Gemma's Fortune topic?

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Gemma's Fortune topic?

Unread postby Milla aka. the Slayer » 04 Nov 2007, 01:33

Hi :)

I was wondering if anyone have played the map for H4 called Gemma's Fortune? It's in the maptesting section at the main page.
It's a bit rough still but I really enjoyed the map and was just wondering if anyone have seen a section/topic here in the forums where it might've been discussed?
Searching doesn't help. And I really wanna know if it'll be finished or not.

Thanks :)
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Unread postby Elwin » 04 Nov 2007, 01:42

Bring me something like Draconic and I'll really appreciate it!

Anyways, Gemma's Fortune was a pretty decent map, the only thing that I didn't like about it was that the entire campaign wasn't that lengthy and there just weren't enough quests to keep my busy. Furthermore, I think it needed a better storyline, something perhaps along the lines of Gauldoth Half-Dead's campaign. It might also have been better if it involved some kind of a backstory and contained a lot of Tree of Knowledges so that your main hero could get up to level 70. But maybe I'm just a little bit too harsh on the mapmaker because the maps that I made sucked.

I am currently working on a better map, but I understand that it is hard to create a good map with good gammeplay and storyline.
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Unread postby Milla aka. the Slayer » 04 Nov 2007, 01:52

Yep, mostly a decent map but I think it could be great. The decoration is uninspired to say the least and the story could be followed a bit more but in general it was a good map me thinks :)
However, I can't seem to cross over to the next map in the campaign. What do I do?
I am currently working on a better map, but I understand that it is hard to create a good map with good gammeplay and storyline.
It's not that hard really, it's just very time consuming and then you have to have it done before you get sick with it ;)
I never managed that :sad:
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Unread postby Metathron » 04 Nov 2007, 03:23

Keep in mind that it is in the maptesting section and is therefore a work in progress. I'm sure the mapmaker would appreciate your comments, so you might wanna get in touch with him or point him to this thread.
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Unread postby Milla aka. the Slayer » 04 Nov 2007, 21:47

Metathron wrote:Keep in mind that it is in the maptesting section and is therefore a work in progress.
I am aware of that. I just happen to discuss the map with someone else that played it ;)
I have been unable to find a specific topic made for this campaign. I tried emailing the mapmaker but got a delivery status notification saying the email couldn't be delivered. So really, I can't get in touch with him/her or point him/her to this thread.
I just wondered if anyone had seen a specific topic for this campaign.

Anyhelp on how to get to the next map in the campaign? :)
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Unread postby RobB » 04 Nov 2007, 23:46

Koni has spent ages corresponding with me via email about Gemma and has made extensive suggestions and criticisms. The final "final" version is just about ready now, but I made a couple of changes in the opening scenario so am still testing that.

When Koni returns from holiday, he is aiming to produce a WoW version in German. I hope to be able to submit my finished version some time later this week.

For the person who was unable to progress from one scenario to the next, I have no ideas: it's never happened to me or to Koni, so I don't know what could have gone wrong.

For those who wanted a better story/map: my apologies, but this is my first attempt at producing a map at all. I hadn't played H4 for a year; I went back and replayed all the campaigns and scenarios and finally looked at the Editor. I had looked at it before, but because my Mac version comes with no documentation whatsoever, I gave up. This time, I stuck with it and am very grateful for all the help I received in this forum and the Mapmakers forum.

I started some months ago on a new map, but what I have realised during the production of Gemma is that the first priority is not so much a pretty map, but a good story. Still, it's hard to draw the line: I know that with some of the maps that come with the game, I get bored with the storyline and just press <Return> without reading. Indeed, I did that a bit with my own game, which is how so many spelling errors crept in (now, hopefully, corrected).

I don't know how other mapmakers work, but my approach has been to get a basic map up and working and to gradually add "pretties" later. The hard bits for me are the scripting and checking that items really are accessible.

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Unread postby Milla aka. the Slayer » 05 Nov 2007, 12:58

It's a great map, you should really keep working on it :)
It's just sad that I can't move on to the next sceario :sad:
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Unread postby Akul » 08 Nov 2007, 16:58

I was a tester for the earliest version. My comments and reports can be found in official topic:

I am back and ready to... ready to... post things.

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Unread postby Koni » 08 Nov 2007, 22:27

I must say, RobB's campaign is really a fine work and I enjoyed the love(ly) story so much, that I decided to translate it into German and to combine all the texts into a phantastic storybook. Testing of all 5 scenarios is nearly finished and the campaign should be ready for Uploading in the mapscorner at the end of the week (as Rob said already) There are no problems changing from one Map to the others. And you will enjoy it, too, although the fighting maybe not so challenging. Keep patient, all H4-fans! Thanks to RobB for this lovely work!!

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Unread postby Elwin » 09 Nov 2007, 02:40

you know love stories are good but they just aren't epic enough i think! elwin and shaera was epic because it involved that extra storyline "touch" to it and the maps were all interesting and adequate! Keep up the good work though.
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Unread postby Koni » 09 Nov 2007, 08:31

Milla aka. the Slayer wrote:It's a great map, you should really keep working on it :)
It's just sad that I can't move on to the next sceario :sad:
I never had a problem with moving onto the 2nd scenario (since the very 'old' version from the maptesting section). You only have to return to the starting town with Gemma AND Atholl in the same army. But should you return by town portal-spell, you have to move the army some steps backwards and enter the town once more, because yo have to trigger a placed event in front of the town.

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Unread postby Milla aka. the Slayer » 11 Nov 2007, 17:19

Yes, I figured that out pretty fast actually. Sometimes I realize things after I've posted a message about it ;)
I'm halfway through the second scenario but now I'll have to start all over because of the newest version. It's killing me...Hihi...I'm not much of a replay fan. But the newest version is always the coolest I guess. And since I am sending comments I should play the new version soon.

And I used a Summon Ship spell and simply sailed home ;)
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Unread postby Koni » 11 Nov 2007, 22:16

Milla aka. the Slayer wrote:...but now I'll have to start all over because of the newest version. It's killing me...
And since I am sending comments I should play the new version soon.

And I used a Summon Ship spell and simply sailed home ;)
But make sure that you really start the NEWEST version. I think it still isn't in the maptesting section, yet. :)

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Unread postby Milla aka. the Slayer » 11 Nov 2007, 23:03

Ah, but dear Koni. I get it per mail just as I believe you do ;)
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Unread postby Koni » 12 Nov 2007, 07:45

Oh, my God. Just I got it!! I'm ashamed, dear Camilla! :-D

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Unread postby RobB » 12 Nov 2007, 23:33

It's great that Milla and Koni are playing this all the way through for me. I am doing the same, so eventually, I hope to be able to present a thoroughly test campaign to Celestial Heavens.

I think I've stated before that I am carer for my 96 year old mother and that doesn't give me many hours for game playing, so it won't be posted for a couple of weeks yet. No doubt, it would also go quicker if I could resist fiddling and tweaking.

To the people who wanted a more challenging game: sorry, but I stated at the outset that I don't like hard games - I'm much more interested in the maps themselves. Still, for the new campaign that is partly mapped, but mostly in my head, I realise I am going to have to work harder on the storyline.

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Unread postby Muszka » 14 Nov 2007, 03:19

I've just found this topic, and I just want to congratulate. It's a fairly good campaign especially for a first campaign.

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Unread postby Koni » 14 Nov 2007, 08:48

Did you play the maptesting version? It is a very early and unfinished version. You should wait for the final one, which will be released soon!! ;)

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Unread postby Muszka » 14 Nov 2007, 12:26

Yes. Not much after it was put in the maptesting corner of CH, so about two months ago.
How I remember, I didn't find anything wrong, or big bugs, but I will read through my notes, and eventually post things I found annoying, or bugged.

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Unread postby Muszka » 15 Nov 2007, 23:05

First, this is my first map, what I played, with the intention of testing. (I don't know how to do it)
I really don't have many things to say. Those few:
1) I've seen a few wandering heroes with no or a few creatures with no owner. They were no threat at all. I saw no reason in them. Maybe their owner was not changed?

2) In the 4th map, at the split, you must not slip. Your heroes can fight one by one the enemy. I think that was intended, and I liked it. (only mentioned 'cos of the text shown in the begining of map.)

3) the whole campaign is a bit empty (the maps).

But none of these is mistake. Especially at a first map.

Generally I liked the map, although it's easy. I played at Expert, still it was too easy, but I enjoyed it.

Finally I say that only needs 'coloring'.

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