Actually on your first point, I think that isn't too bad and could be extended abit.
How about the addition of being able to have your guild/faction symbol/colors crafted on to your armour/shields?
the banners/signs:It makes the party recognizable,loyal to a guild,gives players the possibility to be "recognized" in the gameworld.
-npc's will automatically believe/disbelieve you
-you become well know if that sign you're bear is from a powerfull guild/society/..rumors amongs npc's begin to appear
-To give a personale feeling to the party.
Seriously it shouldn't work as a skill. We need something else. Or we could use the system I had mentioned before.body specific damage:mayhaps the identify monster skill could work for this too
but then its more about their strong/weak points(could also be to magic,poison,...)
So it wouldn't always be about monsters body parts...
But you learn how to do more damage and wich attack styles are best.
Yeah sure why not.You think feeding pets should be possible?
Well the thing I'm saying is use 'moderated' pets. Don't use evil eyes. Don't use demons. Don't use dragons. Think realistically how you could actually include these kind of things into a game of Might and Magic. I'm not really sure about Battle Styles and how you may actually want to include that... but it sounds like a fair idea. I don' really think all pets should be summonable. I reckon only some should be summonable. Otherwise pets should virtually be permanent. Also I think they should be referred to as Familiars, but I'm just being pedantic there.pets are race restricted for the same reason classes are race restricted.
for example, an imp for a high druid,an evil eye for a "good" elf isn't that logical to's like a priest of light using dark magic...
-what about "combat pets" and "none combative pets" with an abilities not related to combat...
like the cat/snake/... could distract the gaurds,...
"Battle styles" like aggressive,defensive,passive,..would fit better for the combat pets as for the party members mayhaps..
-Pets can be summoned and unsummoned
-can "improve"
-pets will use their abilities as much as they can.
-instead of promotions pets upgrade when they reach a certain stage.
-you need to find a balance to draw hostile creatures attention on the pet(s)/party.
Seriously I don't really regard pixies as being the correct way to term what you want. Perhaps faeries? Yes faeries spelt in this way. And I still don't think we should include Titans as Familiars which is just ridiculous. How do you think NPC's are meant to react hen a towering twelve foot giant strolls through their town?
Alright since we could keep 'pixies' or 'faeries' i think we should eliminate halflings and slot in half-orcs and not pure orcs. I'll leave it up to you but that's my recommendation.besides the pixie,i've been thinking about halflings and orcs as a race,we stated races should be vaguely humanoids and their shouldn't be too many although I don't really think having a few more would be redundant.As long as I can place them properly eventually...
I can agree with what you are saying here, but perhaps consider my above proposal.The promotions may look "unbalanced" at the moment but races are good at certain classes,in those classes they can have more promotions then in other class promotions,maybe you should be able to chose if you'd like to promote,who says promoting up should always be "better",and that every race should be able to be every class..anywayz...For such an open character creation few more races would be good me think,eventually most people are like the more possibilities,the more satisfied....ofcourse the quality of a race is more important as the quantity.this will leave me with thinking of ways to put them in the game,what will be the advantages and disadvantages ingame when it comes to classes,wich appropriate classes and racial abilities.
But lets give it a little shot for the halfling/orcs...
Heheheheh.I've already profiled the pixie a bit and i think she's pretty sweet....
Racial ablility:consume magic,fly naturally,poison and diseases immunity
Racial weakness:intense heat and cold
Cleric(priest of light,valkyrie)
Druid(shaman) unique
Sorcerer(alchemist),extra racial promotion for female pixies:fairy godmother(only character who can wield a magical wand,grandmaster perfumier,...)
she has not to many promotional options at the moment but will have other unique things like the fairy godmother/wand/...
here speciality with buildings is luxery assesoires/naturale environments(gardens,...)
pets:Non-combative pets(cats,mouse,wolf,...)
Racial ability:keen hearing,saving trows,hide
Racial weakness:manipulation of mind
buildings speciality:comfort
Ranger(master hunter,marksman,sniper,hero)
Cleric(priest of light,priest of darkness)
Druid( ?)
Racial ability:battle rage,bash,hardiness(resistance to stun,...)
Racial weakness:low starting intelligence value,their aggressive ways make them socially weak with other races(diplomacy and stuff)
building speciality:demolition
knight(dread knight,commander,barbarian)
Very well, I see you have already put thought into the halflings and orcs. Like I said I'll leave it up to you. Good stuff being developed here I reckon.

Great way to implement things. I think that works out brilliantly, a tad like Oblivion, just that we'll still be using an XP system. Yeah like you said mages can use plate armour, but perhaps we should make it abit harder for them to do that in the first place. Perhaps a attribute requirement? Like a particular level of might? Also maybe wearing plate armor will slap on a dexterity penalty and if you become more skilled in it's use the penalty goes down, plus increasing skill will make the amour provide more protection.Ok..players should be able to equipe their characters with any clothes,juwelry,disguise,even armour/weopon (according to the classes.)
Some classes can't get better at certain things but they can wear it,depending on the class it could bring penalties with it.(for instance if the mage uses a plate armour)
So weopons and armour,...should work more like an attribute:
By using a weopon type you would increase the "skill" in that weopon.
In this way you can't distribute skillpoint anymore like it always has been in M&M,as you earn them by "acting" towards the new level(for example you fight alot with the sword so thats were get better at when leveling up.)
a system i'd like to suggest:when leveling up you can choice a new "usage style" with the weopon/a new way to increase the durability of spells/new way to disguise yourself,...The level up style would be "learn to use things" literally,meanwhile learning new ways to use it and other tricks with it(were level ups will be more about:chosing a new way to use...)
Sounds great. My pessimism stems from the little fact, when writing a book you should never include something which doesn't go towards defining a character, adding to the story, detailing a prelude to an event etc. I don't think this rule strictly applies to games but it does make me judge that children and babies are not really the best part of a mainly mature and serious game. I just don't think they add anything, unlike familiars.-I'll remove vitality,add the personality and adjust the male/female starting value a bit.
-M&M is THE only possible way for me to actually want children and babies...getting bashed in the trash...
I guess you're right and I completly understand the pessimism if they would appear wink
Birth signs on the other hand are to distinguish the party members from each other a bit more.
It's not just a bonus,will tell more about the characters background,maybe even personality,also will have some effects ingame.
I hope you understand

And if I'm reading you right, and Might and Magic is the only way you'll ever be able to 'have' kids then be thankful. I hate children.
Yep I've reconsidered birth signs. I think they are suitable to be implemented.