Nival's latest spelling error :)

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Nival's latest spelling error :)

Unread postby myythryyn » 16 Feb 2007, 20:43

maybe this has been noticed already, i didnt see any posts about this, but Nival has done it once again with another spelling error.

when you are playing undead and you are given the screen where you confirm if you want to use your dark energy, you are asked

"you can rise this many things
it will cost whatever amount of dark energy

Rise them?"

and then the buttons say "Rise" or "Refuse"

shouldnt it be raise?

so i wonder how long it will take them to fix this one....

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Unread postby Angelspit » 16 Feb 2007, 20:48

The worst remains that "Spare the Hero?" message, that actually kills the hero if you say yes. I'm not sure if it has been fixed yet. It's fortunate that Nival doesn't make operating systems.

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Unread postby myythryyn » 16 Feb 2007, 20:50

lol, i havnt encountered the spare the hero problem, though now that i think about it, i remember thinking how funny that question sounds.

i just dont understand how such obvious spelling errors can happen
im sure there must have been lots of internal testing on the necromancy changes, how could they not have noticed?
Last edited by myythryyn on 16 Feb 2007, 20:51, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby okrane » 16 Feb 2007, 20:50

Angelspit wrote:It's fortunate that Nival doesn't make operating systems.
:lolu: :lolu: :lolu: :lolu: :lolu: :lolu: :lolu: :lolu: :lolu:

or administrate the russian nuclear missile system ... :D

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Unread postby Starbatron » 16 Feb 2007, 20:51

I had also noticed this, but I figure we'll just have to put up with all these wonderful spellings, considering they are from Russia and probably didn't have the sense to hire a native speaker. Such a pity!! :ill:

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Unread postby Pitsu » 16 Feb 2007, 20:52

Last edited by Pitsu on 16 Feb 2007, 20:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postby arturchix » 16 Feb 2007, 20:53

Nival, its really quite enought with your spelling errors. :loll:

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Unread postby Shauku » 17 Feb 2007, 03:22

Rise = to return from death

But i do love that "spare hero" part :) lol

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Unread postby myythryyn » 17 Feb 2007, 05:14

Shauku wrote:Rise = to return from death

But i do love that "spare hero" part :) lol
ok ill agree that rise is a word, but its being used wrong.

the correct way would be to ask...

"Do you command them to rise from the dead?"
"Rise them?"
which im certain is incorrect.
or it should be
"Raise them?"

i have a feeling though its going to be not corrected for a long time. maybe after two or more patches at least :)

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Unread postby winterfate » 17 Feb 2007, 05:16

I think it's raise, not rise.

On a related note...does anyone else think that Dark Energy is underpowered? (I played a map in 2.1 and I wasn't raising that many troops).
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Unread postby Shauku » 17 Feb 2007, 12:58

I am no expert, but if you look at the lower link Pitsu gave you would find something like this:

Confusing Verbs: Raise / Rise

# to lift something,
# to elevate,
# to bring to maturity,
# to increase,
# to set upright by lifting or building

# to move upward (without assistance)
# to move upright from a lying, kneeling, or sitting position
# to return from death

For example: Jesus rised from the dead. If you want to lift the bodies, yes, then you can ask: "raise them?" :D But if you want to bring them back from the dead, the correct one is rise. I know its confusing...

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Unread postby myythryyn » 17 Feb 2007, 15:59

ahh, but....

what about the spell "raise dead"?

applying the definitions you provided above for the word raise, this is what the spell is called -

raise dead = "to increase" dead - nope, the spell doesnt do that
="to lift"dead - nope spell does more than that
= "to bring to maturity" dead - nope not that either.

so, then by those definitions, nival has instead made a spelling error about the spell name, and it should be "rise dead" :S

nope, im still certain that rise should be changed to raise.
rise can be used to refer to dead rising from the grave, but not in the context nival has used. "rise them?" cant be right.

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Unread postby Pitsu » 17 Feb 2007, 17:21

I believe Myythryyn is right that you cannot rise someone, but someone can rise. So, although the word itself is correct, it sould have used differently. Like:

"many things can rise from death by absorbing
whatever amount of your dark energy

Let them rise?"

PS. IMO this is one of the spelling errors which can be forgiven. Nivals use of "spare" is way more confusing.
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Unread postby revoN » 17 Feb 2007, 18:19

According to Longman's Dictionary of Contemporary English (1995 edition):

-> DEAD PERSON <- to make someone who has died live again: Jesus raised Lazarus from the grave.

-> RISE FROM THE DEAD/GRAVE <- to come alive after having died: On the third day Jesus rose from the dead.

In other words the correct phrase should be

'You can raise this many things (...) Raise them?'

since a '3rd party' is doing the work. The dead aren't rising by themselves. They are being raised by a Necromancer.

The name of the spell is correct.

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Unread postby okrane » 17 Feb 2007, 18:31

how can a spelling error turn into a philosophical/linguistic debate?

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Unread postby winterfate » 17 Feb 2007, 18:35

One of life's little mysteries :D.

BTW, welcome to the forums, revoN! ;)
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Unread postby revoN » 17 Feb 2007, 18:49

Was wondering when you will show up winterfate but thx ^_^

It's funny to be welcomed to the forums though when you've been a regular for ages (but cba to post anything).

Sorry for the little OT but the debate is over anyway...

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Unread postby winterfate » 17 Feb 2007, 19:02

It's a little habit of mine to welcome people when they first post (even though you've been a member longer than I have, based on join date :) ).
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 17 Feb 2007, 19:34

Non-philologists... :rolleyes:
Merriam Webster wrote: Main Entry:
intransitive verb
It's an intransitive verb, that means it cannot take an object, that means you cannot "rise something".

For "raise", MW gives both transitive and intransitive functions. For the intransitive function, "rise" is given as a dialectal variant.

So either way it's INtransitive, so Nival's goofed again with their "rise this many things".

You "raise the dead" and "the dead rise", but you cannot use an object after "rise". In proper English at least. :)
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Unread postby OliverFA » 17 Feb 2007, 23:34

okrane wrote:
Angelspit wrote:It's fortunate that Nival doesn't make operating systems.
:lolu: :lolu: :lolu: :lolu: :lolu: :lolu: :lolu: :lolu: :lolu:

or administrate the russian nuclear missile system ... :D
Unless the language for the interface that controls Russian nuclear missiles is written in English, I don't think that would be a problem ;-)

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