Hex Editing Example by Big Daddy Jim

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Hex Editing Example by Big Daddy Jim

Unread postby asterix15 » 05 Oct 2007, 06:09

Hi guys :)

Big Daddy Jim has posted this yesterday at mm7tavern. I think it can be usefull because if you know how to hexedit you can edit/mod everything
in the might and magic games.
I have posted a .PDF file the provides a 'crude' step-by-step Hex editing example (case-specific) for MM7 'moding' at the link provided. Some might find the example of assistance.
The file :)


Big Daddy Jim writes:

Got it!

Got what??

Why the answer; that's what.

So, pay attention Matt, and anyone else interested in 'moding'.

Events.lod, dsft.bin, offset 0x2A controls the scale, or display size or each sprite. To make the goblin “Titan-size”, **all** 21 sprite sets (set 859 thru set 879), **all** ‘.m246xx’ entries (which is the sprite index for the Goblin) must be set to “5”.

Now this is an all-or-nothing deal. Once you do it, every encounter on all maps/dungeons will have Titan-sized Goblins. There is a way around this all-or-nothing, though. Generate an 'alias' set of the sprites, re-index them, and ....

I'm sure you can figure out the rest of the process.

Happy 'moding' ...

BDJ ...

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Re: Hex Editing Example by Big Daddy Jim

Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 29 Oct 2007, 16:12

asterix15 wrote:Hi guys :)

Big Daddy Jim has posted this yesterday at mm7tavern. I think it can be usefull because if you know how to hexedit you can edit/mod everything
in the might and magic games.
Hey all,

Just noticed this post concerning Hex editing and it’s ‘purported capabilities’. There are many thing that you can accomplish towards game mods by simply 'pushing bits' around, using the existent file structure; re - change placement of items, contents of chests, level of treasures awarded ... stuff like that. This is a simple find-and-replace mechanic that can be quite effective. However, if you want to **add** more items, custom creatures and whatnots, you've got to be extremely careful to locate and modify the entry 'header' to indicate the increase in map items, creatures, spawn points or whatever. This can be somewhat 'tricky'. Plus there are the 'self-imposed' game/map limitations that you have to discover and avoid, modify, or program 'around'.

However, to make any significant game changes, you've gotta be able to analyze, parse, and modify the event syntax and sequences. This is probably better left to those who have several years of assembly-language or machine-code level programming experience.

For what it is worth ….

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.


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Edwardas 3
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Unread postby Edwardas 3 » 29 Jan 2008, 01:37

I went through tutorial and managed to create huge goblins.
Yet there also changes in dfst.bin which Asterix help me with info:

*Events.lod, dsft.bin, offset 0x2A controls the scale, or display size or each sprite. To make the goblin “Titan-size”, **all** 21 sprite sets (set 859 thru set 879), **all** ‘.m246xx’ entries (which is the sprite index for the Goblin) must be set to “5”.

Now this is an all-or-nothing deal. Once you do it, every encounter on all maps/dungeons will have Titan-sized Goblins. There is a way around this all-or-nothing, though. Generate an 'alias' set of the sprites, re-index them, and ....*
It is hugely fun and now I'm going to learn how to give monsters new abilities :)
not exactly new but those they didn't have : Rogues can throw knives-axes(like goblins)
and Bandits have fire-ranged attack(like fire-rats)

Lord Godwinson in BDJ mods for MM 6 and 7

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Unread postby asterix15 » 29 Jan 2008, 08:49

I have also changed their height :P

The Goblin is “Titan-size now! :)

I havent changed the hobgoblins values so you can see the difference.


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Unread postby Edwardas 3 » 29 Jan 2008, 12:09

When they are so big the arrows fly between their boots and don't wound them.
I think Goblins must get to scale three(not 5 is too big) and make some new monster type:
Ogres for example ,maybe with poison attack and 400 HP :)
Lord Godwinson in BDJ mods for MM 6 and 7

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Unread postby asterix15 » 29 Jan 2008, 14:47

When they are so big the arrows fly between their boots and don't wound them.
I think Goblins must get to scale three(not 5 is too big) and make some new monster type:
Ogres for example ,maybe with poison attack and 400 HP

Alright this is scale 2.
Maybe a scale of 2 or 2.5 would be even better?


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Unread postby Edwardas 3 » 29 Jan 2008, 18:44

Can you have 2.5 !!!!
I'd not believe that !!!
I thought it's only 1 2 3 4 5
But 2 is scarry enough :)

Lord Godwinson in BDJ mods for MM 6 and 7

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Unread postby Apeman » 04 Feb 2008, 15:25


Is it then, in theory possible, to replace one monster on the map into mini-dragons. If you do can you still have big dragons through another monster type?

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Edwardas 3
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Unread postby Edwardas 3 » 31 Mar 2008, 22:03

Yes it is

Anywhere the one more important thing is how to
mod events?

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Unread postby jianliang_84 » 09 May 2008, 05:21

nice goblins u have there :D

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