game would enable protocol tunneling.

What confuses me is that there is absolutely no communication issue, so I feel there must be an actual problem with the game itself; are there any patches for the game? (I have version 1.0)

"TCP/IP" is simply referring to the IP protocol suite, which comprises numerous protocols (including UDP)

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Unread postby Kristo » 15 Nov 2008, 16:38

Yes there are patches available. In your case, google for the v1.3 patch. Make sure you get the right one (DOS or Windows). The patch log mentions fixing a couple of items related to the TCP/IP protocol.
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Unread postby MistWeaver » 15 Nov 2008, 21:59

If both of you are over NAT - try hamachi.

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Unread postby Matt.J » 15 Nov 2008, 22:55

Found the patch, installed on both systems and -still- diden't work -- I was sure it would, as "TCP/IP issues" were mentioned twice within the patch version history.

Anyone else had this problem?

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Unread postby accabear » 19 Nov 2008, 05:22

Hamachi doesn't work well. If it does, I heard that the game has a high chance of crashes.

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Unread postby decebalus » 15 Dec 2008, 10:35

Hi all. I plated HoMM 2 with a friend of mine, and the game works just perfect. We have golden edition, and have even a chat!!!

It's just fantastic to remember all memory back on the oldies .... the music is....no need to mention.

Also, being a toh player we both were on hamachi, but we introduced the IP and joined the game....(me or him)

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Re: [ Heroes II ] TCP/IP multiplayer

Unread postby Captain » 13 Feb 2009, 11:01

Matt.J wrote:Hi,

I'm attempting to play Heroes II with a friend over WAN, yet after the initial phase of "Waiting for players" and subsequently accepting my friend, both games are unresponsive and the host machine claims "Error sending data to client!" and the client a similiar message.

I discovered that the game uses UDP 2000, strictly, and have configured as such on both network's NAT -- I have also monitored network traffic and can detect no packet loss (by comparison of sent/recv).

Any ideas?


1. must be equal versions of hmm2 on both
2. firewall or antivirus sytem could influence
3. try to play with another player
4. I and our portal users work with hamachi widely...without troubles..sometime we have about 30 players in our tournaments.
we can try to check your connect together- mail me or knock by ICQ

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