Nival's latest spelling error :)

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Unread postby WretchedGnu » 11 Mar 2007, 07:25

Given the fact that people have noticed these kinds of errors at all -- I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned that almost every written sentence or phrase in the game has some major error in English grammar or spelling.

It's been confusing to me to read people complaining about the continued existence of this or that error in the game -- because there is hardly a sentence in the game that doesn't have such an error. The English version was clearly written by somebody to whom English is a second language, and they didn't bother to pay a native proofreader to look it over...

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Unread postby Century » 11 Mar 2007, 11:58

Meh, Falcom do it all the time. Their Engrish is terrible, and I've heard their "French" is just as bad X(

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Unread postby Campaigner » 11 Mar 2007, 23:03

It would be funny as hell to post this link and image at the forums and to Nival and ask them to do the test :D

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Unread postby asandir » 14 Mar 2007, 00:03

I don't think the test can handle negative scores though ;)
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Unread postby winterfate » 14 Mar 2007, 02:13


Enought stefan! ;)

You shouldn't...text not found

Sorry, couldn't help myself :D. I don't mind the typos so much myself, it's the other bugs that get to me...:(
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Unread postby Humakt » 14 Mar 2007, 11:08

9 out of 10. Not good enough.
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Unread postby TheUndeadKing » 14 Mar 2007, 13:28

Funny how noone mentioned "No Eyecandies". I know it has been fixed, but still, it's worth mentioning. Turn off for better picture! :D
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Unread postby Elvin » 14 Mar 2007, 14:18

What's the deal with the eyecandies anyway? Does it improve the game's speed?
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Unread postby TheUndeadKing » 16 Mar 2007, 14:04

Supposedly, it improves performance, but I've noticed very little difference.
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Unread postby Apocalypse » 20 Mar 2007, 13:00

You can raise this many things
Don't you think it should be: "You can raise these many things"?

About No Eyecandies: Well, they hide the grass (the objects, not the texture), the birds and other stuff like that. I think it improves performance...

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