Might and Magic X proposal from a diffrent point of View

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Unread postby accabear » 16 Jan 2008, 12:29

Time to lay down more criticism. Alright just joking.

Actually on your first point, I think that isn't too bad and could be extended abit.

the banners/signs:It makes the party recognizable,loyal to a guild,gives players the possibility to be "recognized" in the gameworld.
-npc's will automatically believe/disbelieve you
-you become well know if that sign you're bear is from a powerfull guild/society/..rumors amongs npc's begin to appear
-To give a personale feeling to the party.
How about the addition of being able to have your guild/faction symbol/colors crafted on to your armour/shields?
body specific damage:mayhaps the identify monster skill could work for this too
but then its more about their strong/weak points(could also be to magic,poison,...)
So it wouldn't always be about monsters body parts...
But you learn how to do more damage and wich attack styles are best.
Seriously it shouldn't work as a skill. We need something else. Or we could use the system I had mentioned before.
You think feeding pets should be possible?
Yeah sure why not.
pets are race restricted for the same reason classes are race restricted.
for example, an imp for a high druid,an evil eye for a "good" elf isn't that logical to me..it's like a priest of light using dark magic...
-what about "combat pets" and "none combative pets" with an abilities not related to combat...
like the cat/snake/... could distract the gaurds,...
"Battle styles" like aggressive,defensive,passive,..would fit better for the combat pets as for the party members mayhaps..
-Pets can be summoned and unsummoned
-can "improve"
-pets will use their abilities as much as they can.
-instead of promotions pets upgrade when they reach a certain stage.
-you need to find a balance to draw hostile creatures attention on the pet(s)/party.
Well the thing I'm saying is use 'moderated' pets. Don't use evil eyes. Don't use demons. Don't use dragons. Think realistically how you could actually include these kind of things into a game of Might and Magic. I'm not really sure about Battle Styles and how you may actually want to include that... but it sounds like a fair idea. I don' really think all pets should be summonable. I reckon only some should be summonable. Otherwise pets should virtually be permanent. Also I think they should be referred to as Familiars, but I'm just being pedantic there.

Seriously I don't really regard pixies as being the correct way to term what you want. Perhaps faeries? Yes faeries spelt in this way. And I still don't think we should include Titans as Familiars which is just ridiculous. How do you think NPC's are meant to react hen a towering twelve foot giant strolls through their town?
besides the pixie,i've been thinking about halflings and orcs as a race,we stated races should be vaguely humanoids and their shouldn't be too many although I don't really think having a few more would be redundant.As long as I can place them properly eventually...
Alright since we could keep 'pixies' or 'faeries' i think we should eliminate halflings and slot in half-orcs and not pure orcs. I'll leave it up to you but that's my recommendation.
The promotions may look "unbalanced" at the moment but races are good at certain classes,in those classes they can have more promotions then in other class promotions,maybe you should be able to chose if you'd like to promote,who says promoting up should always be "better",and that every race should be able to be every class..anywayz...For such an open character creation few more races would be good me think,eventually most people are like the more possibilities,the more satisfied....ofcourse the quality of a race is more important as the quantity.this will leave me with thinking of ways to put them in the game,what will be the advantages and disadvantages ingame when it comes to classes,wich appropriate classes and racial abilities.
But lets give it a little shot for the halfling/orcs...
I can agree with what you are saying here, but perhaps consider my above proposal.
I've already profiled the pixie a bit and i think she's pretty sweet....
Racial ablility:consume magic,fly naturally,poison and diseases immunity
Racial weakness:intense heat and cold

Cleric(priest of light,valkyrie)
Druid(shaman) unique
Sorcerer(alchemist),extra racial promotion for female pixies:fairy godmother(only character who can wield a magical wand,grandmaster perfumier,...)

she has not to many promotional options at the moment but will have other unique things like the fairy godmother/wand/...
here speciality with buildings is luxery assesoires/naturale environments(gardens,...)

pets:Non-combative pets(cats,mouse,wolf,...)
Racial ability:keen hearing,saving trows,hide
Racial weakness:manipulation of mind

buildings speciality:comfort

Ranger(master hunter,marksman,sniper,hero)
Cleric(priest of light,priest of darkness)
Druid( ?)

Racial ability:battle rage,bash,hardiness(resistance to stun,...)
Racial weakness:low starting intelligence value,their aggressive ways make them socially weak with other races(diplomacy and stuff)

building speciality:demolition

knight(dread knight,commander,barbarian)

Very well, I see you have already put thought into the halflings and orcs. Like I said I'll leave it up to you. Good stuff being developed here I reckon. ;)
Ok..players should be able to equipe their characters with any clothes,juwelry,disguise,even armour/weopon (according to the classes.)
Some classes can't get better at certain things but they can wear it,depending on the class it could bring penalties with it.(for instance if the mage uses a plate armour)
So weopons and armour,...should work more like an attribute:
By using a weopon type you would increase the "skill" in that weopon.
In this way you can't distribute skillpoint anymore like it always has been in M&M,as you earn them by "acting" towards the new level(for example you fight alot with the sword so thats were get better at when leveling up.)
a system i'd like to suggest:when leveling up you can choice a new "usage style" with the weopon/a new way to increase the durability of spells/new way to disguise yourself,...The level up style would be "learn to use things" literally,meanwhile learning new ways to use it and other tricks with it(were level ups will be more about:chosing a new way to use...)
Great way to implement things. I think that works out brilliantly, a tad like Oblivion, just that we'll still be using an XP system. Yeah like you said mages can use plate armour, but perhaps we should make it abit harder for them to do that in the first place. Perhaps a attribute requirement? Like a particular level of might? Also maybe wearing plate armor will slap on a dexterity penalty and if you become more skilled in it's use the penalty goes down, plus increasing skill will make the amour provide more protection.
-I'll remove vitality,add the personality and adjust the male/female starting value a bit.

-M&M is THE only possible way for me to actually want children and babies...getting bashed in the trash...
I guess you're right and I completly understand the pessimism if they would appear wink

Birth signs on the other hand are to distinguish the party members from each other a bit more.
It's not just a bonus,will tell more about the characters background,maybe even personality,also will have some effects ingame.
Sounds great. My pessimism stems from the little fact, when writing a book you should never include something which doesn't go towards defining a character, adding to the story, detailing a prelude to an event etc. I don't think this rule strictly applies to games but it does make me judge that children and babies are not really the best part of a mainly mature and serious game. I just don't think they add anything, unlike familiars.

I hope you understand ;|

And if I'm reading you right, and Might and Magic is the only way you'll ever be able to 'have' kids then be thankful. I hate children.

Yep I've reconsidered birth signs. I think they are suitable to be implemented.

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Unread postby White Wizard » 17 Jan 2008, 16:01

Lolz we share the same thoughts about children then..
It might seem like a shorter post today cause i haven't got lots of time...

about specific body damage i'll have to think a while...

The evil eyes,demons,...appeared before in M&M...
Don't you think evil eyes fit dark elves as pet?
What would you consider moderate then..

Fairies instead of pixie sounds great...
Wouldn't it be lovely if the fairy is like"watch what you're saying or i'll send my darling titan" :p
It's a cool way for such a small thing too emanate so much authority me think,i'll reconsider however..

following now,the initiate roles/ and i've thought up 4 new promotions for each,some need some costumizing...
Afterwards i'm going to balance the promotion race thing.


Lord-----health regeneration,disintoxication(faster recovery),nobility,purifying blood
Sammurai-------katane,mental dicipline,warden circle(swift blades deflecting any missle attacks),third eye(When active, the next physical attack is evaded)
Dragonslayer------fire resistance,challenges(gaines extra xp by attacking higher level),handle animal,scalp dragon
Elite Guard------lawsuit,racial uniform,call gaurds,bluff


Prowler(panther transformation)----------overwhelm,physical perfection,panther leap,predator
Jester---------magical cards(slightly skilled in magic),entertain,bootlicker,fool(when acting with this character it won't affect reputation)
Seducer--------seduce,innocence,drug,sex appeal


Witchhunter-------witchcraft ward,judgement,destroy corruption,Interrogation
Cannibal---------consume corpse,life essence,cooking,biology(knows lot about the bodyplaces/functions and can us this as advantage)
Mercenary--------axe mastery,accountability(you're the first persone people would ask for favours) ,highest bidder,bounty hunt(gaining extra benefits from)
Werewolf-------nocturnal rage,howl,faster aging,regeneration

DRUID-greater druid

herbalist---------harvest(herbs),medicines,green fingers,plant growth(manipulation)
shapeshifter-----------polymorph self,polymorph creature,True Shapeshift(also atributes from the creature),Speak language(of any creature)
forester-------------panflure,rootstrap(are held in place by the roots till the character dies/or get disabled...),overgrow,create maze
revenant-------consume nature,wither,avenge,unleash


monk-----stone fist,teach,self-defence,concentration
ritualist-----invoke ritual,binding ritual,spawning,incense
zenmaster------self immunity,warrior stands,sun salutation,balance
bishop-------remove cursed item,divine,requiem(Disables preemptive attack from surrounding undead monsters) anti magic


battlemage------staff&arms,blunt,block,heavy armour
Spellsword(acrobatic wizard)------willpower,acrobacy,parry,swordmenship
oracle-----time manipulation(time magic),visions,Omnipresence,trance

Later preform update till now and move further on with a detailed class tree and skill selection...
As a balanced race...so you eventually think the halfling and half orc/orc are ok too?...greetz

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Unread postby accabear » 19 Jan 2008, 15:40

Lolz we share the same thoughts about children then..
It might seem like a shorter post today cause i haven't got lots of time...

about specific body damage i'll have to think a while...
<Shudder> children. I plan never to have any of those things...

Yeah body specific will b tough to implement. I can list out our current solutions:

- Body specific damage is a skill

- Depending on what body part you target you have a certain accuracy penalty/bonus and damage penalty/bonus.

-Actually I just thought this one up... how about your attacks are just randomized, some have a chance of hitting the head, some the body, some might cripple your opponents ability to move if you get them in the legs. I don't think is a brilliant solution but it is a solution.

-Body specific damage as it is, you can aim and hit the head and can perform it in real time or turn based.
The evil eyes,demons,...appeared before in M&M...
Don't you think evil eyes fit dark elves as pet?
What would you consider moderate then..

Fairies instead of pixie sounds great...
Wouldn't it be lovely if the fairy is like"watch what you're saying or i'll send my darling titan" :p
It's a cool way for such a small thing too emanate so much authority me think,i'll reconsider however..

following now,the initiate roles/ and i've thought up 4 new promotions for each,some need some costumizing...
Afterwards i'm going to balance the promotion race thing.
Evil eyes might be suitable as a pet for perhaps a mad alchemist or something yes... fine I'll approve it.

I also think you should be able to summon things like ghosts, zombies, skeletons etc. BUT these are summonings, not permanent creatures. Add in some spells like summon spirit, or summon natural creatures (like bears or lions or something. But for familiars I think we should only have moderate ones and by moderate I mean imps, wolves, golems, baby wyverns, griffons, elementals. I guess you can get some more 'interesting' ones but please no demons, they are meant to be intelligent beings who wish to take over Erathia and Enroth not pets. Finally I would like to just make a clarification, summoned or temporary creatures will NOT be familiars. They will just be servants who help you out for a certain period of time.

Okay another thing is we'll spell 'faries' as 'faeries' we don't want people confused. That's generally what we would call them in a Fantasy setting. Oh yeah no titans. Did I mention that? I'll say it again, no titans.

Alright the rest looks brilliant, I'm happy with you choosing classes, races, abilities. All up to you with the halflings and half orcs I don't mind about your decision on this one.

We seem to be going quite well, although we haven't really started writing anything formal. I reckon we can get this nailed by the years end if we keep going the way we are now.

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Unread postby koval321 » 20 Jan 2008, 08:35

Few ideas:

It must be something which follow "second breaktrough" (first breaktrough was from isles of terra to world of xeen, second was trough 6 to 8 and thrid in mm9 was mistake) Even mm8 was not bad, especially with mod which put whole adventurers to inn. And you may start game with full 5 members team of your wish. (download from http://www.portailsmm.com/comm/downloads.html ) Idea to get members from houses was not bad but they got 50 level and thats problem. Maybe it could be better to return idea from world of xeen and create heroes inside tavers. So there could be hundread portraits and you could create any class, maybe even develop own class here. Some new system of character creation which allow new possibilities.

how this could work?
Warrior with primar attribute is subclass: (and you may have only one good attribute, some limitation)
-strengh: barbarian
-charisma: paladin
-speed: ninja
-endurance: viking

Mages will be connected with thier believes:
-good: cleric
-evil: necromants
-nature: alchemist (anyway alchemy could give rare spells and not copy of spells from water of body magic, in result this could be new way of magic, and you dont need spell points so alchemy could be skilled by warriors)

Maybe also good idea to make special church, temple, shrine, circle or anything where they must go to increase thier skills. Not just buy spell in guild like piece of bread. I mean magic is powerfull so should be hard to reach. So you need to have knight in team to survive at begining and go to points where other members could learn thier magic. Already you could just go to shop and buy spells, when magic is so easy its not "magic" i mean feeling that its something rare and special.

Game must be balanced because its "might" and magic. Already it seem to be magic nad magic.

50% of fun from game come from 2d graphic. Surely make everything in 3d is something wrong. I wonder about use real actors for town npc. It must be mix of reality and fantasy virtual world. It was good in mm6 and i wish it continue this way. Actors was used in other games like stonekeep and betrayal in krondor, and i olways like such concept.

Ofcourse there MUST be inventory and put clothes stuff on person. Maybe even create more layers of clothes like was designed in rage of mages, where you could wear both chain shirt and plate. Also separate right-left pauldron, and pants (from leather, chain) Mages wear habits, and females weird kind of dress. Such system from rage of mages was best (also nice in elder scrolls) Its great fun to equip hero from many different pieces of found junk to get some AC. But also they look like what they are, fire mage could get many red clothes.

Usualy there is two options: normal and special, but there was no difference. In special must be only magic items. There could be even "rare" of "forbidden" where you could but relic. Ofcourse super item will be not cheap. But its good because i never buy things in shops, when found during adventures much better. So i suggest put better items to shops.

Hero develop
Usualy at some point i got large amount of money which i dont known how spend them. The same about skill points. So i suggest put more skills or skill levels. Last time when i play mm6 i reach amount 30 point in chosen skill. Maybe give more levels to skills and some possibilities of such skill which make worth to put so many points. For example much more spells to give specialise in one element. Fire mage could learn much more fire spells from usual elemental mage. In world of xeen knight at some point could kill dragon by one hit, so maybe mortal strike (critical damage) or something to warriors. Already mages are the best, this must be changed somehow, better balanced,

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Unread postby White Wizard » 25 Jan 2008, 14:05

-pets section changed/rts added


Pets are summonable units for certain charactertype(s)
they have an upgrade tree system.As they increase level the pets create a spiritual/physical connection with the character.
They use their abilities as much as they can,instead of promotions pets upgrade when they reach a certain stage.
Wich pets your character can get is also alliance restricted.you can give it a name,experience,..
You have combative and non combative pets,summonable and permanent pets.
-Non combative haven't got combative skill but have special powers and are permanent
Also reputation adjusts accorded to those permanent you have will be implemented.
-Combative pets could be permantent and Summonable depending on whether they are created/generated by magic or not

Non combative pets


Evil eye
Succubis(overlord's optional lover)

Rare gaurdians
Some times depending on your allaince,class,place and time/situation..rare creatures temporarely come to your aid


(perhaps rare gaurdians could be related to game difficulty?...)

RTS mode
This RTS mode is optional to play and actually is part of the story
It intensifies the feeling "the world changes",that things happen around you ,city wars,evolvings,expansions,integrations,events,..
It helps defining the npc's roles.(If we see rts from the "npc's view") so the rts element is part of the AI system of the npc's while you're in the normale m&m mode during most parts of the game.
You can play M&M without really using the new rts mode/even knowing it's there..Only the most powerfull and prominent characters will be noticed "using" it.

It allows the player to play a detailed role in society,emanate authority,play M&M in a diffrent way
To participate even more in the story..to reach a "goal" or compete to/eliminate npc's,take their role a bit,or totally.. possible(other npc's will act according to the role)..when you think the time is right,and you think to know what you should do
The most important thing in this M&m RTS mode is your goal.
the strategic part of the is reaching that goal with the methode you're using(there will be plenty of)
Originality in reaching that goal will be rewarded.
You can only start the RTS mode with succes if you have enough money or with a "sponsor"
unless you're leader of a society you can't controle a society directly(with armies,buiding,products,...) but only take part in it.
To switch to this mode your party must enter a building/throneroom,....

Every class type hass a speciality in the RTS mode in wich they excel
The skills and mastery level they earned in the normale m&m mode will also contribute to the rts mode:how able,good,succesfull they are in the rts at certain roles.
the specialities in the RTS for every classtype:

you have to think about what class is best for the job to reach your goal easily,wich isn't always an easy choice.
cause different factors will be important in reaching a goal.Its better to think before acting.
sometimes if your character gets promoted in a way that the society doesn't like/opens a shop that isn't tollerated, it has a negative effect and its better to set someone else on the job or to inform what the townpeople need before starting a shop.Besides an Inventory and quest log,there will be a "contracts list" with all ownerships,deeds,citizen documents,...and that kinda stuff visible for every character you "activate" in this RTS mode.having multiple projects in multiple societies will be possible,but need even more strategy for a goal to succeed.

You'le have to switch now and then between the two game modes:to "set something right" or to get something for the shop/building yourself in some cases,you could sell products from the society wich goes automatic,or decide to chose everything that will be sold(the ones you find)

Each race also has a speciality concerning building improvement (mentioned before)
how willing they are to help you improve depends on reputation with them
ofcourse you can bribe if you're rich...

-Dwarfs:renovation and defences
-Human:Improvement of buildings
-Elves&Dark elves:decoration of buildings
-Goblins:traps for buildings
-Faeries:building luxery assesoires and "natural environment" gardens,...
-Half orcs:demolision

types of homes and HQ

-castle(a castle can be a polis of all kinda buildings in a deffended environment)
upgrades like throne room,keep,gatehouse,ballroom,stock,wine cellar,kitchen,hall,training grounds,barracks,bedrooms,dining hall,canons,...
-guild(upgrades concerning the guild)
-house(how big and beautifull you can build it depends on how good the reputation is,and ofcourse how much you can spend,wich eventually has effect on how much you can upgrade the house)
cave and hideout:another option if you like it cheap
(For some characters as the thief and villian it has lots of advantages,upgradable with torture room,smoggler hole(could have public sales in another society),thieftoolshop for instance)

some buildings to emanate authority and/or have influence:
-Mage tower
-necromancers palace
-shadow forge
-dryade forrest
-the thief related hideouts

Buildings to create and enforce effects;
instead of selling items you could start your own shop,wich sometimes make you earn way more money,
and you can earn respect (shop has some kind of reputation) and if you're very good you can earn a honour title
for example:perfumerie:pixies can gain the title fairy godmother
shop(blacksmith,alchemist,giftshop,parfurmier,thiefs toolshop,butcher,bakker,magic shop,liberary,mines)
-witch/druid,... circles
-creature dwellings(druids)
-mystic pond(enables the pegasus pet)
-griffin nest(enables the griffin pet)
-elemental planes

buildings to improve transportation
To ability to move fast is very important for lots of diffrent reasons.
Also for a good functioning society.by starting a business like this you controle how fast a society can "act" towards other societies and stuff like that.With good or bad intensions.

(you can also discover new ways to travel,a mage could share his townportal skill eventually to benefit the shop,or a gadgeteer could design a hot air balloon or caravan to use for the business.so in fact finding ways to improve is important for the shop to gain aknowledgement.

when you think the time is right,and you think to know what you should "support" ,you know what the purpose is...you could start rts yourself.It's a mixture of the old m&m view and "rts".
You could have a temporarely role in the rts(building a house n small stuff) or a permanent (functions with autority)

-ugraded the races/classes in first post and balanced the promotion options for each race
the halflings/half orcs are in too.

-transformations have been completed

-romance level is lower ;)

-About Guild banners
accabear wrote:

How about the addition of being able to have your guild/faction symbol/colors crafted on to your armour/shields?

thats a great idea
Maybe that could fit together with "ordering" things in a shop too?
What about the ability to curse/bless guilds by using their banners in a rituale..

Body specific damage:

accabear wrote:
"Depending on what body part you target you have a certain accuracy penalty/bonus and damage penalty/bonus."

Besides it being a skill i prefer this one...Perhaps the "damage bonus/penalty chance" could also depend on the quality of the weopon you're using besides accuracy....

accabaer wrote:
"Actually I just thought this one up... how about your attacks are just randomized, some have a chance of hitting the head, some the body, some might cripple your opponents ability to move if you get them in the legs. I don't think is a brilliant solution but it is a solution."

this might be funny if the party members are like " right in the eyes" n stuff, give comments like that.
but that might be possible too in your previous suggestion i guess....

undeath summonings should be related to the necromancer me think.
There will be purely combat pets and other pets with special gifts
i moved the demons to rare gaurdians,the succubis stays as the demonlords optional lover..imps will be summonable
wolfs and bears n stuff could be for the druid-shapeshifter?

Creating party members in taverns and houses during the game ,like it was in MM8 isn't good.
Think this is discussed before,the party loses the "personal feeling" and if you are a level 20 and suddenly get a drunken sorcerer from level 50 who knows all spells n stuff just isnt fun you see.the game would lose it's playability and wouldn't be replayable.

For character creation there will be endless portrets as you'll have the possibility to shape faces...
there will be lots of diffrent skill"usage styles" options,plenty to enhance your characters in many diffrent ways,so you can customize your character to fit your own style and this will make it possible to play the same class in "diffrent ways".(a alchemist having more abilities in bomb making/another one in making potions,or experimenting with creatures...)you can decide what skills get developed.wich personalizes your character.

Making classes stats depending isn't right
Sure,some classes would excell/require a certain amount of stats,like a sorecerer intelligence...
But the viking/barbarian you suggest are already nearly the same...and I'd need 60 stats to fit in all the classes...
For the magic users,i wouldn't prefer "believes" as there will not always be good/evil sides.
Sure they will all have a "profile"...


players will be able to equipe their characters with any clothes,juwelry,disguise,even armour/weopon (according to the classes.)
Some classes can't get better at certain things but they can wear it,depending on the class it could bring penalties with it.(for instance if the mage uses a plate armour)
So weopons and armour,... work more like an attribute:
By using a weopon type you would increase the "skill" in that weopon.
In this way you can't distribute skillpoint anymore like it always has been in M&M,as you earn them by "acting" towards the new level(for example you fight alot with the sword so thats were get better at when leveling up.)
When leveling up you can choice a new "usage style" with the weopon/a new way to increase the durability of spells/new way to disguise yourself,...The level up style would be "learn to use things" literally,meanwhile learning new ways to use it and other tricks with it(were level ups will be more about:chosing a new way to use

Perhaps some magical abilities could indeed be more difficult to learn and you must visit places like circles/temples/churches to do so.
To give the feeling magic is "rare".Perhaps to some GM spells a quest should be bound.
Like for the divine divinity spell in M&M7....

-More layers of clothes,maybe this should be possible
but this should bring some penalties with it as well...

- Long term management of money is already bit more balanced with item values.

also for later...
designing panels describtions for things beside buildings will be added on the first page too.

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Unread postby accabear » 30 Jan 2008, 03:26

Sorry I have been rather busy/sleepy over the last few days. I'll get on with a reply to your ideas.

Rather I think most of the ideas here are rather sound except for the 'RTS' which although I left to you, I to be honest, am not really sure which direction it's heading in. It looks rather aimless actually, although i'll probably understand it if you explained it to me in more depth. I might attempt some extra fine tuning with your pets.


Pets are summonable units for certain charactertype(s)
they have an upgrade tree system.As they increase level the pets create a spiritual/physical connection with the character.
They use their abilities as much as they can,instead of promotions pets upgrade when they reach a certain stage.
Wich pets your character can get is also alliance restricted.you can give it a name,experience,..
You have combative and non combative pets,summonable and permanent pets.
-Non combative haven't got combative skill but have special powers and are permanent
Also reputation adjusts accorded to those permanent you have will be implemented.
-Combative pets could be permantent and Summonable depending on whether they are created/generated by magic or not

Non combative pets


Evil eye
Succubis(overlord's optional lover)

Rare guardians
Some times depending on your alliance,class,place and time/situation..rare creatures temporarily come to your aid

Don't know how you are going to implement your 'connection' or 'friendship' between owner and pet. I would remove Succubus, tree ent and make skeletons, ghouls, zombies as summonable creatures not pets. Necromancers don't treat their 'experiments' as pets just mindless servants.
Perhaps sometimes rare guardians might be sent to accompany you at odd times throughout the story? They definitely won't be permanent though as you have mentioned but they will be more powerful than your average pet.

Otherwise most of your other material looks rather good...

HQ's is an idea we have had for quite awhile but I think we shouldn't mix HQ's and guilds. I think HQ's (or houses) should just be a place to store stuff, receive the occasional quest and upgrade as needed as well as a place to rest and perhaps even hide out from enemies and bounty hunters. I don't think setting up your own shop should really be implemented, I think there are already plenty of ways to make money, perhaps you can invest in an existing store or stable company or shipping firm...
-About Guild banners
accabear wrote:

How about the addition of being able to have your guild/faction symbol/colors crafted on to your armour/shields?

thats a great idea
Maybe that could fit together with "ordering" things in a shop too?
What about the ability to curse/bless guilds by using their banners in a rituale..
Nah I don't think so. Just purely for cosmetic reasons. Perhaps guild signs inscribed upon amour will provide small bonuses. For example you can only inscribe heavier armours and shields with the fighter's guild sign but it provides you some sort of magical protection, like extra damage absorption.

Body specific damage:

accabear wrote:
"Depending on what body part you target you have a certain accuracy penalty/bonus and damage penalty/bonus."

Besides it being a skill i prefer this one...Perhaps the "damage bonus/penalty chance" could also depend on the quality of the weopon you're using besides accuracy....
I think we should implement the bonus/penalty/chance and no use it as a skill. I also think say when you get the creature in the head or something the attack should be visible as hitting your opponent in the face.

players will be able to equipe their characters with any clothes,juwelry,disguise,even armour/weopon (according to the classes.)
Some classes can't get better at certain things but they can wear it,depending on the class it could bring penalties with it.(for instance if the mage uses a plate armour)
So weopons and armour,... work more like an attribute:
By using a weopon type you would increase the "skill" in that weopon.
In this way you can't distribute skillpoint anymore like it always has been in M&M,as you earn them by "acting" towards the new level(for example you fight alot with the sword so thats were get better at when leveling up.)
When leveling up you can choice a new "usage style" with the weopon/a new way to increase the durability of spells/new way to disguise yourself,...The level up style would be "learn to use things" literally,meanwhile learning new ways to use it and other tricks with it(were level ups will be more about:chosing a new way to use

Perhaps some magical abilities could indeed be more difficult to learn and you must visit places like circles/temples/churches to do so.
To give the feeling magic is "rare".Perhaps to some GM spells a quest should be bound.
Like for the divine divinity spell in M&M7....

-More layers of clothes,maybe this should be possible
but this should bring some penalties with it as well...

- Long term management of money is already bit more balanced with item values.

also for later...
designing panels describtions for things beside buildings will be added on the first page too.
I really like all of this. Sounds quite good and I look forward to your next reply. I must say it's going to be very difficult to get all this information compiled together. Also I'm back at school tomorrow but I'll keep trying to reply to your posts.

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White Wizard
Posts: 28
Joined: 27 Jan 2006

Unread postby White Wizard » 02 Feb 2008, 14:11

Back from my jolly good trip to London..bit tired but hey it was fun...

For the Rts part I don't see wich part is not clear enough,so i'll just explain some more...

Infact the HQ is part of RTS too...
As having your own home in a society is taking part in it,with exception of hideouts...Building HQ's,other buildings will be very expensive,like about 150000/250000 gold or higher in old M&M values..
And on top of that you have to count expansions/upgrades/investments,... too.If you only have a HQ you might have enough money by just earning it the old fashioned way.But if you're planning to advance further in the rts you'll have to set up a shop or something to earn more.
you can only set up a shop if you reached "merchant social position" so you won't be able to set one up in the beginning of the game to get extremly rich in short period of time.

The HQ would work with social positioning.
Each "social position" will have diffrent HQ available.
More and better building options(like storage places,new rooms/interiors,better buildings,..) become available as you advance in this position.In order to advance your social position,the party must earn dignity in town by doing things for the townhall and the more important figures of that society.(like the queen,richest man in town,gaurds,...)
The party member must "satisfy the requirements" to become one of the higher social positions.(have enough money/dignity in town,amount of properties?,tollerated race,..)
The social positions work like the mastery levels
Only the "tollerated races" intown can become the highest position.
Depending to the class of that character with highest position you can build special buildings

Social positions and their HQ

Peasants-no property(can only sleep with campfire or in a tavern)
(Perhaps a farm to earn a non combative pet? :p)
the ability to stay anonymous?-caves,a hideout upgrade to the HQ,teleportals to places created by magic(highly developed sorcerer/druids)

Merchants-Estate/can support the economy of society/start a shop
Aristocrats-Domain(from this stage it's possible to expand things in your domain,also buildings "personal" to your classes)
-"pet dwellings"like Griffin nest,mystic pond(pegasus)
-gardens with the pixie
-sacrifice altar for the heretic
-graveyards for the necromancer
Society might react to the "expansions" you place


As a leader you can invest in all "departments" of the society,improving/supporting them...
There will be some special buildings available in diffrent categories

Necromancer palace
Throneroom-throne hall-Ballroom
Treasure room
-Arcane University

war related(warrior)

Watch tower

As a leader you can build "functional luxery buildings" for your character class beside the expansions to the HQ of the aristocrats.
elemental planes(elementalist)
dryade forrest(druid)
druid circle
Shadow forge
dragon gate/slaughter(dragonslayer)
(some more later)

Economy(whether you play rts or not those buildings are important for economy.)

Temples-upgrades like shrines/obelisks

thats it for the moment....

The connection/friendship will come by time..the longer you have a pet the better it becomes.
But not all pets are connected for the same reason,not all pets are "equally connected"
And for diffrent reasons.Might be the class,level and power,just the time the pet stays with you,..

Depending on the mastery level,class,race,sexual attraction,..
Companions are not pets,they have more personality(are smarter as pets) or are mindless slaves(in case of the necromancer)

Ancient gaurdiance:(temporarely)
Those ancient gaurdians might accompany/fight you at odd times trough the story
you could build a worshipping temple for the "ancient gaurdians" in rts mode?
in the game difficulty levels you have the option to switch them on/off
Game levels
Easy:always accompany
Medium:more likely to accompany you
Hard:more likely to fight you
insane:always fight you

about body specific damage:i'm all for the the bonus/penalty/chance
visible damage to body parts is cool too

yea it's gonna be very difficult to compile all this...
I couldn't even remember wich designing panels ingame (besides the modding tools outgame)I was talking about at the end of my previous post.Before doing an effort to get into detail with them it might be better to see wich ones would be appropriate...
I'll line them up:

-alchemist experiment bench
-pet costumizer
-magic effect costumizing tool
-"ordering special clothes " in a shop:outfit costumizer
-weapon costumizer
-interior upgrader(hq's n stuff)
-a make up tool to put on disguises as you please :p
-the gadgeteers/factory creation toolset

the building tools are part of the rts...

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