Party based cRPGs?

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).

Party based cRPGs?

I want to create a large (4-8 chars.) party BEFORE I start the game
I want to start with one character and recruit more on the way
I want to play with a single character
Total votes: 34

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Unread postby Larec » 05 May 2007, 06:19

The more characters AT START, the better. That's why I prefer the old M&M games. You could create 6 from the get-go, then recruit two combat NPCs who didn't just modify stats...they fought.

Wizardry 8 was fun because of its large parties. You could make six, and grab two more npcs later on. 8 is the magic number.

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Unread postby Campaigner » 05 May 2007, 08:14

I've always liked Diablo best since you had perfect control over your character but KotOR was good too with a party of three. I voted "single character" but really it would be "single character and picking characters up by the way".

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Unread postby JMK » 15 May 2007, 16:25

I think that 4 charecters chosen at the start of the game is definatly the best

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Unread postby CoffeeGnome » 24 Oct 2007, 23:03

I like to maintain a certain feel for a party based upon the way I design their feel at the beginning of the game.

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Unread postby dcinroc » 01 Nov 2007, 19:11

For me, it all depends on game balance.

One of the things I love about the early MM games is that all of your party members can be useful. They are not just annoying tagalongs to some almighty hero.

Indeed, I really LIKE the four characters I created in MM7...I continue to replay them with the same portraits and voices (though I change the classes from time to time). It's kinda like visiting old friends. :)

Also, since the game is written for specifically those four characters, then the game maintains it's challenge and balance (until the end).

Sometimes I like a single-hero game, but adding party members later usually throws off the balance (the single biggest problem in MM8, imo). This problem occurs in many games which use this system (Baldur's Gate, KOTOR I&II, Wizards and Warriors, etc...).

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Unread postby CoffeeGnome » 01 Nov 2007, 19:21

I can relate to your "visiting old friends" comment but I also fun to try and recreate the same characters for another game environment from time to time. This usually does not work all that well being that most other games pose different gaming atmospheres and environments but, I can still work with the characters better because I know how they are supposed to work as a group. However, I do like the 5 character environment and feel of MM8 better than the 4 character environment of MM6, MM7, or MM9.
I do not think that it metters in the long run of this game that I did not personally create 4 of these characters myself for me to feel that they are still my party. I just treat the character that I did create as "the new guy."

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