Psychobabble wrote:This isn't a software bug. There isn't any software in the world that can cause an otherwise healthy graphics card to start smoking.
Yes there is -
just the one.
ThunderTitian wrote:
If a memory leak can overtax ur processor couldn't something overtax ur videocard?
I've never heard of a memory leak overtaxing the CPU - though it can sure give the hard drive a good thrashing.
nitroy2k, what other games did you use to check your graphics card? If they aren't modern 3D games then they won't give the GC a full work-out. But don't try any other games or you'll do permanent damage.
I'm surprised your PC is still working after the smoke

Did it smell like burning dust?
If you're lucky, all that's happened is a cable is touching a particularly hot part of the card, and what you smell is burnt plastic insulator. Anyhow, open up your PC and check that each fan has plenty of airspace round it.