There's always an opening, unless your whole army stays prone for all of the fight. One attack, ranged or melee, or even a damaging spell will find its way.
Let me make it clearer. There won't be an opening for a speed 7 unit. If, in a final battle, the Marksmen get hit by Greater Basiliks without ever getting a chance for a shot at full damage at them, they must have been used improperly. Damaging spells are unavoidable (too bad) and the same applies to Ranged creatures, but
no melee unit with a speed of 7 would find it's way to the Marksmen
without taking serious damage.
None of these dies, ever? You tell Nucleon that you can fight a horde of, say, Thunderbirds and only Pikemen dies, if at all, before the Archangels' ressurect?
A fight against Hordes of Thunderbirds will be impossible for anyone, including Fortress, in the early game. Until perhaps the third week, I do not think anyone would risk such a fight. But give me a sufficiently powerful army and yes, I can say that only the Pikemen die. Or even no losses. Consider:
Start of battle. I use Tactics to rearrange my units, moving the Marksmen and Zealots into the corner, the Crusaders, Royal Griffins and Champions surrounding them and carpeting the loose areas with Pikemen. This places the vital stacks out of range of the Thunderbird's first attack.
All my stacks Wait. Thunderbirds will likely wait too - or attack Pikemen. Either way, I cast Slow (or Mass Slow), then pound them down with the two Ranged attacks I get. Without Ranged stacks powerful enough to take down the Thunderbirds in two - or at most three - hits, I won't chance a battle.
By splitting your main one, of course.
If you split your main one, you voluntarily neglect 250 Marksmen - a strong part of your army. If it's the final battle, it does not matter if the Marksmen die - if I win the battle with only one Pikeman, I have still won the game. Spliting the main stack is inadvisable.
And if all your Marskmen' defenders dies to protect them, well, they died to protect a troops whose value is lesser than their own! Plus, the fight is thusly being brought up to your side of the Battlefield. Tell Nucleon again; why would this prove detrimental to the Marksmen's ennemy?
Because your army dies. I've lost most of my army to destroy all of yours. Is this not advisable? Losing all my Crusaders and Royal Griffins to destroy your Chaos Hydra stack is something I'd do in a heartbeat. Remember: if you move your Chaos Hydras to attack my Marksmen, you're also placing them within range of full damage from them. I know that the Chaos Hydras will deal great damage with their multiple attack, but this is something I'll have to risk - and I believe the Marksmen shots will compensate.
Obsolete as in "not tough enough". About every lvl2 in H3 have a bigger survivability factor than the Marksmen. Exemples include H-Hags, Lizard Warriors, of course, Battle Dwarves and obsidian Gargoyles, often present en masse and significant in later battles.
On the other hand, I do not think any other level 2 can have as big an impact on the final battle as Marksmen - aside from Storm Elementals, that is.
If stack "X" poses a danger to an army including Marksmen, chances are it will pose a greater danger to that same army minus the Marksmen. In that case, you should bite the bullet and accept the losses, if said stack is protecting something needed. That's the name of the game.
It depends on what stack "X" is guarding. I won't lose 20-30 Marksmen to claim a loose stack of gold, but I would if they were guarding something like the Sword of Hellfire.
Or to developp Royal Griffins, a much more reliable troop, more numerous, flying, extra retaliations and all.
Royal Griffins kick arses. They are one of the best 3rd lvl troops. They are fast, flying, plentiful, powerful and rugged. A single stack of them can decimate the inner courtyard of a town by themselves. Nucleon uses them a lot.
Royal Griffins are good units. But they are hardly as good as Marksmen when it comes to early game expanding. Remember: if you're exploiting the Royal Griffin's infinite retaliations, you are also letting the Royal Griffins take big damage. Where Marksmen can win Castle battles without losing anything, Royal Griffins will suffer from attrition.
Yes, Royal Griffins are fast, flying, plentiful, powerful and rugged. But they are not Ranged. They cannot provide the clearing power Marksmen can, and they are wont to take some casualties in battles, unlike sturdier units like Thunderbirds. One thing Royal Griffins cannot do is let Castle match the expansion strategies of Stronghold and Inferno, using only the fast flying level 5s and 6s.
So thinks Nucleon. However, in the game's early stages, they must put the shoulder to the wheel like everybody else.
It is remarkably dumb to let Marksmen absorb retaliation. If that's what you're doing, no wonder you find Marksmen weak.
Situation: First week; an important wood mine is guarded by Storm Elementals. In seven stacks, the bastitches (yes, you are unlucky in the random monster assignation). You need that mine to build your stables, then your Training Grounds. Do you bring on the Marksmen, or do you wait until you can do without them?
I agree with wimfrits here. Yes, this is a very bad situation, and one that will cripple Lizard Warriors too. Myself, I would refrain from battle for some time (there tends to be sufficient loose wood around anyway) until the battle becomes much easier.
One one hand you tell Nucleon how immensely useful they are, yet your advice is to unpack them as soon as there is danger to them, wich is 30% of the time in game starts and increasing exponentially.
I agree that 30% of fights is too high - I don't join so many dangerous fights. One important thing here: no side can afford to take part in many fights which are winnable but result in large losses. Let's say you have a stack of 50 Lizard Warriors. Would you fight a battle and lose 20? Maybe, if the reward is worth it. But then you must also consider that you'll have a stack of only 30 Lizard Warriors for the coming week, and if your opponent shows up during this period you'll be backtracking.
Vitally here: Castle should not lose too much Marksmen during the expansion phase. I would kick myself if I lose more than 10 (or 5).