New H5 RPG/Quest map - Mercenaries - Playtesters needed!

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Unread postby Franzy » 24 May 2008, 09:21

Thanks for reply. Now some answers to your comments :)

- map description uses terms as "nice" and "original". As you cannot read the players mind, imo it is unwise to give out subjective praises to your own map.
1. while these may eventually prove to properly describe my own sentiments, in my experience such words are only used by people unsure of the quality of their own work. So if I had not played your previous work, these words would have set me off on a *negative* foot, which is less than your map deserves.
2. they can never be true. There will *always* be players that think your map stinks :)
OK :) I see your point :)
- day 1 introduction text:
1. "a very specific map" -> ofcourse. One can only play 1 map at a time, so it will always be a specific map :) You probably mean 'unique'
2. "or bring larger army" -> "or bring a larger army"
Well, one person has already volonteered to edit my english texts. I hope he could make it for the new map release.
3. it is advised to use a large message box mod, but where do I get one? The only one I can find is the one made by Pitsu, but that one seems to only be compatible with the standard version of H5.
Well, see MysticalPhoenix's post above :)
- I think that the HoMM text capitals are not suited to be put in sequence, making the speaking person in texts difficult to read. In stead of capitalizing the names, you could consider coloring the names.
Yes. It surely would be better. Unfortunately, when I started making the map I didn't know how to change color :) Now it's a whole lot of texts. Well, I may try to write a miniprog to substitute the text chunks... We'll see.
- on my first start of the map I got the week of idleness, reducing the initiative of my Dwarven units. I restarted; not knowing I wouldn't do any fighting the first week. Now, my second week is a week of sorrow, making capturing the town a lot harder than it should have been. I think the map would be better balanced if the first 2 weeks were 'normal'
That's Holy Random. Without it the game won't be so interesting :)
- AURAS said he lived in the city of Astarya, but his city is named Elyss, which is slightly confusing.
Actually, City of Astarya is the name for the center of the map. Elyss - is Auras estate's name. Read Scenario Information more carefully.
- secondary obj The Golden Wizard:
"very intelligent and omniscient" -> unless AURAS is a divine being, he can not be omniscient.
Omniscience is a hint to Wizards' ultimate ability. Which Auras HAS.
1. "Recapture" -> that means the fortress was lost first. Even if this is true, Brand can not know that the fortress was lost in battle, so it should be "Capture"
It WAS lost. Many years ago. It was dwarven, but now ruins haunted by undead. Brand is a dwarf. By taking fortress back he RECAPTURES it. No?
- slightly confusing that the "(not visited)" text remains at quest huts' right-click info, but you probably can't do anything about that.
Quite right. Well, something can be done, but it requires creating your own objects. And that's a whole lot of efforts, and +2-3 MB to mapsize.
- "Next: tavern". But the next building turns out to be a blacksmith.
This bug's been reported already. I've corrected it.
- I don't understand why the text after capturing the fortress town said I also needed resources to rebuild the town. I don't seem to have spent anything. Or did you mean requiring resources to upgrade buildings?
Well you NEEDED resources in earlier versions. Now you only need resources to build magic guild and upgrade couple of buildings. Still, you need them for this.
- enhantment of speed does not seem to have any effect
It has a slight effect. It permanently adds 500 movepoints which is about half a bonus stables give.
- secondary obj Ancient Portals:
text mentions the procedure to activate the portals twice
Only before you activate 1st obelisk. But you're right...
- enchantment of prosperity only lasted 2 or 3 days! That's hardly worth the resources I spent on it :/
It lasts forever or until replaced by another town enchantment. And it *does*. You probably missed that the amount of gold you get is RANDOM, from 1 to 700.
- upon reporting Fincles to the city guard I get a 'new objective' pop up instead of an 'objective completed'. The Shady business objectives is gone though..
That's ok. Game very often *forgets* to notify player about objective progress or completion. That's why every time obj is changed I activate an aux. objective and complete it right away :) Didn't know though, that english version says about NEW objective. In russian it always say "Objectives updated".
- my resource silo is not producing any crystal at all
That's OK, because you don't have it. If you look more closely you will see that this is a possible upgrade (disabled), not an existing building. Blame Nival's designers, not me :)
- it seems the scenario description mentions "complex guests" or does the q resemble a g in this font?
Of caurse it's QUESTS :)
- one of the rogue mages is at a dark crystal. Upon right-clicking the crystal I get the "skeleton (not visited)" standard message[/size][/color]
Yes, I placed additional skeletons near and on crystal to make it more... dark. But they are masked, and you can not interact with them anyway.

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Mystic Phoenix
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Unread postby Mystic Phoenix » 24 May 2008, 12:05

So, I'm not the only one who was fooled by the town build menu. I realized that silo was not built, but I thought runic shrine level 2 is already built, while it is just disabled in the beginning.

It had some communication with Franzy via PM already, cause I will do the German translation, and though I play in English I'm quite sure that in German it will be "Neues Ziel" (new objective) as well, instead of "updated objective" and I got confused in the beginning, too. Maybe just add a comment in the "readme", in case it is difficult to change it.

Weeks can have an impact on the start of the map and so does the starting artifact. I would have preferred a non random one, but this can be part of the fun, so if Franzy likes it, I think it's ok.

As Franzy already mentioned the money balance is not easy to tweak. In the end you have too much gold to spend it, I'm quite curious if his updated map will be able to handle it.

I wasn't aware that there are other maps of yours. Where can I get them? Do they have the same quality or do you think "Mercenaries" is your masterpiece so far.
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Unread postby wimfrits » 24 May 2008, 14:08

Some return comments.
Franzy wrote:Actually, City of Astarya is the name for the center of the map. Elyss - is Auras estate's name. Read Scenario Information more carefully.
Ofcourse. And it was immediately clear after visiting AURAS. But I still think AURAS could have stated his whereabouts more clearly in his first encounter with Brand.
Omniscience is a hint to Wizards' ultimate ability. Which Auras HAS.
Omniscience means 'all knowing'. No person can be omniscient. Arcane omniscience in the HoMM universe means 'knowing all there is to know about spells in the HoMM universe'. Even that is technically incorrect as a hero with arcane omniscience may not know mass haste for example.
Aside from that point of view, "very intelligent and omniscient" sounds very odd because 'very omniscient' is impossible. One either is omniscient or is not. And one can argue that 'very intelligent' is already a subset of being omniscient, so that doesn't really add anything.
It WAS lost. Many years ago. It was dwarven, but now ruins haunted by undead. Brand is a dwarf. By taking fortress back he RECAPTURES it. No?
As far as Brand ( = me) knew at that time (and knows now), the dwarfs simply left. So the town was abandoned, not lost. One recaptures a town that someone else has captured from you. But moving into an empty town is not capturing.
It has a slight effect. It permanently adds 500 movepoints which is about half a bonus stables give.
I tested how far Brand could walk from the enchantment master towards his town and there was zero difference when he bought the enchantment.
It lasts forever or until replaced by another town enchantment. And it *does*. You probably missed that the amount of gold you get is RANDOM, from 1 to 700.
No. Like I said, it lasted for 2-3 days. 1000 gold income - 800 gold on mercenaries = +200 gold right? Easy to check and I rarely make mistakes in checks like that. It could be that it ended when the next town building was built, but I'm not sure.
And this was the only enchantment I bought as the only other I could buy was the movement bonus, but that didn't do anything ;)
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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Unread postby wimfrits » 24 May 2008, 14:10

Mystic Phoenix wrote:I wasn't aware that there are other maps of yours. Where can I get them? Do they have the same quality or do you think "Mercenaries" is your masterpiece so far.
There's Coming Home, which entered the CH map contest more than a year ago. I found it very enjoyable.
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Ed Robinson
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Unread postby Ed Robinson » 24 May 2008, 19:17

Not to nit pick like our friend the blue parrot, but I had numerous difficulties playing this map. It is altogether possible that my style of play doesn't lend itself to this map but here are a few of the problems I encountered.

Before I start, let me say that I will engage any force to build my levels and so took out some before I had gotten a quest which involved them. This would be true of the emerald dragons.

First, I got the Necromancers quest for Markal's skull. After defeating Jahora, I returned with the skull. When querried about the skull Brand says "I'm working on it". This was true wheather I had the skull equipped or just in my inventory.

Next was the quest to capture 10 young griffens. I got a total of 9 and there were no more griffins to fight. I played for sveral months after this but still no more griffins.

In the tombs where I went in search of Godric, he asked me to fight one army and he would fight the other. After beating one, he had not fought the other so I did. When I went back to him to talk he attacked me and I beat him as well. Result, no artifact.

I placed all of my dwarfs in the castle as soon as I won it. I had lost 1 bezerker. I played the balance of the map with master hunters, vindicators, brutes and either fairies or zombies. All upgraded. I never got a single dwarf from my brother, I bought the enchantment to increase my garrisoned troops and never got one here either. My town never improved from what it was when I captured it, 2 buildings.

I attacked the emerald dragons and beat them, 4 or 5 stacks of 139 each. I then visited the old demon hunter who gave me a letter nominating me as the new demon humter.I took this to the merchants who gave me the quest to take a message to him, which I did and returned they gave me the quest and a key (I never saw this in my inventory) but never found any demons and the quest wouldn't complete.

The little saw mill quest never played out either, no elves attacked and I stayed there a week.

Finally there was no one left to fight. I couldn't get past the titans. I couldn't get past the magical barrier on the east central part of the map and I couldn't access the treasure in the sunken city. No new quests came up and at level 30 I bailed out and blew away the saved games in frustration.

If there is an order that must be followed, you really should spell that out in the read me or the prologue. The map was beautiful and the quests interesting, but if you are unable to complete the map it is very frustrating to say the least.

If you re-work the map, or point out that I'm an idiot and tell me what I did wrong, I'd like to give it another try.

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Unread postby Franzy » 25 May 2008, 00:45

2 Ed Robinson

The answer to all of your troubles is EASY difficulty. There is an error in the script that ruins most of the scripts when you play my map on EASY difficulty (you see, many armies there are constructed based on difficulty, and on easy difficulty it turns out there could be zero or even negative numbers of creatures - I messed up with constants :( And that causes errors.)

I missed this bug because I only playtested map on hard and hero. It will be corrected in the future version that will be out soon, btw. If you want to play now, just play on normal, everything should be fine.

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Mystic Phoenix
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Unread postby Mystic Phoenix » 25 May 2008, 02:05

Another bug occurred to me and I think I post it here, so it can be discussed:

*** SPOILER ***
When you accept slave trading, it is said that you get one red dragon for every 10K gold (after the first 20K). This is the case of curse, but you seem to have messed up something there. Let's assume you killed armies for 30K gold, so you get 3 dragons. After killing armies for another 40K gold, you should get another 4 dragons, but you will receive 7 (that means 3+4), killing some more armies for 100K you will receive 17 (3+4+10) and so on.

Besides, I think you get the bonus too early. Killing armies worth 20K is not difficult on heroic and getting one for every 10K is too strong in my opinion. Sure, you won't be able to pay them all, but you can place them in the city (with the enchantment bonus that you don't have to pay them) and take them with you only for critical fights. And I don't I think playing the light side will give any comparable bonus.
I'd suggest to reduce starting dragon forces and give one dragon for at least 75K instead of 10K (at least on heroic level).

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Unread postby wimfrits » 25 May 2008, 05:55

Did another test on the movement and random income echantments not functioning:

random income: I dismissed all mercenaries and peasants and just pressed end of turn a couple of times.
Result: the enchantment seems to work fine.
Still, I'm convinced that it did not function about 2-3 days after purchase, as I noticed the last 2 digits of my gold stack did not alter anymore and then loaded the game twice to double-double check the exact increase of the amount. After that, I enlisted peasants and didn't look at my exact income anymore. But I don't have a save of that point in game any longer, so I guess that either I was fooled by something, or it is some odd glitch.

movement bonus: standing on a tile adjacent to the merchant, I saved the game, pressed end of turn and walked 2 turns towards my castle and noted the point where Brand ended. Then loaded the game, purchased the enchantment, pressed end of turn and again walked 2 turns towards my castle. Ended at the exact same spot.
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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Unread postby Franzy » 25 May 2008, 09:09

Well, being evil, ignorant and selfish is easier in real life too :) Good guys have to work harder, but the final result is worth it... Again, just like in real life :)

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Unread postby Franzy » 25 May 2008, 09:17

Mystic Phoenix wrote: When you accept slave trading, it is said that you get one red dragon for every 10K gold (after the first 20K). This is the case of curse, but you seem to have messed up something there. Let's assume you killed armies for 30K gold, so you get 3 dragons. After killing armies for another 40K gold, you should get another 4 dragons, but you will receive 7 (that means 3+4), killing some more armies for 100K you will receive 17 (3+4+10) and so on.
Damn it! This is what happens when you forget to nulify counter in Lua!
Thanks, Mystic Phoenix, corrected it.
Did another test on the movement and random income echantments not functioning:
I checked the code, everything seems fine... But I'll certainly playtest it in a few days. P.S. Movement bonus is effective next day like when you put on the boots.

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Unread postby wimfrits » 25 May 2008, 13:06

Franzy wrote:I checked the code, everything seems fine... But I'll certainly playtest it in a few days. P.S. Movement bonus is effective next day like when you put on the boots.
Ok. My test setup already covered that. I just sent you my testsavegame, so you can check it out yourself.

Also, the prosperity bonus is starting to get confusing. It seems that in my normal game (with mercenaries), it unfortunately still is NOT working. So my observations so far:
1. it worked fine at the start
2. it didn't work somewhere 2-3 days after activation
3. when testing with no mercenaries, it worked fine
4. when testing in normal game (with mercenaries) it does not work :/

Could the not functioning have anything to do with the mercenary wages? I noticed that both the paying of mercenaries and the prosperity bonus run a split second after the next day commences. Perhaps they bite each other?

I also just sent you 2 screenshots (before and after pressing eot), depicting my gold income and mercenaries' fee. From that you can deduct that in my current game I do not get a prosperity bonus.
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Unread postby Franzy » 25 May 2008, 14:49

Well, your bug is confirmed. If you have no mercs, enchantment works, else it does not. There is no bug in the script, however. I believe the problem occurs when scripts tries to change player resources two times in a row without a pause. Well, I hope a sleep(1) between the changing will help.

As for movement bonus, there is another kind of problem. It seems every-day script is processed BEFORE the game resets movement points of heroes... Nival's logic never fails to amuse me... I'll give a bonus in separate thread with a little delay. That should solve the problem.

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Unread postby wimfrits » 02 Jun 2008, 19:22

Played a bit further. Here are some more things I noticed:

- Morandor right-click: "Gatekeeprs"

- Merchants Guild intro text:
"the reward is worthing" -> "the reward is worth it"

- Necropolis Military Post:
1. "fullfull" -> "fullfill"
2. "I knew there will be something" -> "I knew there would be something"

- secondary obj Speaker for the Dead:
doesn't mention the said location (norht-west) of the ancient temple.

- indeed, it seems no objectives complete with the normal pop up icon. This has been explained, but still looks a bit odd.

- secondary obj The Secret of Fast Travel: after visiting the thieves' guild:
1. "not the member of" -> "not a member of"
2. "in the docks" -> "at the docks"

- Inderon: Neverwood story:
"But why did not it" -> "But why did it not"

- Ora encounter:
"if the battle you want then the battle it will be" -> "if it is battle you want then battle it will be"

- I thought that the references to "Scull of Markel" were a little joke, but since the artifact bears the regular name "Skull of Markal", this is probably not intended that way.

- secondary obj The Secret of Fast Travel: after defeating the demoness:
1. "cought" -> "caught"
2. "smached" -> "smashed"

- upon taking the elemental waistband text says I should "report to Nymoen that Ancient Runefield is cleared". Yet the minotaurs are still there.

- upon completing the Nymoen quest:
1. player gets the light/dark tutorial. In my game, the tutorial comes at a time where I already made several light/dark decisions, so this tutorial would have been better in early game; seperated from the Nymoen quest.
2. "You've just made the right thing" -> "You did the right thing"
3. when clicking 'ok' when asked if I want to learn summoning, text says that I learn a little thing about summoning magic, yet my skill slots were already filled and I learned nothing
4. rather meager reward for someone who does not want to learn summoning magic

- secondary obj Demon Hunt:
1. after talking to Sollar "Sollar recieved" -> "Sollar received"
2. after returning to the Merchants Guild: "You recieved" -> "You received"

- Octavio:
1. "apprisingly" -> "appraisingly"
2. "I need a help of" -> "I need help from"
3. "I'll see hat" -> "I'll see what"

- Kyrridan on the Lyconia business:
"will despose the world of her foul presence" -> "will dispose of her foul presence" or "will rid the world of her foul presence"

- Decius:
1. "puit me" -> "put me"
2. (boy) "want to speak: -> "wants to speak"
3. "he will wait you" -> "he will await you"

- Arondar at the Dockside tavern:
1. "That's the part of my job" -> "That's a part of my job"
2. "a proposal to you" -> "a proposal for you"
3. "but we ready" -> "but we are ready"

- secondary obj Unfair Competition (after Arondar)"
"An alchemest" -> "An alchemist"

- Lbrary (Grail):
"There are some bad news" -> "There is some bad news" (also in secondary objective)

- Auras (Grail):
"One need to know" -> "One needs to know"

- Auras gives me a pair of magical boots upon completing the Unfair Competition quest.. the same pair Brand started with :/

- I'm in doubt about the little experience bonuses when progressing in quests. On the one hand, they serve as an indicator that Brand is making progress. On the other hand, this progress is also shown by the 'objectives updated' (or in this case 'new objective') pop-ups, and the amount of experience given is insignificant compared to the experience gained in battles.

- Lyconia encounter:
"You gonna" -> "You're gonna"

- Quest for the holy grail doesn't update after getting Tome from Lyconia

- Greaves completion:
1. "I am used to keep my word" -> "I usually keep my word"
2. I'd expect Brand to show some emotion upon gaining possession of his first ancient dwarven artifact

- Galleus after finding meteorite:
"strethces arms" -> "stretches arms"

- the thieves guild is lit up in blue but there is nothing of interest that can be done there. I suspect it started blue after learning that Ash held the greaves and didn't switch back to neutral after I completed the greaves quest

- there's a pile of rubble blocking my entrance to the cave where the grail may be found, but the objectives are not updated

- Evandore:
"panishment" -> "punishment"

- the treasure chest in the special room looks very out of place there.

- Morandor (Exodus):
1. "I thought you will never ask" -> "I thought you would never ask"
2. "been the only" -> "being the only"
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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Unread postby Franzy » 05 Jun 2008, 11:41

- I thought that the references to "Scull of Markel" were a little joke, but since the artifact bears the regular name "Skull of Markal", this is probably not intended that way.
Well, in russian version this hero is called MarkEl. You say in English his name is MarkAl? Then this should be corrected. No jokes intended here :)

Please report if I am wrong in any other artifact names.
- upon taking the elemental waistband text says I should "report to Nymoen that Ancient Runefield is cleared". Yet the minotaurs are still there.
How did you manage to run around them?! I thought it's not possible. Well, I'll mask out the passage.
- upon completing the Nymoen quest:
1. player gets the light/dark tutorial. In my game, the tutorial comes at a time where I already made several light/dark decisions, so this tutorial would have been better in early game; seperated from the Nymoen quest.
Well, I really thought the player would complete this quest first :) Unfortunately, as the game is non-linear, it's very hard to control what player does first :( Nothing can be done here.
3. when clicking 'ok' when asked if I want to learn summoning, text says that I learn a little thing about summoning magic, yet my skill slots were already filled and I learned nothing
Same as above.
4. rather meager reward for someone who does not want to learn summoning magic
It's only a tutorial... And 5 light points is not a meager reward for just fetching a ring :)
- Lbrary (Grail):
"There are some bad news" -> "There is some bad news" (also in secondary objective)
Right, I always forget it's singular in English :) In Russian NEWS (novosti) are plural :)
- Auras gives me a pair of magical boots upon completing the Unfair Competition quest.. the same pair Brand started with :/
RND. Nothing can be done here. I don't want to forbid the boots in RND, since this quest can only be completed in middle-game. And this is a very useful artifact, many people will be glad to start with it as dwarves are slow.
- I'm in doubt about the little experience bonuses when progressing in quests. On the one hand, they serve as an indicator that Brand is making progress. On the other hand, this progress is also shown by the 'objectives updated' (or in this case 'new objective') pop-ups, and the amount of experience given is insignificant compared to the experience gained in battles.
But you get them often. Very nice in the beginning. :) And sometimes you get not just some XP, but Levelup :)
- Quest for the holy grail doesn't update after getting Tome from Lyconia
It should not be. There is not the only possibility to get a tome of Light Magic.

- the thieves guild is lit up in blue but there is nothing of interest that can be done there. I suspect it started blue after learning that Ash held the greaves and didn't switch back to neutral after I completed the greaves quest
This is a minor bug. Light should disappear - corrected it. (SPOILER: You are right, you can hire thieves to steal the greaves from Ash so you don't have to fight Lyconia.)
- there's a pile of rubble blocking my entrance to the cave where the grail may be found, but the objectives are not updated
This is a major bug. Link references somehow got broken. Corrected.

Thank you again for your reports.

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Unread postby wimfrits » 05 Jun 2008, 15:57

Franzy wrote:Please report if I am wrong in any other artifact names.
Will do.
How did you manage to run around them?! I thought it's not possible. Well, I'll mask out the passage.
Through the portal from the Steep Mountains.
Well, I really thought the player would complete this quest first :) Unfortunately, as the game is non-linear, it's very hard to control what player does first :( Nothing can be done here.
It could be explained in the same text as the quest tutorial.
But you get them often. Very nice in the beginning. :) And sometimes you get not just some XP, but Levelup :)
Well, chances to level up with a 300 xp are a lot less good than fighting a 22.500 xp battle :P
It should not be. There is not the only possibility to get a tome of Light Magic.
Still, the entry hints at the possibility of stumbling upon one, whereas I already have one. It only looks a bit odd.
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Mystic Phoenix
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Unread postby Mystic Phoenix » 05 Jun 2008, 16:43

German translation makes good progress.
One question: Is it intended that you can capture on gold mine without fighting (the one near the rune of flame which is guarded by lichs)?

Any news on an update of the map?
True heroes don't need a grid.

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Unread postby Franzy » 05 Jun 2008, 19:44

How did you manage to run around them?! I thought it's not possible. Well, I'll mask out the passage.
Through the portal from the Steep Mountains.
Verdammt! It's so obvious I didn't think about it...
Well, I really thought the player would complete this quest first :) Unfortunately, as the game is non-linear, it's very hard to control what player does first :( Nothing can be done here.
It could be explained in the same text as the quest tutorial.
You suggest adding a tutorial message with the "for the first time" check to all quests? Nah... Too much effort, too little sense. Well, I'll think about it.
But you get them often. Very nice in the beginning. :) And sometimes you get not just some XP, but Levelup :)
Well, chances to level up with a 300 xp are a lot less good than fighting a 22.500 xp battle :P
No, I meant the reward for some quest is a LEVEL UP, not a fixed amount of xp.
It should not be. There is not the only possibility to get a tome of Light Magic.
Still, the entry hints at the possibility of stumbling upon one, whereas I already have one. It only looks a bit odd.

Just a bit :) Not worth changing :)

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Unread postby Franzy » 05 Jun 2008, 19:45

Mystic Phoenix wrote:German translation makes good progress.
One question: Is it intended that you can capture on gold mine without fighting (the one near the rune of flame which is guarded by lichs)?

Any news on an update of the map?
About the mine - YES.

About update - the new version will be out as soon as you send me the german texts :)

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Unread postby wimfrits » 06 Jun 2008, 17:29

Franzy wrote:
It could be explained in the same text as the quest tutorial.
You suggest adding a tutorial message with the "for the first time" check to all quests? Nah... Too much effort, too little sense. Well, I'll think about it.
No, I meant in the same text as the quest tutorial. Merge the two texts.
Upon the first run towards the city, the player gets a tutorial on quests when the first witch hut comes into sight. There's no avoiding this point and no quests can be acquired at blue lighting adventure objects before this point, so there are no checks necessary.
No, I meant the reward for some quest is a LEVEL UP, not a fixed amount of xp.
Completing a quest; yes. But I was referring to the little 'progress' xp bonuses in quests; not the completion bonuses.
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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Unread postby wimfrits » 09 Jun 2008, 08:21

I must say; this is one of the finest maps I played in HoMM history. Very convincing atmosphere; with nicely timed 'cutscenes' and excellent subtle scripting with lots of new ideas. Solid map design, great graphics. And fun!
Only downside of a map of this complexity is that the amount of bugs is high for an already released version.

Thank you for your fine work!

Below the 3rd part of quirks noticed:

- upon travelling through the dwarven tunnels, Brand can see the stairs that must lead down to the cave of the holy grail. But there's no 'rubble' to be seen..

- upon calculating the optimal route, the game does not consider the dwarven tunnel entrance a valid path

- Nymoen (Exodus)
1. "the peoples" -> "the people"
2. "I know a bit" -> "I know a slightly"
3. "grew envious to" -> "grew envious of"

- in some cases, it seems like I am forced to do 'evil' things. Like defeating the guards guarding the blue keymaster tent. I already have the key, the guards are doing the duty appointed to them by the officials of Astarya (probably AURAS), so considering the focus on the distinction between good and evil acts in this map, I would not attack them (I'm trying to be a good guy)
But I have to kill them in order to continue through the canyon.

- it could be a nice effect if the 3 stacks of 'praying' gargoyles combine into 1 when the player engages 1 of the stack.

- a skeleton gives me the boots of the swift journey. I know that artifacts are random and all, but I think (if that is even possible in H5) that key quest artifacts should be 'disabled'.

- Academy military post:
"who do nat" -> "who do not"

- When nearing the Ancient Temple, the 'new objectives' icon appeared, but it was not immediately clear for me that it concerned the 'Find the Shield' objective. A little floating text "Whoa! The Temple gates are open!" or something like that, would make things more clear

- the mummies want me to prove my worth, but this is easily the easiest fight in months. I just fought 300+ lich masters and 300+ death knights in room 1 and now face a whooping 15 mummies in room 2 :)

- tomb of the warrior holds the Unicorn Horn Bow, another key artifact

- Morissen encounter:
"I am the Rune Priest" -> "I am a Rune Priest"

- secondary obj Mystery of Exodus:
"The two things are yet unknown" -> "Two things are yet unknown"

- near Jonna's ship; the 'new objective' icon appears, but with so many open objectives, it is unclear which. A little floating text would help

- Upon encountering the stranded dwarves at the sunken city:
1. "And what we had to do?!" -> "And what were we supposed to do?!"
2. I'm a bit confused. The dwarves speak of 'Undar', but I thought I was after 'Rogvar'?

- Encountering the King:
"To good for mortal world" -> "Too good for the mortal world"

- it would be nice if the treasure chest in the king's tomb held more gold/experience. Like the bigger resource piles

- Upon relating the mermaid's story at the Merchant's guild and choosing 'no':
"You're evil person" -> "You're an evil person"

- Sailor's Guild does not light up blue after finding Jonna's ship

- upon returning the sailor's body:
1. "their priests cab ressurect" -> "their priests can resurrect"
2. several more instances of 'ressurect' or 'ressurected' in this and following texts.

- upon visiting the Cleric of Light:
1. the text asking if I want to learn (L)ight magic interferes with the (W)ife texts in the order: [WWLWL]
2. Noble me decided to give a part of my (life) experience to resurrect the sailor. Text said that I would lose a random 1-3 levels of each skill. I lost nothing.

- just before Brand's brother stepped out of the portal, a caravan with reinforcements arrived. So now the next days start with the "some of your caravans might not reach destination" message which seems odd since Brand and his brother are supposed to be allied

- in the Dwarven tunnels, speaking with Haegar:
"I could not that other way" -> "I could not have done any other way"

Some general issues I think need looking at:

1. gold was an issue in a few days in week2. And only then.

2. amount of artifacts a bit too high for convenience. Tend to clog up the inventory

3. balance is ok to a point. There were some challenging fights to keep the interest. I think some more mixed neutral stacks would make things more fun

4. though the mercenary concept was fun; I ended up using little.
- arcane archers in week 2 only, and stuffed into some garrison after that
- 50 something zombies on 1 specific day ;)
- 9 sprites for convenience against slow walkers
- and at some point late in game, 15 mummies were stuffed in my ranks
- most of the map was cleared with stalkers only. I think the game would be a lot better balanced if stalkers could not be recruited

5. if it is supposed to be functional, the memory mentor was located too far into the game imo. The player will have either 3 or 4 artifacts when being able to reach it (4 is more likely as players tend to postpone ocean travel), so most if not all of the game will have been played. I think an island in the sea would be a better location.

6. Thanes were being caravaned to my town in the final 1 or 2 weeks of play. Could be sooner I think. I never used any dwarven units in any battles (though I was running around with 100+ berserkers) and several lvl6 dwarven units earlier in game might have changed that (a bit)
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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