Mod Request:changing retreat percentages!

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Mod Request:changing retreat percentages!

Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 06 Apr 2007, 02:52


One frustrating thing is how on normal the a.i. always retreats and on hard never.

Mistweaver and other's have been saying this is very easy to change. I'd rather not muck around in the data files myself though I could if someone explained how and where...and what text editor they use.

Moddable? There hasn't really been any satisfying explanation of using mods with 2.1.

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Unread postby Apocalypse » 06 Apr 2007, 09:33

Same here. The AI never retreats on higher difficulty levels and it's very annoying.

I haven't heard this can be changed or modded though.
If it can be, I want to mod it too
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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 07 Apr 2007, 01:42

So I tried opening the data file with a text editor but I can't make sense of it.

I'll see a line like gamemechanics/dwarf...followed by a bunch of bad characters and foreign letters.


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Unread postby Apocalypse » 09 Apr 2007, 08:26

Oh man, you don't have to open the .pak file with a text editor :D

The .pak file is just a .zip file (contains multiple files compressed). Open it with a program like WinZip or WinRar.
Then search for a file that handles the retreat... I don't know if it can be done, as I said, but try looking in the GameMechanics folder, then the RPGStats sub-folder and open the DefaultStats.xdb file with a text editor. You'll find some interesting things in there :)
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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 10 Apr 2007, 02:33

Thanks man, I found a stat cowardice inside defaultstats.xdb.

I fiddled with it but I'm not sure it's affecting the game. Don't mods not work with 2.1?

I repackaged it and renamed it .pak...I'm pretty sure that doesn't work but.

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Unread postby Apocalypse » 13 Apr 2007, 15:05

It's not really necessary to create a .pak file (.zip) for a mod to work. You can also place the file outside in the correct folders in the data folder. For example: Heroes V directory/data/GameMechanics/RPGStats and place your modified DefaultStats.xdb file there. The game will read it instead of the one from the .pak (if HoF hasn't disabled modding...)

The other way is to create a .zip file having only the folders GameMechanics/RPGStats/ and the (modified) DefaultStats.xdb file in there. Then rename this zip file to whatever you want, with a .pak extension, and place it in data folder. The game will read the newest pak (by the Windows date), that means the pak you just created.

However, I heard in HoF mods don't work anymore :(
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Unread postby jerseys » 11 Jun 2007, 11:11

BUMP. So, any info on it? Any files working with 2.1? I'd really love to get this one. Because on Hard the game ends as soon as you meet the enemy hero and he doesn't retreat that. The rest of the game is borking.

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