Ghosts of the Past Revived!

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Ghosts of the Past Revived!

Unread postby Corlagon » 16 Sep 2007, 18:39

Hello everyone. I just thought I'd let you all know that Ghosts of the Past has been brought back to life.

Since many important members of the team disappeared, the mod was left for dead for months. A few days ago, Kronos 1000 (an experienced modder and mapmaker) decided to take up the gauntlet and revive the ultimate mod. A few of us, including myself, are in the new GotP team. So far, things are going nicely, and the old beta (with all major bugs fixed and all Sanctum graphics included) will be open to everyone as soon as we've gotten everything ready. It will be released for Hammers of Fate, and future versions of the mod will be made for Tribes of the East. We are making good progress, but we still need a lot of help.

Most of the deliberation is taking place at the Heroes Community, in the thread just below.

Because the main Ghosts of the Past forum was administrated by Vokial, who has disappeared for some reason, we can't use it for our revival project, so we've started up a new forum at the link below.

We need mapmakers, artists, ideas, support, everything! So feel free to add your input around the place. Thanks!
Last edited by Corlagon on 16 Sep 2007, 21:10, edited 2 times in total.

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Unread postby Thelonious » 16 Sep 2007, 19:03

That's very nice to hear!

Hope you won't have to much trouble with porting the mod to TotE and good luck!

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Unread postby KronosDuizend » 25 Sep 2007, 11:45

Thank you for posting this! :D Don't worry I'm Kronos1000 at Heroescommunity. As I said in the HC thread I'll release a new Beta (0.51) soon with more bugfixes (The new ones that were discovered afterwards)

But Cepheus(Corlagon I think) said to me we'll get the Official website when will that happen?

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Unread postby Angelspit » 25 Sep 2007, 19:58

KronosDuizend wrote:But Cepheus(Corlagon I think) said to me we'll get the Official website when will that happen?
I gave him a FTP account already (via a private message). So the site is all yours unless the old team comes back and complains.

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Unread postby Corlagon » 25 Sep 2007, 20:20

I sent Kronos the relevant info soon after his post. It's sorted now, thanks AS.

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Unread postby winterfate » 30 Sep 2007, 21:22

I'm glad to hear that GotP is back on-line! :D


I have several ideas to contribute to the mod, including an alternate storyline which I created and posted on Vokial's forum and here as well in another thread of this very subforum:

GotP Campaign Idea (as posted in the mod forum)

Please read my ideas (Thelonious also had a campaign idea of his own) and tell me what you think, ok? :)

Thanks in advance!
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Unread postby Corlagon » 30 Sep 2007, 22:18

Those ideas are really nice, Winterfate! I can't promise we'll use all of them, but the general stories seem excellent! They'd probably need some minor tweaking (characters and the like) to fit in with some of what we've got planned. Otherwise, great job. :)

Now, to explain about the campaigns. There will most likely be about three seperate concurrent storylines in GotP. One will be set in Ashan, another in Axeoth and the main one will take place in Ashan, while maintaining a link with Axeoth. (I've written a lot of complex babble to make sure Axeoth's story isn't really affected at all) As I understand it, we'll be using a special mod to allow eleven campaigns! That should be plenty of action, if we ever get it all done...

So, there will be two Ashan campaigns, both of which are from another mod, Tales of Karador, which is in progress by Kronos (the boss), myself and some other guys. The story is more or less ready there, and can be seen here:

As for the Axeoth adventure, I'm thinking about making a new Heroes Chronicles episode, featuring yet another of Tarnum's adventures, this time after the Heroes IV Barbarian campaign. If it gets off the ground, I plan to name it Heroes Chronicles: The Zenith of Time. Most of the action will take place on the Fiery Moon. This story would probably take up no more than three campaigns.

That leaves about six campaigns for GotP! Should be plenty. While we have the basic background of this story more or less fleshed out already, most of the bulk is wide open to suggestions.

We're trying to take the story in a different direction than the old team. We're going to try and be more true to the old universe, so while there'll still be plenty of famous faces, no dead heroes like Lord Haart or Gelu will be back. I'm a huge fan of Legends of the Ancients, so I'm trying to make sure that the stories remain consistent. I wonder if our teams could share some character graphics?

Anyway, all ideas and support are welcome (and needed). ;)

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Unread postby winterfate » 30 Sep 2007, 23:36

Thanks a lot Corlagon! :)

I'm glad you liked it! :D
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Unread postby Thelonious » 20 Oct 2007, 08:51

I just got one question, didn't Tarnum die in the HoMM IV barbarian campaign? I thought Tarnum and the Tarnum (being foster father of Waerjak) were one and the same.

Anyways, good to hear you are very much alive and kicking. I bet that if you ask nicely there will be planty of members from the HC and the RT that will want to help you with 11 smashing campaigns.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 20 Oct 2007, 13:54

Tarnum is immortal... he came back at the end.
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Unread postby Corlagon » 20 Oct 2007, 15:25

Yes, they were the very same Tarnum, though as ThunderTitan says, he's immortal. He came back at the end of the Barbarian campaign after Waerjak defeated Vogel. He also narrated the epilogue (and the whole campaign for that matter). ;)

Progress is going a bit slowly right now because TotE just came out and we're at work modding things, but a few heroes are already practically finished.

For example, Alamar the Warlock is coming back in GotP. He's based mostly on his Heroes II appearance. Those ears will almost definitely be removed (the brilliant hero portrait was made by the very talented Msuh):

And a few classic Necropolis heroes are almost ready as well:

SANDRO (hero model in progress)


VOKIAL (hero model in progress)

AYDEN (no hero model yet)

CLAVIUS (no hero model yet)

Then there's Yog, the Genie Barbarian:

Of course, not only new heroes will be included. We'll add new artifacts, creatures, abilities, campaigns and such.

Thanks for the continued support. Stay tuned! :)

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Unread postby Thelonious » 01 Nov 2007, 19:33

Aaah looking good!

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